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Postal Strike


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What has that got to do with 1) PUBLIC SUPPORT & 2) ME BEING A CHILD OF THATCHER ????????


Rambling Red Goblin strikes again

I'm explaining the issues to you. I want my post delivered on time like everyone else. What I don't want is traitors interfering with this country's state run Royal Mail service. The majority of the General Public - including me - are sick of hearing and reading about postal workers being bullied. This bullying must stop and the perpetrators - e.g. Lord Mandelsohn and Adam Crozier - properly punished in a court of law.

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I'm explaining the issues to you. I want my post delivered on time like everyone else. What I don't want is traitors interfering with this country's state run Royal Mail service. The majority of the General Public - including me - are sick of hearing and reading about postal workers being bullied. This bullying must stop and the perpetrators - e.g. Lord Mandelsohn and Adam Crozier - properly punished in a court of law.

Yes, but you used my quote to 2 totally unrelated questions, get a grip.

Anyway back to the debate, or traitors like for instance the unions, who fund New Labour, who for are the present government and had this proposed legislation in their manifesto prior to the last election, but still supported said New Labour and funded them, A bit strange that.

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Yes, but you used my quote to 2 totally unrelated questions, get a grip.

Anyway back to the debate, or traitors like for instance the unions, who fund New Labour, who for are the present government and had this proposed legislation in their manifesto prior to the last election, but still supported said New Labour and funded them, A bit strange that.

As Hardy used to say to Laurel "now we're getting someplace". Trades Unions should indeed be very wary of funding New Labour. Do the ordinary Trades Union membership really want to be funding a fundamentally anti-working class Toff led political party? E.g. the likes of Lord Peter Mandelsohn and Harriett Harman in no way represent the rights of working class people in my opinion. Harriett Harman is a case in point as she is extremely anti working man and was the subject of requent protests from the Father's for Justice movement.

As for the postal service, I'm quite happy with it being the way it is with a postman - that I know and trust - delivering my mail. If Mandelsohn gets his way it'll be European Unionized and we'll have to collect our own mail from a depot.

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As Hardy used to say to Laurel "now we're getting someplace". Trades Unions should indeed be very wary of funding New Labour. Do the ordinary Trades Union membership really want to be funding a fundamentally anti-working class Toff led political party? E.g. the likes of Lord Peter Mandelsohn and Harriett Harman in no way represent the rights of working class people in my opinion. Harriett Harman is a case in point as she is extremely anti working man and was the subject of requent protests from the Father's for Justice movement.

As for the postal service, I'm quite happy with it being the way it is with a postman - that I know and trust - delivering my mail. If Mandelsohn gets his way it'll be European Unionized and we'll have to collect our own mail from a depot.

1) There is an easy answer, union members have a lawful right to direct the part of their union funds destined for the labour party to any political party or charity they nominate, but of course how many do, not many, why because they can't be arsed.

2) I don't believe that, if you want a model to study look no further than Belgium, they have the new technology that the royal mail wants to bring in here, yes some sorting office staff have been replaced by this technology but the numbers of postmen is unchanged.

and for the record I see that you are going to vote for UKIP, a party not long in being but already mired in sleaze and shame and it's fair share of 'TOFFS'.

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Put a tiny moustache on him and i reckon he would be the spitting image of adolf hitler.

I've just found the following excerpt on Arthur Scargill's Socialist Labour Party website, it really does look like New Labour have abandoned the postal workers to the free market....

In addition CWU members face the possible "Part Privatisation" of Royal Mail by a Labour Government elected with a mandate from the British electorate to maintain RM in public ownership. Likewise the Leadership of the CWU believed they had a similar commitment from the Labour Party through the "Warwick Agreement".

My old Aunt, who read palms and tea leafs, had more accurate powers of prediction than the Leadership of the CWU have managed over what Labour will do next. Prior to the release of the Hooper report we were told that the CWU had a good working relationship with the Business Secretary John Hutton and that Labour would fulfil the "Warwick Agreement". The very next day Hutton was replaced by Lord Mandelson, "Warwick" was forgotten and Labour intended to privatise Royal Mail. At a briefing in May we were told that the Prime Minster need CWU help out of the privatisation hole, Mandelson would be moved and the CWU view would prevail. Less than two weeks later the PM's jacket is on a slack nail and Lord Mandelson rules supreme, showing no sign of backing off Privatisation. Not a lot of return for the £1m of CWU members money flowing into Labour coffers. On a more positive note the CWU have run a faultless campaign to influence the public and politicians on Royal Mail privatisation. It would make more sense to spend the political fund on more of the same as the legislative programme rolls on.

Source: http://www.socialist-labour-party.org.uk/u...mment_can_b.htm

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This strike is'nt so much about privatisation, it's more about new technology and restrictive practices.

Firstly new technology and we all know if the unions had there way we would still be in the dark ages.

Restrictive practices again if the unions had there way, we would still be employing lamp lighters sat around being paid just in case there was any lamps to be lit.

