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Early Days Of The Forum Whats Your Memorys

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I remember waiting a bloomin age for my dodgy dial-up connection to load the darn thing then reading the bizarre ramblings of Billy Mercer's Legs/Gloves/Accent etc etc.

Seems a lifetime ago now! Again, this will sound like an old timer talking about the war, but it was definitely a better read back then - possibly because P*lis was SO bad and the players were SO bad that there was LOADS to talk about! Lavin, Hutchings, Mortimer (shudders).......

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Anyone remember Teepee?

I had a rather severe this-agreemement with him once about comments he had made towards single mothers and people with dyslexia, which were totally out of order to be honest.

Just shows that back then you could have a chat about what you wanted to though, without it getting deleted.

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I remember Teepee, Billy Mercers Gloves, Richie B, Kustard et al. we used to have some great debates.

Met up with Kustard and a few others at a Pre-season friendly in clevedon, can't remember which season that was now...

I don't bother posting any more, its just not the same. Ooops. :huh:

No smilies back then either! :ph34r:

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Can you all remember those spinning/flashing 'ATYES6 250' signitures that you used to get when you reached landmarks of 250,500 and 1000 posts.

Ahhh Teepee-we hated each other once but soon got around to agree to disagree when we realised we were spending far to much time on here arguing!

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  • Admin
I remember that!!

All those, I'm going to leave now messages, hoping for sympathy or something. But they never got it, did they.

Luckily, and hopefully, we don't seem to get any of those posters anymore. :ph34r::huh:

People still do it occasionally now. I just tend to reply "Bye then" when they do :)

If people do feel like quitting I suggest just taking a couple of days "breathing space", you come back fully refreshed and fully ready for the next barney :)

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Guest TB Mutiny

Agghhh!!! The PTV debate. The only posts were those of disgust and in other languages. Anyone remember Godzilla's "eiiou" post?

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Apart from Thorpe the other player who caused many a forum debate was Steve Torpey.

Two very opposed camps as I recall. One - he did a good job holding up the play and at upsetting the opposition defence with his physical presence.

Two - he was cr@p.

I was in the later camp.... :whistle:

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