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Oh Yes! Oh No!

Portishead Puffin

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After the worst player thread I thought I would run a thread on players who have changed your opinion of them after the club signed them. This can be positive or negative and for any reason. Here are a few examples.

Norman Hunter:

First thought in our house was Oh No! If we wanted to see animals we would go to the Zoo! After seeing him play: Oh Yes - a proper defender with more to his game than his reputation.

Ray Atteveld:

Wow a Dutch international should be good and he told us he was good too: closedeyes.gif After seeing him score a 45 yard own goal against Milwall Oh No!

Brian Tinnion:

His early career with the City was almost universally awful, but he gradually won us over until you couldn't imagine a side without him.

In more recent times I was among those who thought that both Stern John and Patrick Agyemang were excellent signings. After all they both played well against us. hmmmmm

Over to you

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Ralph Milne:

"Oh no, he's on the team sheet again"

"Oh yes, we've sold him to Manchester United. How the f....."

Tony Pulis:

"Oh no, this is the worst style of play from any Bristol City team ever. And this manager is destroying our club from the inside"

"Oh yes, Portsmouth want him to be their manager?!!! Are they mental? This will be the beginning of their demise....."

And before anyone says "look at Stoke blah blah blah" I would still rather pull my own eyes out with a fork than have him back at Ashton Gate.

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Anyone remember the great Scott Mc Garvey!!!

Yup! That cheating scumbag.

I always remember him playing for Grimsby against us. Took a really theatrical dive and conned a free kick. Grimsby scored from the free kick. I hated him with a passion ever since. These were in the days when such dirty cheating was not the norm in the 80s.

I always remember the City fans taking the P!ss out of him shouting "yoo hoo Gloria" and "Scottyyyy" He had the gayist Perm in the world.

Utterly despised him before he signed for us and utterly despised him staining the club by playing for us.

Around that time I think we had Gary Stanley. He was an Oh no!!!!! from the start. The slowest most unfit player I have ever seen. I swear Jordan bought him from a USA club as a favour for someone. Stanley was truly awful.

But on the positive note:

Oh YEEEEEEEEESSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!! we signed Bob Taylor!!!!!! I knew we were going up as soon as we signed him permanently! David Smith signs! OH Yes! 1989/90 season was one big Oh Yes time

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Carl Hutchings - Definite "Oh Yes","Oh No" signing. Always man of the match every single time he played against us for Brentford and couldn't believe that we'd picked him up for only £60k! Seems that we were the only team he could play well against, because he was shockingly bad for us!

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Carl Hutchings - Definite "Oh Yes","Oh No" signing. Always man of the match every single time he played against us for Brentford and couldn't believe that we'd picked him up for only £60k! Seems that we were the only team he could play well against, because he was shockingly bad for us!

I nearly put this one on my original post, but I thought I would wait and see if I was the only one. Actually me and my mate, used to say we should try and sign him every time we saw him play. It wasn't just against us though, I saw him play well on TV once as well. After about 5 games I wondered if we had bought a ringer!

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Oh YES! It's Sean Dyche Solid full back, excellent signing for us. Upon witnessing numerous catatrophic defensive mishaps it became quickly 'Oh no...'

Oh Yes (well sort of) it's Gary Stanley, a reasonably tried and trusted ex Chelsea midfielder. Upon watching his first 45 mins we acknowledged that he was in fact utter shat.

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Norman Hunter:

First thought in our house was Oh No! If we wanted to see animals we would go to the Zoo! After seeing him play: Oh Yes - a proper defender with more to his game than his reputation.

Ray Atteveld:

Wow a Dutch international should be good and he told us he was good too: closedeyes.gif After seeing him score a 45 yard own goal against Milwall Oh No!

Norman Hunter was/is a gent and a great pro. With the exception of the half tackle that led to the Polish goal in 73 and the Fracass with Franny, his career was outstanding.

Norman marshalled our defence with purpose vigor and tenacity and should be in our all time City best 11...Who remembers the goal he scored against Leeds at the Gate...What a screamer and with his boot off. I think I will always remember Norman running the length of the field to the Leeds fans in the open end punching the air all the way....Happy Happy Days and we won 3-1.

Ray Ateveld at Millwall....City needed the points and lined up with Cole Rosenior and the other colored lad who's name escapes me that played for us for years (sorry senior moment, please someone remind me before I go nuts)...Frightening...anyway I think I remember we won 3-2 at the Den and Ateveld's oggy was a beut .......

However the easy winner of this thread is Paul 'God' Cheesley...Who for weeks after he joined us from Norwich got hammered by the fans...Until he got that screamer against Carlisle an 18 yard header that rocketed in the net...At that point a legend was born!!!!!!!

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I nearly put this one on my original post, but I thought I would wait and see if I was the only one. Actually me and my mate, used to say we should try and sign him every time we saw him play. It wasn't just against us though, I saw him play well on TV once as well. After about 5 games I wondered if we had bought a ringer!

I remember speaking to him in Poo na na's, and him confessing that he didn't know what he was doing half the time on the pitch, as everything was a blur to him, because it was so fast...

I was like this... :huh::o:wacko:

Bambi was another one.

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I was somewhat of an Adebola sceptic but had his name on my shirt within a season. For someone of his age and bulk he had some lovely skills up his sleeve, while consistently holding up the ball superbly, and scored some important goals for us. I miss him, but Maynard and Haynes' partnership is one that might not have flourished in the same vain with Dele here.

Also amazingly overlooked, not for the first time, how one of the 'shit super 7' went onto be a very good player for us.

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However the easy winner of this thread is Paul 'God' Cheesley...Who for weeks after he joined us from Norwich got hammered by the fans...Until he got that screamer against Carlisle an 18 yard header that rocketed in the net...At that point a legend was born!!!!!!!

I remember my dad saying how 30k was a waste of money (a lot in those days), "we could have bought a lampost for £300 and it would have done about the same job" dancing6.gif he said!

He always said it was one of Alan Dick's great triumph's, turning him into a player.

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Stern, "Oh No" - another donkey OAP

then I couldnt get away from Brummies giving it the "legend, he scored loads of vital goals for us" and that outside of the boot right foot pass through to Lee Johnson against Barnsley made me reconsider to "Oh maybe"

give him a few weeks, "Oh Dear"

"how many vital goals did he score?" i hear you ask - the answer, 2 one against Aston Villa and the other in the pray-offs

I know strictly didn't sign for the club but he was an experienced player brought in who for a moment gave me hope!

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