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The Johnson Legacy


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So after reading some of the posts on here over the past couple of days there seem to be many that think Johnson was the best manager we have had since Dicks.

So many people feeling angry, upset, sad or guilty about the way he has left our club.

My question is, what did he actually do to gain such adulation?

He got us promoted, that`s good.


During the past 4.5 years:-

How many academy players have broken into the 1st team?

How many players have come through our club to now play at a higher level?

How much money did he make in the transfer market, what is the net gain/loss?

How many home league games were watched by 16k+?

What is our overall goal difference ? (i would put money on it being a minus)

How many players did we sign that developed long term injuries?

How many really good players have we signed?

How many bad ones?

He was a likeable man, very shrewd with the media and smart enough to know how and when to push the right buttons but when you look at it in the cold light of day i think he was an average football manager, a long way from a great one.

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The majority will remember him as a charismatic, likeable chap who tried his best, bringing us success that had evaded us for too long.

He will be fondly remembered for an awful long time.

Lets face it, its down to him (and SL of course) that we are now a bunch of fans arguing passionately about our stay in the Championship and the potential for greater things to come.

If you supported city throughout the 80s, 90s and early 00s, its becomes much easier to realise the impact GJ has had on the club in terms of standing, belief and expectation.

I love the guy and would welcome him back to AG (not as manager before anyone asks) with a warm round of applause any time. I really hope we all get the opportunity to give him one more great reception in the years to come.

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So after reading some of the posts on here over the past couple of days there seem to be many that think Johnson was the best manager we have had since Dicks.

So many people feeling angry, upset, sad or guilty about the way he has left our club.

My question is, what did he actually do to gain such adulation?

He got us promoted, that`s good.


During the past 4.5 years:-

How many academy players have broken into the 1st team?

How many players have come through our club to now play at a higher level?

How much money did he make in the transfer market, what is the net gain/loss?

How many home league games were watched by 16k+?

What is our overall goal difference ? (i would put money on it being a minus)

How many players did we sign that developed long term injuries?

How many really good players have we signed?

How many bad ones?

He was a likeable man, very shrewd with the media and smart enough to know how and when to push the right buttons but when you look at it in the cold light of day i think he was an average football manager, a long way from a great one.

Here is your argument phrased differently:

Why was Hitler considered so bad?

Sure he did the war and the holocaust and everything. That's bad.


..he was good to his dog.

..faithful to his girlfriend.

..built some lovely roads.

..and he's got a funny moustache.

See, the good points list is so much longer than the bad points, so he must have been good!

He saved us from relegation, he got us promoted, he got us to Wembley and he got us established in this division! No relegation fights since promotion!! That is the plus side. That is why everyone with half a brain is gutted. All your downsides pale into insignificance when compared with these, no?

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We have achieved greater success under Johnson than we have in a long time. That is what it will always and should always boil down to, that is the bottom line. Nothing else.

Yes, why should be worry about the football stuff when we can remember what a nice bloke he was.

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We may have achieved 'greater success', but if it is achieved at a cost of a £6m+ defecit each year, it is not sustainable. Basically, he took a 'big' third division Club into the second division, and looking at history and financial backing, that's not an outstanding achievement. Getting us to Wembley was outstanding, although one questionable substitution tarnished that a bit.

Last season we had a bad start, a bad finish, with one amazing run to save our skins. This year has just been dull and confused. A lot of money has been spent, most of it wasted, and he leaves an over-sized, unbalanced squad, a group of youngsters (Or not-so-youngsters) with no Championship experience, some very ordinary players, and only two players who could be sold to generate reasonable money.

Still, as Yeovil showed, life goes on without Johnson.

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Yes, why should be worry about the football stuff when we can remember what a nice bloke he was.

He had a successful 2 years here,and my god didnt GJ keep reminding us how fortunate we are.

But the rest wasnt very exciting or enjoyable time watching it.

Yes looks like Justin lee Collins will be our next manager according to most of everybody on this site.

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How many players have come through our club to now play at a higher level?

I've never understood why this is such an issue?

No-one wants McCombe because he's now pants, but you're a fool if you don't think he was instrumental and vital in our first season.

Byfield was our top scorer that season adn now plays for Walsall (I think)

My point is GJ got the best out of average players. It was when he tried to sign big that it went downhill.

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Overall a successful term, albeit tarnished by the slide at the end of his tenure. But he turned things around at the end of the Tinnion spell and got City out of the Third Division (I refuse to call these leagues by their corporate names and stick to the proper names - ok call me a traditionalist but I don't give a monkey's).

