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Cardiff Tuesday


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Sell out the away endrofl2br.gif it will never happen again because your pawns to SW Policeyes.gif , and just how would 2000 people get there tickets in 45 mins anywayb%3Eression.gif

You call 1100 good numbers from Cardiff?, with no restrictions they would have bought 2,000 plus. We would have taken roughly that many tomorrow night.

Unfortunatly the likes of you are going to stop that ever happening again. You going tomorrow is saying to SW Police that you are HAPPY with the restrictions.

You just cant see it though can you.

So I should not go just because I have to stop off in the services to get my ticket?
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Sell out the away endrofl2br.gif it will never happen again because your pawns to SW Policeyes.gif , and just how would 2000 people get there tickets in 45 mins anywayb%3Eression.gif

You call 1100 good numbers from Cardiff?, with no restrictions they would have bought 2,000 plus. We would have taken roughly that many tomorrow night.

Unfortunatly the likes of you are going to stop that ever happening again. You going tomorrow is saying to SW Police that you are HAPPY with the restrictions.

You just cant see it though can you.

Sorry but that is complete rubbish, if tomorrow night there is no trouble - then SW Police will not be in a position to place any restrictions from next season. By going we are merely supporting our team and those of us that behave are showing why there is no need for these restrictions.

I respect your view and your stance not to go - but please do not try and blame those that go for these "restrictions"

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Sorry but that is complete rubbish, if tomorrow night there is no trouble - then SW Police will not be in a position to place any restrictions from next season. By going we are merely supporting our team and those of us that behave are showing why there is no need for these restrictions.

I respect your view and your stance not to go - but please do not try and blame those that go for these "restrictions"

My view is that they are only doing the service station bit because of the short notice of the game( 1 week) if there is no trouble they MAY do the service station again next season at best.

I just cant get my head around people actually allowing themselves to be restricteddunno.gif . It aint going to change untill no one goes.

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My view is that they are only doing the service station bit because of the short notice of the game( 1 week) if there is no trouble they MAY do the service station again next season at best.

I just cant get my head around people actually allowing themselves to be restricteddunno.gif . It aint going to change untill no one goes.

For most of us its not that restrictive - especially not enough to miss a game.

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Sorry but that is complete rubbish, if tomorrow night there is no trouble - then SW Police will not be in a position to place any restrictions from next season. By going we are merely supporting our team and those of us that behave are showing why there is no need for these restrictions.

I respect your view and your stance not to go - but please do not try and blame those that go for these "restrictions"

riaz mate i agree with you on that one, and if you are going tomorrow then fair enough. but do not agree with GJS_CIDER_ARMY chap at all.

but what i think myself and bring back the robin are getting at is that it doesnt make you a better fan for going to every away game like this GJS_cider_Army bloke is on about. Every city fan im sure would love to go to every home and away game but that simply aint possible all the time because of financial situations and travel arrangements etc. if you're going tomorrow, then fair play, but dont slag off anyone who aint making out like thy are the superfan because there are various reasons why people cant always go. doesnt make them lesser fans or people.

take me for example, im in uni at cardiff renting a gaf. if i wanted to go id have to go to the services from cardiff centre, a 30min trip in a taxi, then go all the way back again to see the bloody game. so all those extra costs, plus the 20quid match ticket and beer notches the night up to about £60-70. simply cant afford it or be bothered with the hassel.

everyone has their reasons for not always making home or away games. to slag them off as not supporting the team is not always on. like i said, im sure we'd all love to go to every home and away game, but that simply aint gonna happen.

