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So Good To Be A City Fan Atm

Mclovin BS14

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You are absolutely correct, But FFS how many times do we need him to tell us, The Pope is apparently a catholic but I don't need to be reminded every ******* day, I feel most of us have moved on but every time he posts there is a 'snipe' or 'barbed' comment and the really sad part about it is it's really his and has been his only agenda and now he has run out of ideas for rational debate.

If he is sniping why let yourself get drawn into this mundane argument time and time again?

Majority of people know what Robbored is like!

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Just felt like saying i havent been this excited since i was younger for christmas, it just feels great being a city with coppell as manager, new stadium on the way, an outstanding chairman and a push for promotion next year :englandsmile4wf::city: its onwards and upwards from here lads.

Let the Coppell era begin :winner_third_h4h:

Yes. Feel hopeful. 10 this season with to mutch drawns. Think in 17 games we won two,allthough we finished in a respectably 10 place. The Club will go to a higher ground as Stevie Wonder sang. Have good vibes.

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You are absolutely correct, But FFS how many times do we need him to tell us, The Pope is apparently a catholic but I don't need to be reminded every ******* day, I feel most of us have moved on but every time he posts there is a 'snipe' or 'barbed' comment and the really sad part about it is it's really his and has been his only agenda and now he has run out of ideas for rational debate.

To be honest EMB you, Pezo and SCred.' seem to imagine 'barbs' and 'snipes' in almost every post I make.

I made a simple but true statement that the 'feel good factor' kicked in almost immediately after our previous manager moved on. Almost every City fan would agree with that but you see it as a 'snipe' or 'barbed comment'.

Its neither.

Riaz is right - its time for you to let it go move on.

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So you don't agree that things improved after our previous manager left the club? Lots and lots of City fans think that things did improve, but not you it seems.

And I thought you would have stopped all your sniping at me by now.

Where did I say I don't think things have improved, far from it (and dare I say it) I agree with you that things certainly feel better ATM but maybe that's because you are not posting the same argument over and over trying to divide fans ATM????? these are all maybes though because we will never know! I'm just happier knowing everyone is happier.

Don't take it personally, its not all about you (believe it or not!) I would have responded in a similar way to anybody that had a vendetta against our past manager for non football reasons and then once that manager left made nearly every post he wrote for the next 2 months all about how great it was that the manager had gone, even when it was quite clear everyone else had moved on.

My plea to you is that you stop with the anti GJ agenda (as its now quite old) and I think you would find the sniping that you perceive would stop very quickly (but I think you love the attention so im going to have to learn to ignore it, sad though that you don't seem mind if its positive or negative attention you draw).

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To be honest EMB you, Pezo and SCred.' seem to imagine 'barbs' and 'snipes' in almost every post I make.

I made a simple but true statement that the 'feel good factor' kicked in almost immediately after our previous manager moved on. Almost every City fan would agree with that but you see it as a 'snipe' or 'barbed comment'.

Its neither.

Riaz is right - its time for you to let it go move on.

To be honest RR, You are right however you feel the need to mention it in every post you make.

and yes Riaz is right move on.

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