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Maynard To Burnley


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Hmmm if true good to see we turned down straight away the quoted £3.75m bid. Anything less than £5m with a tasty sell on clause won't do IMO.

Well yes, but if official bids are coming in this early we have little chance of keeping him. By August someone will stumpt up £5M or £6M which we'll be unable to refuse, especially as it will come from the Premier League and Maynard will probablt jump at the chance.

Hope I'm wrong and Nicky just can't wait to work under the new gaffer at least for a season :-)

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If true, they are having a laugh for several reasons:

* £3.75m is miles below his value to us or any other club. By the time we paid Crewe a sell-on fee, we would make zero profit on our most valuable player.

* No player in their right mind would swap playing for Steve Coppell for a season with loser Brian Laws.

* Nobody in their right mind would swap living in the West Country for life in Burnley.

* Nicky knows he will get offers from Prem clubs sooner or later so would be mad to take a gamble on a sideways move to another Championship club.

Go away Mr Laws - you have considerably less chance of getting promoted this season than we do.

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If true, they are having a laugh for several reasons:

* £3.75m is miles below his value to us or any other club. By the time we paid Crewe a sell-on fee, we would make zero profit on our most valuable player.

* No player in their right mind would swap playing for Steve Coppell for a season with loser Brian Laws.

* Nobody in their right mind would swap living in the West Country for life in Burnley.

* Nicky knows he will get offers from Prem clubs sooner or later so would be mad to take a gamble on a sideways move to another Championship club.

Go away Mr Laws - you have considerably less chance of getting promoted this season than we do.

chant6ez.gif Nicely Said.

Im very confident Maynard will not leave us for Burnley.

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a player would and should consider that if he gets a double your money contract for 4 years then he is / will be ensuring the financial security of his family - if he has (god forbid) a career threathening injury then he only has a 2 year contract on half the amount that he could have, so although I think that burnley is not a great option it is highly possible - Iwelumo obviously thinks they are a better option!!!!

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Even if they met our price (which they wont) it would be a sideways move football wise. Why would anyone want to work with that twonk Brian Laws, not to mention he would have to live in Burnley shutup.gif

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If true, they are having a laugh for several reasons:

* £3.75m is miles below his value to us or any other club. By the time we paid Crewe a sell-on fee, we would make zero profit on our most valuable player.

* No player in their right mind would swap playing for Steve Coppell for a season with loser Brian Laws.

* Nobody in their right mind would swap living in the West Country for life in Burnley.

* Nicky knows he will get offers from Prem clubs sooner or later so would be mad to take a gamble on a sideways move to another Championship club.

Go away Mr Laws - you have considerably less chance of getting promoted this season than we do.

Totally what I just thought.

Burnley? Laws? Hillarious!!!!

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Maynard would be an idiot if he left us for Burnley even if we did accept a bid, i feel that we are now a much bigger and more ambitious team then Burnley

Really? The same Burnley who were in the Premier League last season, we're now bigger than them? As for more ambitious, they have (apparently) bid for the joint top scorer in the league last season, I'd say that's pretty ambitious.

Brian Laws aside, Burnley will be there or thereabouts next season. Well run, didn't overspend to stay up - they'll be fine.

On saying that, I don't see Maynard going there. He'll have more 'attractive' clubs looking at him. Hate to say it, but I think he'll go this summer. Hope Coppell can spot a striker......

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Okay so we recieve a bid of 3.75 mill for maynard from burnley.

Surely that was a little tempting for an opening offer. if they imporve on that i could see him going tbh

just think of how many players we could get from one sale.

Anything over 4.5 mill would be a nice deal,

But can we afford to get rid of our top goal machine ?

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I think Maynard will be the real indicator of just how determined we are to get to the Premier League. If a club like Burnley can prise him away from us then it shows we just don't have enough appeal or enough to offer. I think the price will also be a good indicator. If we sell for less than 5-6 mill then chances are the club values money over success as I can't see us finding a goal machine with so much potential like Nicky within the summer or maybe even a year or two which means chances are we'll be sitting in the Championship for a long time to come.

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For me anything less than £6m would be dissapointing. Using Chopra as a benchmark, the fact their is a sell on and taking into account what we have paid Nicky in wages(8k a week over two years at a guess?) I would be unhappy with anything less and even more so if he went to Burnley.

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I sadly think he will be leaving us. Perhaps not to Burnley, and certainly not for 3.75m, but still, i think he'll end up going.

Not If I know SL. he said we can afford to reject any bid, he even reiterated it. I think if Burnley did bid £3.75m its an insult to Maynard and ourselves.

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As we all know Money talks........

NM is not a Bristol boy or been with us since a toddler or even has Father / Mother / Gran / Grandad / Sister etc (delete as appropiate) who support BCFC and therefore a bit of a heart tug to stay

He cant even say he has had two exciting seasons since he's been here - they have been pretty much dull & boring mid table obscurity stuff

Only thing to keep him at BS3 is wages & promises of better things and as soon as they are bettered then IMO he will be off .................just hope we get right deal for BCFC as far as I am concerned

Don't wanna see him go but we all know how these things work

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Nicky Maynard is a sensible lad and he will know that moving to the likes of Burnley would not be good for his career.

He will know however, that sooner or later a Premier League club will come in for him and then he has a decision to make.

I just hope this gets sorted quickly as the longer it goes on the less time we will have to get a replacement as the rest of our strikeforce are useless.

We don't want this dragging on into August, might be a good time to put a minimum price (6m) on his head.

You only have to look at the strikers England are taking to the World Cup to see how much potential NM has and his price has to reflect that.


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We paid 2.25 million, there is a sell-on clause and we have stated that we can afford to turn down any offer. So, why are Burnley or any other club wasting our time and theirs with stupid offers like this? I know things are cheaper in the north, but that's taking the p1ss. :bruce_h4h:

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