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riaz mate i agree with you on that one, and if you are going tomorrow then fair enough. but do not agree with GJS_CIDER_ARMY chap at all.

but what i think myself and bring back the robin are getting at is that it doesnt make you a better fan for going to every away game like this GJS_cider_Army bloke is on about. Every city fan im sure would love to go to every home and away game but that simply aint possible all the time because of financial situations and travel arrangements etc. if you're going tomorrow, then fair play, but dont slag off anyone who aint making out like thy are the superfan because there are various reasons why people cant always go. doesnt make them lesser fans or people.

take me for example, im in uni at cardiff renting a gaf. if i wanted to go id have to go to the services from cardiff centre, a 30min trip in a taxi, then go all the way back again to see the bloody game. so all those extra costs, plus the 20quid match ticket and beer notches the night up to about £60-70. simply cant afford it or be bothered with the hassel.

everyone has their reasons for not always making home or away games. to slag them off as not supporting the team is not always on. like i said, im sure we'd all love to go to every home and away game, but that simply aint gonna happen.

I wouldnt knock anyone for not going - alot games coming up and I will be missing the leicester game should we get through (and I get called a super-fan??) times are hard

I understand that meeting at cardiff west is still a pain for some - but its a start. If it was a bubble I would not be going - I've had enough of them now.

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Would you put up with it if you had to do it for every away game? no you wouldnt. So why are you allowing them to make you do it.

Well I do stop at the services every away game. Why is going on the train so important to everyone?
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Well I do stop at the services every away game. Why is going on the train so important to everyone?

I can see Both sides of the argument and tbh i agree with Portland Bill.

Many people including myself prefer doing away games on the train, one because a lot of the times it can actually work out cheaper than filling your car up with petrol, and two i dont like the restrictions you have on the official coaches (getting up at the crack of dawn not being able to drink and then being the first in the ground etc).

Being escorted from a train station to a boozer and then to the ground dosnt bother me in the slightest, what gets on my nerves is the not being able to choose how we want to travel (they have made it so difficult for people going on the train we might as well not bother).

If it means missing Cardiff and Swansea away each season to get my point across i am happy to do it (the same as Portland Bill and many others).

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(and I get called a super-fan??) times are hard

them now.

not you kidder, this gjs_cider army chap who seems to think if you dont go to every away game you dont get behind or support the team. i wont repeat my last post, but he is wrong for many reasons, bubble games aside.

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not you kidder, this gjs_cider army chap who seems to think if you dont go to every away game you dont get behind or support the team. i wont repeat my last post, but he is wrong for many reasons, bubble games aside.

I did'nt you. In the past I've been called a super-fan.

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My view is that they are only doing the service station bit because of the short notice of the game( 1 week) if there is no trouble they MAY do the service station again next season at best.

I just cant get my head around people actually allowing themselves to be restricteddunno.gif . It aint going to change untill no one goes.

All this restrictive talk is hillarious, a short stop off at the services isnt a hassle to any normal supporter for a big game against local rivals.

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What you talking about ? takes more bottle to swallow yor pride and go support your football club.

The SW police are in a win win situation, if city fans boycott they get an easy game to police.

If we sell out the away end there and theres no trouble they will take the credit, The SW police dont give 2 craps about how much money cardiff get from away ticket saless, they get paid either way.

Cardiff fans managed to turn up in numbers and support there team in terrible conditions and with full bubble restrictions.

Yea i wish i could get the train and have a few beers but it being a tuesday night anyway i wont be getting trashed because of work. So stoppin in the services for an hour aint going to bother me to much.

so why cant you just swallow your pride and support your team against your rivals and show the SW police that nothing can stop us from supporting them, your just lettin them win and the real losers are the players when they look at the away end and see a pathectic number of aways fans.

I Spose you have not got the bottle tho

innocent06.gifPerhaps this is why they are bubble games, there should Not be a requirement for any police in the ground.

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Bubble matches are simply wrong in my view. Evidence over the last couple of seasons suggest that the vast majority of fans are voting with their feet in protest and simply not going. Others will have their reasons for still going, but I can't imagine they are enjoying their day out.

Having met with the 2 football clubs, Trusts and respective police forces, I think we are collectively on the verge of overcoming the Swansea bubble, albeit not in one go.

I applaud City and Cardiff for trying to work out a compromise for this one. I don't think it goes far enough though and many, like me, still won't attend.

