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Condolences To Ivan Sproule And His Wife

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I really feel for Ivan and his wife. It happened to myself and my wife this year.

My son Leo was born still born on the 20th of January. It is the worst thing that can happen to anyone in my opinion. There isn't much support out there either, especially for dads.

I sincerely hope that he has a strong family to help him and his wife through.

My best wishes and heartfelt synpathies are with him.

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I would like to add my sincere condolences to Ivan and his family in such an awful time.

My partner is a midwife at Southmead and, although I'm not sure yet if this is where Ivan and his wife were, I understand they've had a number of deaths there in recent weeks. This is obviously something which is incredibly difficult for all families to cope with. I hope you'll join me in adding your thoughts to all these people. Thanks.

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RIP wee one

Another Hibs fan here. Ivan was a legend with us and we loved him as one of our own and always will. Was at our derby the other day and thinking how much we missed him flying down the wing! This puts all that in perspective. Tragic news and I'm sure I speak for everyone 'back home' Ivan when I say that, for what its worth, we're all thinking of and pulling for you mate!


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I've wanted to write something since Saturday, but every time I try, it just doesn't seem to convey my feelings deeply enough.

I am so, so sorry, Ivan. I cannot begin to comprehend the unimaginable pain and loss you must all be feeling at this terrible, terrible time. But I hope you stay strong for each other, find a way to cope and that the love of your family and friends grows all the stronger through this awful tragedy.

My deepest, most heartfelt condolences to you all. You're in my thoughts.


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Hello again,im a member of Hibeesbounce fan site and started a thread bout Ivans loss

tried to include a link to the thread but it wont let me post it?

Could it be possible to include as many of the above posts on the letter/card you are sending to Ivan?

As you can see we regard him as one of our own and want him to know he is forever part of the Hibernian family

Thank you


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Hello again,im a member of Hibeesbounce fan site and started a thread bout Ivans loss

tried to include a link to the thread but it wont let me post it?

Could it be possible to include as many of the above posts on the letter/card you are sending to Ivan?

As you can see we regard him as one of our own and want him to know he is forever part of the Hibernian family

Thank you


think this is the thread you mean:


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If someone from the Hibs site sees this, could you email me on marie@bristolcityst.org.uk so I can speak to them about getting the messages from their site.


Very sad news, our thoughts go out to ivan and his wife.

Tragic News.

RIP Wee One :(

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hope no1 thinks am intruding but heard the news and had 2 come pass on my condolences to ivan his wife and family from every hibs fan i know to all hibbys he's a legend............The sun shined on Leith when you were here Ivan,just as the sun will be shining in heaven on your lovely little baby. RIP. we're all gutted 4 u!!!!

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