The fact is that City have a platform to go onto better things with in the wake of Johnson. All the new manager has to do is to kick out some of the prima donnas in the squad who think they're better players than they are and build for a top 6 finish. After that who knows?

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Steve Lansdowne told us Gary's biggest legacy. He brought pride back to the football club.

And fun. How many can honestly say that they haven't enjoyed the Burton's window episode, the candles and of course....The Bounce!

It's been a great time to be a BCFC supporter during GJ's time here.

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As we are often told, in its simplest terms, football is a results based business.

In the post war period, how many managers have led City to a higher League finish than Gary Johnson?

I think that will provide you with the answer you crave.

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Here is your argument phrased differently:

Why was Hitler considered so bad?

Sure he did the war and the holocaust and everything. That's bad.


..he was good to his dog.

..faithful to his girlfriend.

..built some lovely roads.

..and he's got a funny moustache.

See, the good points list is so much longer than the bad points, so he must have been good!

He saved us from relegation, he got us promoted, he got us to Wembley and he got us established in this division! No relegation fights since promotion!! That is the plus side. That is why everyone with half a brain is gutted. All your downsides pale into insignificance when compared with these, no?

Actually you are right - now you put it like that this Hitler bloke sounds good. Is he available?

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One thing about Johnsons era - it wasn't uneventfull. Hand grenades, rows with players, promotion, play-off final.

Then a disapointing season with dull football and few goals followed by another dull season with few goals. Seemingly random foriegn signings none of whom reached the standard. Other strange loan signings up front last and this season none of whom reached the required standard either. More rows with players as City slipped down the league.

Now its over. Time to welcome the new era whenever it arrives.

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GJ has raised expectations high enough for people to be disappointed if we are not in the top half of the Championship, after years of languishing in the third division.

Some of us older ones remember 82, when we nearly didn't have a club to moan about.

Some of us remember Alan Dicks fighting relegation for several seasons before building a promotion side.

Who else has got us anywhere near competing for a place in the top flight in modern times? Jordan might have done in his first spell, but he hopped off the Hearts.

I'm not saying GJ would have turned it around given more time, because I think there are sound football reasons for his departure which have been well aired.

But I hope the next fella can live with the expectation, because patience is on short supply these days.

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Patience? Not much of that here.

I don't understand where this argument comes from to be honest? It's not as if all of a sudden Johnson has lost a few games and people were calling for his head.

2 wins from 12 is enough to get serious questions asked of any manager, 4 wins in 24 would get 95% of managers sacked, yet we have waited for something like 12 wins in 50 before Johnson leaves, can anyone explain to me how this is not patient? he has been given i'd say double the time that most managers would have got, and that i believe is testament to his success here, he got loyalty from fans and chairman alike for much, much longer than nearly all other managers at their respective clubs would be afforded, you think SAF would survive 12/13 wins in 50 games ?

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Patience? Not much of that here.

We've been overly patient really and the cold, hard stats back that up. Lack of goals, no flair and an inability to defend a lead spelt the end for Mr Johnson and rightly so.

Seeing how 49 games is more than a season it makes poor reading. Anyone truely believe this is good enough in anyway?

P49 W11 D20 L19 F52 A71 GD-19 PTS 53

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They say that history is written by the winners and on this forum the Johnson out brigade consider they have won. I am glad to see that their attempts at rewriting the past are being challenged by a good number of people. I enjoyed the vast majority of the time that GJ was at this club and I wont let others persuade me that it was all emperors new clothes from start to finish.

Johnson's greatest lagacy was to get us to, and make us competitive in, one of the best leagues in europe. I love watching football at this level, every week brings something different and the results are totally unpredictable.

I agree that it was disappointing that some of the academy players didn't make a step up during his period in charge, I think the Ribiero and Jordan Walker injuries may have set that proces back, if they had made the step up it would have encouraged him to try others. It maybe that this next generation is the one, Kington and Lennox both look capable and there maybe others too.

However, I had hoped that (as my avatar comment used to say) that he would revolutionise the club from top to bottom. I don't know the intricacies of the Academy setup so I don't know how much he is allowed to influence that, but he bought in a lot of back room staff for fitness etc and I hoped that would continue all the way down. In the end though he resorted to the quick fix, journeymen route that was so hit and miss, and I can't remember it working for anybody other than Terry Cooper.