Here's the thing. When last I went to Millwall I was met at Paddington by the Metropolitan Police. They offered us safe escorted passage across the whole of London. We politely refused, given that I am a grown man working in London every day and felt I could navigate my small group there on my own. We had a few beers, played some pool, watched the early kick off on the tele in a pub. When we got to London Bridge, it became like a bubble. Fully escorted and straight into the ground. Fine, I can live with that. Clearly there is a reason for doing this, which is personal safety based on experience. The point is, I was free to travel to London how I liked, free to eat and drink, free to take the tube or taxi across town. Apart from not clinching the win to get promoted, a good day out.

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When we got to London Bridge, it became like a bubble. Fully escorted and straight into the ground. Fine, I can live with that. Clearly there is a reason for doing this, which is personal safety based on experience. The point is, I was free to travel to London how I liked, free to eat and drink, free to take the tube or taxi across town. Apart from not clinching the win to get promoted, a good day out.

Exactly how i feel also. I have no issues at all in being escorted half a mile or so to the ground itself, no problem at all with that. What i do have a problem with is being told that i must get a coach, or in this case meet at some service station.

The whole beauty of an away day for me and my friends is to have a few beers at a pub somewere, grab something to eat and then casually make our way to the ground without the feeling of being hurded around like animals.

Obviously its a step foward the meeting at a service station, but i still wont be going untill i can travel there how i like just like every other away game.

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Your not going to like this but Bristol Rovers had double your support when they came down in the league cup. They sold out their allocation where you didnt even sell out half on the league game at ours

GG. You're not going to like this but i remember City playing at Ninian in September 1989 and we had more fans in the stadium than you! This is why i always titter to myself when i see you lot obsessing with how many the gas took across and how they are much better fans. At least we've never been in our own stadium with more away fans in a Severnside derby. Now THAT is embarrassing.

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not you kidder, this gjs_cider army chap who seems to think if you dont go to every away game you dont get behind or support the team. i wont repeat my last post, but he is wrong for many reasons, bubble games aside.

Id like to know when the hell i said you have to goto every away game to be a fan, I dont go to every away far from it. Think you got the wrong end of the stick.

My point is I dont see why i should not go because i have to stop at the services for 45 mins. I certainly understand why people dont go because of the bubble. I wont be going if i had to get the coach.

Im just trying to get the numbers up so wecan have a good old local rival match for the first time in a long time.

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I can see Both sides of the argument and tbh i agree with Portland Bill to an extent ( but i have to say IF i could go tomorow i most probably would have but i have work i wouldnt finish in time).

Many people including myself prefer doing away games on the train, one because a lot of the times it can actually work out cheaper than filling your car up with petrol, and two i dont like the restrictions you have on the official coaches (getting up at the crack of dawn and then being the first in the ground etc).

I have done 3 bubble trips now, Mainly because our last two visits to Ninnion could have been our last. A trip to Ninnion was always good especially in this modern era, Shamed to say it but after goin to their new stadium I do miss Ninnion. The only reason I am going tommorow is because of the relaxed bubble. After my last experience on the bubble coach no way would I do that again, Two hours to get to Cardiff with no toilet or bottle never again.

Personally I tend to avoid the train as most places now unless youa arrive dead early you get taken off the train and taken to a pub by old bill then they decide when you have finished drinking and will then escourt you to the ground, Often missing 10 minutes of the game, After teh game you will then get escourted back to the station and put on the first train, Try leaving the escourt at any time and you get nicked, Is that seriously any better than a bubble match? Not saying it's right but if you were allowed to go on train to Cardiff the same would happen and possibly without a trip to a pub, The trains to and from Cardiff would also be heavily policed on both journeys so got to be carefull of what you are doing.

We only knew last Tuesday we would be playing them so no chance of advanced tickets for this one.

So one way or the other a trip to Cardiff will never been seen without any restrictions.

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What and boycott your club ? no thanks i support city and will suppot them at any measure.

we all hate the bubble but we just have to get on with it, theres many resrictions in life why let them stop you doing what you like ?

