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England Vs Germany

fka dagest

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i'm sorry actually I think it is the money, Most of the players could'nt give a toss about the competitive league.

But other countries offer massive wages as well. The likes of Barca and Madrid will pay enormous salaries. That's not the point though, the point is the Premier League is so good because it buys in talent, it doesn't grow it, and it's a point we all seem to agree on!

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I kind of agree, if by that you mean thier psychological failings. This last generation (10 years) has clearly underachieved, i dont buy into this whole "golden generation" nonsense but the players have had the ability and not used it in my opinon rather than not had it at all to begin with.

I wonder if somehow this is part of it: Dunning-Kruger effect

An interesting read sir! I would certainly suggest if supporters and media keep saying you are brilliant it will make you think you are better than you are (and probably help you become somewhat better than your natural skill level).

Bristol City and Gary Johnson are a very good example of a manager convincing players that they were better than they were in order to get the most from them, but it only works for so long..Just a thought!

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Guest oftbc

Cappello messed it right up. After watching the friendly games I knew we would struggle to get past the second round. People can slag off Sven all they want but at least he took us one step further. From the moment we kicked off against Germany it was clear they were going to sit behind the ball and let us come at them which they could easily afford to do as our scoring record of late is pants. They would then hit us on the counter with our defence exposed. I could see it and so could everyone else yet he kept faith it that system and soon we were 2 down. The England team need to learn some patience. It is no good going all guns blazing for 90 mins.

We should have subbed Upson at half time but because he scored he kept him on when it was clear we were fragile in defence and something needed to change. Defoe for Heskey??? The guy has lost it and is as clueless as GJ when it comes to tactics and it,s time we bring someone in like Harry who knows the English game through and through.

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Top post, Look at any FA, GFA, Somerset FA and even FIFA most of the most important posts are held by people who have never played the game and make ridiculous decisions without thinking about them properly and the impact that they have at any level. They are there because of all of the black money floating around, use our ball (1 mill in the swiss account), use our kit (another 1 mill in the swiss account) let us be the official sponser (another 1 mill in the swiss account).

The corruption within the game is there for all to see, A no mark pundit like Robbie Earle get's given 400 tickets and gives them to his ticket tout best mate and then apparently claims he did'nt know what business his best mate was in, The question is if a no mark like Earle can get his hands on 400 tickets, How many more no marks got their hands on these tickets and more than 400 i bet.

With the FA it's the prem and **** the rest of you.

Yes no doub't Englands dismal/shite efforts have hidden the nice little ticket scam he pulled off 400 tickets it takes the whole tin not just the biscuit, football stinks from the agents ,players earnings, endorsements and bonus payments,media image rights,even the most mundane players Shaun-Wright-Phillips,Upson,Green for example can get their moment in the sun due to the lack of talent available...... The Wembley stadium farce massive over budget never a chance of it being built outside London due to too much business pressure,the various in's & out's at the FA top table the normal supporter either puts up with this or gives football the elbow.

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and then to top it off today, Sepp Blatter in a pseudo Hitler Munich rally speech, Warns Sarkozy if he get's involved in French world cup debacle and holds an enquiry, He will ban France from international competition, Who the **** does this ***** think he is.

i'm sorry to say football is in a bad way, it has a cancerous stench from top to bottom, Fuelled by money and corruption.

The cheating has got worse and worse in this world cup and what has FIFA done, **** all, Yet again the cheats have prospered and what really gets stuck in my crawl is watching Jurgen Klinsman pontificate on the BBC at the UK TV licence payers expense about cheating, The cheating German who turned it into a performance art, You could'nt make it up.

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Don't really want to dwell on the disallowed goal to much but i do believe that would of made it a different game. I think we would of still lost but it would of been in a more respectable manor. Every player underperformed big time i would say apart from A.Cole Barry and James was ok. The manager made mistakes right from the start also in taking King and Heskey. Now i think it is time to bring in the new blood even if they don't get us to Euro 2012 there be ready for the world cup 2014

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