This is a very cowardly, spiteful and damaging strike, I have no sympathy whatsoever with this strike and i'm sure that this strike would not have taken place had the country not been in recession.

My maternal grand father will be turning in his grave, After fighting in North Africa during world war 2, He returned and was the postman who covered the whole of Dartmoor for over 35 years in all winds and weather including snow and never a day sick and seeing some of the chavish behaviour yesterday on some picket lines just about sums it all up to me.

The service that the royal mail has given us in the past few years has been a disgrace, I recently sent 2 letters on the same day one to Portishead and one Kingsbridge in Devon, The Portishead letter arrived in 2 days the Kingsbridge letter took nearly 10 days and this is not unusual.

Certain professions do not have the right to strike, armed forces & the police and whilst the royal mail is state owned they should not have the right to strike either.

I really don't believe that the general public support this strike and contrary to the crap being peddled by the post unions this strike is not to safeguard the postal system for the public either.

This strike is'nt so much about privatisation, it's more about new technology and restrictive practices.

I assume the new technology you talk about are the "walk sequencing machines". These are state of the art sorting machines that have been installed and made operational over a year ago with full union participation and agreement.

I not sure of the restrictive practices you talk about. Please could you enlighten me?

The service that the royal mail has given us in the past few years has been a disgrace, I recently sent 2 letters on the same day one to Portishead and one Kingsbridge in Devon, The Portishead letter arrived in 2 days the Kingsbridge letter took nearly 10 days and this is not unusual.

Isn't it just possible that the service has been run into the ground with royal mail's slash and burn policy being responsible?

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As usual rambling crap, I could'nt give a flying **** about what these executives earn or have earned, it has no bearing on this spiteful action timed to be on the lead up and over the christmas period, Causing the misery to masses especially kids, people will not forget and next year when it's all over and the 'good old' postie is hanging around trying to spread the christmas cheer he omitted this year (of course waiting for his christmas box) he'll have a really long wait.

Still crates of lager and getting lashed up at 7am on the 'picket line' just about sums up the union credo '**** you, i'm alright Jack'.

As usual rambling crap, I could'nt give a flying **** about what these executives earn or have earned

Well you should do. These salaries and bonuses are obscene and symbolises what is wrong with Britain.

Causing the misery to masses especially kids, people will not forget and next year when it's all over and the 'good old' postie is hanging around trying to spread the christmas cheer he omitted this year (of course waiting for his christmas box) he'll have a really long wait.

You're forgetting postman are also customers of royal mail and the majority of them have kids. We take the strike action and are also affected with the bonus of losing money. The trouble is when you're backed into a corner by a bullying management and shat on from a great height, you reluctently use your greatest weapon. The right to withdraw one's labour.

Christmas boxes! That's a good one :superman::rofl2br::rofl2br::rofl2br:

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Never mentioned house of lords and I could'nt give a toss about how much the bosses earn, This disgraceful action by the postal workers is'nt about what the bosses earn, it's about restrictive practices, new technology and privatisation, Apparently.

But do they have public support do they **** and they will lose more the longer it goes on and if they don't behave themselves on picket lines and also they should not be allowed to wear their post office uniforms whilst on strike, after all we the public pay for those uniforms.

But do they have public support do they ****

Maybe you should come and join us on the picket line and you will see the amount of public support we are getting :clapping::clapping::clapping:

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But do they have public support do they ****

Maybe you should come and join us on the picket line and you will see the amount of public support we are getting :clapping::clapping::clapping:

Probably not the kind of support some people would agree with but - as I blame the Royal Mail senior management and the Government for engineering these strikes - Peter Mandelsohn and Adam Crozier should face criminal prosecution for industrial sabotage. I'd like to see a rope wrapped around their throats and them hung until dead - isn't that the correct and traditional punishment for traitors and industrial sabateurs? :winner_third_h4h:

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This strike is'nt so much about privatisation, it's more about new technology and restrictive practices.

I assume the new technology you talk about are the "walk sequencing machines". These are state of the art sorting machines that have been installed and made operational over a year ago with full union participation and agreement.

I not sure of the restrictive practices you talk about. Please could you enlighten me?

You are correct, however I understand that only 33 of the 1,000 machines will be operational by 2010.

Do all full time postmen work 8 hours per day?.

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You are correct, however I understand that only 33 of the 1,000 machines will be operational by 2010.

Do all full time postmen work 8 hours per day?.

Your understanding is wrong but your argument was the union standing in the way of new technology. Simply isn't true. You've obviously been taken in by the lies of mandleson and crozier

Do all full time postmen work 8 hours per day?.

No they don't. They work more than 8 hours a day under the flexibility agreement and without a break. The lucky buggers in the mail centres are actually allowed a meal relief

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You are correct, however I understand that only 33 of the 1,000 machines will be operational by 2010.

Do all full time postmen work 8 hours per day?.

