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The What Minute Did You Leave? Thread.....


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For 90 mins a fan needs to be there, Is it too much to ask from someone who has already PAID for his ticket to see the match out? Walking out in a huff after a few goals is spineless, I'm sorry but it is. Sure a 6-0 drubbing is embarrassing, but getting upset aint gonna help, blaming GJ will defiantly not help.

Supporters have every right to protest, Jeez don't we know it too! Just sad to see when the going gets tough the tough start crying.

Who's crying. It's been bad for a long time now. Last night was the straw the broke the camel's back.

A few goals?!! What would it take kid, 10, 12, 20 before you had enough, I bow to you oh uber one!

Please explain how at 0-6 me stood there laughing at the incompetence that was on display, because it was luaghable, is going to help. As I've PAID, condesending twerp, I'll decide when I leave. Who's to blame then? Me because I left. Maybe it is your fault because you stayed

Don't talk about tough times...

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So you expect the players to show pride and passion even in the most miserable circumstances, but its perfectly acceptable for a fan to do the off?

That looks good doesnt it? this is how my 6 yr old niece behaves.

I expect them to show pride and passion for the full 90 minutes of a DERBY, and after conceding a few not to just give up. Why couldn't we come storming out second half and at least try to win the second half, have they no pride? Where were the crunching tackles, where was the fight? And dont give me that bollocks, the fans aren't paid by the club, the fans pay for their tickets, so yes of course a fan can get annoyed and storm out if he chooses to, we're not paying him thousands a week are we! And for the record, I stayed for the full 90 minutes, and clapped the small number of players that could be bothered to walk over to the EE, so don't try to patronise me with irrelevant stories about your niece.

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Well I stayed to the end, after most of the lads I usualy go with had gone and to be totally honest when die hards like these head for the exit you know something is seriously wrong. The only thing I took from last night was witnessing the only booking of the game in the 92nd min, something nearly 24 hours later I still cannot accept.

Total disgrace, the fact that the reaction (as some others have said) was not perhaps as bad as it could or maybe should have been, leads me to think that Gary Johnson has possiably used the last of his 9 lives and he will be under greater scrutiny than ever before here on in. If he his still here at the weekend he needs results and performances quickly, another repetition of last nights shambles and he should be the one leaving the ground early.

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I expect them to show pride and passion for the full 90 minutes of a DERBY, and after conceding a few not to just give up. Why couldn't we come storming out second half and at least try to win the second half, have they no pride? Where were the crunching tackles, where was the fight? And dont give me that bollocks, the fans aren't paid by the club, the fans pay for their tickets, so yes of course a fan can get annoyed and storm out if he chooses to, we're not paying him thousands a week are we! And for the record, I stayed for the full 90 minutes, and clapped the small number of players that could be bothered to walk over to the EE, so don't try to patronise me with irrelevant stories about your niece.

mate your bang on. never left a city game early in my life but last night took the piss. so disgusted i thought ill get the early train, not staying to clap for a 'performance' that was disgraceful.

i dont think anyone on here who did stay till full time has the right to get up on their high horse and slag people off for leaving early after last nights performance. absolutely shocking, embarrassing and disgraceful.

people have paid good money, given up their tuesday night, made the hassel of coming down to support their team and see a hard-fought local derby and instead we got that shite.

everyone voices their displeasement differently, but i dont think CiderHider has the right to say what is right or wrong when you consider people paid money and made the effort to turn up.

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We left well after the 90th minuite, (bloody Dolman), am I in the prize draw then?

We stayed I think as we were shell shocked. I sometimes see other teams get beat 6 or 7 nil and wonder how the hell does that happen, and there it was unfolding before my eyes, unbelievable.

I did clap Orr, as he always remembers to applaud us whatever. Skuse and Maynard who also came over. And the 2 new players who appuladed us too. But I think it was more out of sympathy than recognition at the end of the day.

I actually feel worse today than straight after the game.

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