What you talking about ? takes more bottle to swallow yor pride and go support your football club.

Cardiff fans managed to turn up in numbers and support there team in terrible conditions and with full bubble restrictions.

so why cant you just swallow your pride and support your team against your rivals and show the SW police that nothing can stop us from supporting them, your just lettin them win and the real losers are the players when they look at the away end and see a pathectic number of aways fans.

I Spose you have not got the bottle tho

I just want to support my team, Stopping in the services aint going to stop me doing so.

you just sit at home like the true supporter you are. Im sure you will be the first on here moaning if we dont win even tho you cant be arsed to go and support them.


Id like to know when the hell i said you have to goto every away game to be a fan, I dont go to every away far from it. Think you got the wrong end of the stick.

My point is I dont see why i should not go because i have to stop at the services for 45 mins. I certainly understand why people dont go because of the bubble. I wont be going if i had to get the coach.

Im just trying to get the numbers up so wecan have a good old local rival match for the first time in a long time.

sorry to be a pr,ick about it mate, but seems from where im sitting that you think whoever aint goin tomorrow night is 'pathetic' and not a 'true supporter'. ever considered that many, like myself, arent going because of costs and the huge inconvienience of , having to travel out the city 30mins, when i rent a gaf in the centre, to then come back in again. turns into a £60 nite out.

believe me, i want to go, but for the inconvienience and extra costs, not just for myself, but for many others just aint plausable. and for you to sit there and say we arent true supporters and are pathetic is a touch too heavy for my liking. as i said in my other post, im sure every city fan would love to go to every home and away game, but costs, travel, work etc means they cant always, so take that into account before coming on here and slagging those off who arent going.

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sorry to be a pr,ick about it mate, but seems from where im sitting that you think whoever aint goin tomorrow night is 'pathetic' and not a 'true supporter'. ever considered that many, like myself, arent going because of costs and the huge inconvienience of , having to travel out the city 30mins, when i rent a gaf in the centre, to then come back in again. turns into a £60 nite out.

believe me, i want to go, but for the inconvienience and extra costs, not just for myself, but for many others just aint plausable. and for you to sit there and say we arent true supporters and are pathetic is a touch too heavy for my liking. as i said in my other post, im sure every city fan would love to go to every home and away game, but costs, travel, work etc means they cant always, so take that into account before coming on here and slagging those off who arent going.

I think mate in cases such as yours if you can prove your Cardiff residence arrangements should be made to collect your ticket from the ground, The police basically don't want fans traveling on the train because it encourages people who are looking for trouble to attend. Fair enough but would be funny to see the kfc crew who think there hard as nails run faster than Forest Gump like.

There is a lot of City fans in south Wales so a provision should defo be made for them.

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sorry to be a pr,ick about it mate, but seems from where im sitting that you think whoever aint goin tomorrow night is 'pathetic' and not a 'true supporter'. ever considered that many, like myself, arent going because of costs and the huge inconvienience of , having to travel out the city 30mins, when i rent a gaf in the centre, to then come back in again. turns into a £60 nite out.

believe me, i want to go, but for the inconvienience and extra costs, not just for myself, but for many others just aint plausable. and for you to sit there and say we arent true supporters and are pathetic is a touch too heavy for my liking. as i said in my other post, im sure every city fan would love to go to every home and away game, but costs, travel, work etc means they cant always, so take that into account before coming on here and slagging those off who arent going.

Still dont see where i said what your accusing me off, the 2 quotes you actually highlight were directed at 1 paticular persons who happens to slag the team off at every giving chance. Theres nothing to say i said 'Your not a true fan if you dont goto every away game' as you accused me of saying.

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Still dont see where i said what your accusing me off, the 2 quotes you actually highlight were directed at 1 paticular persons who happens to slag the team off at every giving chance. Theres nothing to say i said 'Your not a true fan if you dont goto every away game' as you accused me of saying.

What! Try and find a post of me slagging the team off.

(Or was that directed at portland?)

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