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Game Donation Mansfield


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Yeah I think about £15 maybe £20 at most would be borderline acceptable to most but even then it's quite a bit to cough up week in, week out, especially when people aren't happy with performances/entertainment value.

If we really wanted to maximise the potential attendances, tickets would need to be about £10.

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I'm hoping (maybe unrealistically) that with the new stadium prices might actually go down to the £15-20 level initially, to help us fill the stadium more and more. Obviously once it's full there's a good case for increasing the prices gradually. You want it to be easy to get people in the door initially and get them hooked, it's better for the longer term.

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I'm hoping (maybe unrealistically) that with the new stadium prices might actually go down to the £15-20 level initially, to help us fill the stadium more and more. Obviously once it's full there's a good case for increasing the prices gradually. You want it to be easy to get people in the door initially and get them hooked, it's better for the longer term.

Would be nice, but I think the 'hook' will be the fact its new. Significant price reductions won't be needed to get curious punters through the door.

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Just a thought, if you were being PAID to watch, how much would you want?! 90 minuites for the match, travelling expenses and time. Even at the minimum wage it's got to be £20 ? With this in mind I think it has to be capped at £15 a ticket, kids a fiver, concessions a tenner.

Fill the stadium up, create an atmosphere. Maybe with the seats at £28 a go we a demanding more than the team can produce, higher expectations and all that. Lower the price and everybody loves a bargain, and it's always better when the stadium is fuller (expect for parking :grr:). I think people would be more patient with an exrea £13 in their pocket each match!

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£15 maximum seems fair when you consider the cost of entertainment generally (cinema, bowling....)

The cinema generally costs an adult roundabout £7 for two hours entertainment (and even that's expensive), so with that in mind, I think football matches should be a maximum £10 (or even cheaper if possible) for 90minutes entertainment (if you can call it that atm)

Doesn't it cost something really cheap to watch football at the top German Football clubs?

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I think you should get a discount for each mile over 20 you travel to the ground and considering the s**t I have had to put up with working in Cardiff the last week or so people living in Wales should get double this season!

Travelling from Portsmouth every 2 weeks might actually have some benefits then!

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