I understand that Adam Crozier - the Labour Party appointed Royal Mail boss - earns £3 million plus per annum. This is a truely obscene amount of money being paid to a public sector industry boss. "Does Adam Crozier even actually work an 8 hour day?" - would be a better question to ask. Also, does the unelected Lord Peter Mandelsohn actually do any work that's beneficial to our country? I suspect that both Crozier and Mandelsohn are nothing more than Labour Party appointed Royal Mail parasites doing very well from our hard earned taxes. The sooner we see the back of these parasitic lowlife the better.

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Your understanding is wrong but your argument was the union standing in the way of new technology. Simply isn't true. You've obviously been taken in by the lies of mandleson and crozier

This was attributed to CWU official Mark Palfrey August 14th 2009, that only 33 of 1,000 machines will be on line working by 2010 and the rest are gathering dust in a warehouse in the midlands.???

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Well i was informed by a manager that there are currently 14 walk sequencing centres up and down the country with an average of 4 machines each. Who's right with the number of operational machines god only knows but is irrelivant as your statement was that the union stand in the way of technology which is a blatant lie.

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Well i was informed by a manager that there are currently 14 walk sequencing centres up and down the country with an average of 4 machines each. Who's right with the number of operational machines god only knows but is irrelivant as your statement was that the union stand in the way of technology which is a blatant lie.

Everyone working at the Royal Mail must realise that the policies of this Labour government are clear - to destroy the state run Royal Mail and the UCW postal Union.

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I blame Lord Peter Mandelsohn and his Labour Government 100% for causing the industrial unrest within the Royal Mail. The Government are the ones to hate. I got up especially early today to be able to hate the Government for longer. :winner_third_h4h:

I blame the unions, funding New Labour even though this privatisation, modernisation and change in working practices were already in the 2005 New Labour election manifesto.

Who was it who coined the phrase during the first world war 'lions led by donkeys'.

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I blame the unions, funding New Labour even though this privatisation, modernisation and change in working practices were already in the 2005 New Labour election manifesto.

Who was it who coined the phrase during the first world war 'lions led by donkeys'.

OK, the Unions should definately not be funding the anti working man New Labour.

The phrase was not 'coined' during the First World War, it was coined during the Crimean War where a letter was reportedly sent home by a British soldier quoting a Russian officer who had said that British soldiers were "lions commanded by asses".

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OK, the Unions should definately not be funding the anti working man New Labour.

The phrase was not 'coined' during the First World War, it was coined during the Crimean War where a letter was reportedly sent home by a British soldier quoting a Russian officer who had said that British soldiers were "lions commanded by asses".

Wrong again


I know wikipedia is'nt always the best, but this one seems to be verified.

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Wrong again


I know wikipedia is'nt always the best, but this one seems to be verified.

What are you, blind ????!!!! :noexpression: The link YOU gave states the following.........

The origins of the phrase pre-date the First World War. During the Crimean War a letter was reportedly sent home by a British soldier quoting a Russian officer who had said that British soldiers were "lions commanded by asses".

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What are you, blind ????!!!! :noexpression: The link YOU gave states the following.........

The origins of the phrase pre-date the First World War. During the Crimean War a letter was reportedly sent home by a British soldier quoting a Russian officer who had said that British soldiers were "lions commanded by asses".

Sorry my labrador fell asleep, see I admit when i'm wrong.

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What are you, blind ????!!!! :noexpression: The link YOU gave states the following.........

The origins of the phrase pre-date the First World War. During the Crimean War a letter was reportedly sent home by a British soldier quoting a Russian officer who had said that British soldiers were "lions commanded by asses".

There are none so blind as those who refuse to see.

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There are none so blind as those who refuse to see.

At the end of the day it's the European Unionists amongst us that are blind. The Royal Mail service will be yet another casualty of this country's damaging and highly illegal membership of the enemy alien organisation that is the EU. Why haven't successive Governments ever balloted us on our EU membership ????!!!! :noexpression:

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At the end of the day it's the European Unionists amongst us that are blind. The Royal Mail service will be yet another casualty of this country's damaging and highly illegal membership of the enemy alien organisation that is the EU. Why haven't successive Governments ever balloted us on our EU membership ????!!!! :noexpression:

Labour had a vote to join this 'alien organisation' back in 1975 and 67% of people voted in favour of joining.

The biggest problem is we are the only member state who abides by every rule, the others ignore the ones they don't like or don't profit their own interests.

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Labour had a vote to join this 'alien organisation' back in 1975 and 67% of people voted in favour of joining.

The biggest problem is we are the only member state who abides by every rule, the others ignore the ones they don't like or don't profit their own interests.

Back in 1975 the current EU was known as the EEC. The EEC was no more than - so say - a meddling economic community at that time. The European Union is much more than that as it makes laws and is taking the sovereignty of our country from us. I reckon the EU is bang out of order in forcing the privatization of the Royal Mail. I view the EU as an enemy alien organisation that's there to be shot down and destroyed.

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