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Obviously there is some considerable confusion as to the position of Peter Styvar at City (excuse the pun! :innocent06: ) but as far as I can tell he must still be registered to us and therefore available to Coppell if desired,

I have searched the obvious sources, Wiki etc which does have an up to date record of his appearances for both Skoda Xanthi and FC Spartak Trnava (totaling 13!) last season and does still state that he is a City player,

Also on the official website in the players bio section updates were obviously made to that section at the very end of last season as Gary Sawyer's name appears on there...the fact that Styvars name still appears would also suggest that he is here,

I think the club made the situation extremely confusing for us by making public Styvars switch from xanthi to Trnava in the same ARTICLE that they declared Saborio's departure thus leading us to the assumption that this latest move had been made permenant. (Gong back to my previous point, if Styvar had been released his name/squad number would also have been removed from the OS when Saborio's were?!) However reading the article now with this other info in mind it does seem to make sense that the loan was only untill the end of last season.

All this being said I am sure that the photo featured in the "who is this" thread is infact Styvar with a new haircut although I may be wrong on that one.

Either way if anyone from the club does happen to read this it would be much appreciated if the situation was clarified however fun this guessing game is becoming :rolleyes:

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The guy in the photo is definitely not Styvar. We'll find out who he is later this week I think.

I think we may retain Styvar's registration but I doubt very much we'll see him even involved in pre-season, I believe he was quietly "let go" towards the end of last season when it became apparent that there were no takers for him (but I am not certain).

I wouldn't read anything into the list of players on the website, Adam tends to update that in one hit nearer the start of the season.

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