Many of us will miss him for his wit and honesty, I just hope the club don't miss him for other reasons on the long run.

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One thing about Johnsons era - it wasn't uneventfull. Hand grenades, rows with players, promotion, play-off final.

Then a disapointing season with dull football and few goals followed by another dull season with few goals. Seemingly random foriegn signings none of whom reached the standard. Other strange loan signings up front last and this season none of whom reached the required standard either. More rows with players as City slipped down the league.

Now its over. Time to welcome the new era whenever it arrives.

Come on Robbored. In talking about GJ's legacy this was your chance to show some balance and appreciation of the man's efforts.

Yet your whole summary of the positives was 4 WORDS! 4 and a half years of highs and lows and that's all you can muster. Even I'm surprised.

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As an exile - and I know there are many on here - it takes real time and effort to get down to the Gate. I buy my ST each year so as far as the finances of the club are concerned it makes no difference to them...but there have been precious few seasons where I've got full value out of it...and the Johnson years were full value. Home and away. He wasn't just a character, he was someone who I believe really wanted to take the club on a journey to success. I understand why he had to go, it didn't work out...but his legacy will be memories of when supporting City was full of optimism, when you'd arrive in an office far from Bristol and people would ask you about your team and your results and slap you on the back for your good fortune. Let's see who the new boss is and where they take us.

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Took us from League 1 to an established team in the championship, something everyone asked for when GJ arrived. IMO he should of stayed but unfortunately the decision has been made. So GJ Legacy....

  • League 1 Promotion
  • Championship play off final
  • Established championship side
  • Club that united as one
  • A vital person in the new stadium build
  • Got fans closer to the players
  • Taking players we never heard of and turning them into a better player e.g. Elliott, Basso etc
  • Belief that we were a championship side

Not a bad list is it reallY!!!

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Steve Lansdowne told us Gary's biggest legacy. He brought pride back to the football club.

Spot on. I remember what it was like pre Johnson, the 7-1 at Swansea being an obvious low point. Relegation in 1998/99 then 7 unsuccessful seasons in the third tier. Now we are a midtable Championship club with a higher profile as a result. Oh, and the drinking culture (as far as I know) which was there when he arrived isn't there anymore.

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Come on Robbored. In talking about GJ's legacy this was your chance to show some balance and appreciation of the man's efforts.

Yet your whole summary of the positives was 4 WORDS! 4 and a half years of highs and lows and that's all you can muster. Even I'm surprised.

If you want 'highs'. Beating Palace both at Selhurst Park and AG in the play-offs, as was the 3-1 to win promotion. I think most fans would remember those games as the highlights of Gary Johnsons reign.

To be honest there weren't many more highs that I can remember, apart from Scott Murrays brilliant lob to earn a reply against Boro in the cup. Its fair to also say that there weren't many lows either. Obviously the hammerings dished out by Ipswich, Cardiff and more recently Doncaster will take a long time to forget.

Upto the play-off final I would describe Gary Johnsons era as a bumpy but an enjoyable ride. Post the play-off final I would sum up Gary Johnsons era in two words, frustrating and uninspiring.

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I think he means the 3-1 win at Northampton in the promotion season which signalled a turning point. Am a long time reader of the forum and would just like to ask Robbored what Johnson would of had to do to be a success in his eyes taking personal issues out. I would personally of given him till the end of the season and decided possible made a change. I do feel however that the Johnson legacy is great. He managed to turn a joke of a football club to a established Championship club with realistic ambitions to get into the top flight. For that I thank him greatly and as far as I am concerned he a Legend and deserves great respect for his achievements.

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Legacy isnt someone's record, their history of their time here, it's not how and why he ultimately failed. A legacy is something long lasting and will last over a period of time. The legacy he has given to our club is the understanding of what it is that a football manager should be doing and he has given that to Lansdowne, before GJ arrived, Steve must have thought he was doing the right things when appointing Wilson and allowing him to commue from Chesterfield, he thought he was doing right when he gave Tinnion the job, but in retrospect after dealing with Gj for 4.5 years he will have learnt of the importance of players looking after themselves, players characteristics, discipline - his legacy is to give SL the knowledge of how and what a good football manager and club does, what success looks like and it's irrelevant whether GJ was a success for 2.5 years and unsuccessful for 2 years in terms of legacy. The things that have been said on this thread is fleeting stuff and will change but his legacy is the knowledge he has left with SL.

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