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I would like to see city progress this season,

Mr Coppell is the start, we now need to sign players who can improve this team,

I would like to see

New keeper

rightback who can pass the ball,

leftback who can pass the ball,

experienced dominant centre half,

centre midfield player,

natural left sided quick player

a stiker who scores goals to help maynard.

we have shipped out all the loanees and players not required,

We now need to let ORR go & Hartley go (if thats what he wants) maccer can go, lee johnson, sproule, and Carey is now sadly past his best,

any thoughts guys??????????

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I would like to see city progress this season,

Mr Coppell is the start, we now need to sign players who can improve this team,

I would like to see

New keeper

rightback who can pass the ball,

leftback who can pass the ball,

experienced dominant centre half,

centre midfield player,

natural left sided quick player

a stiker who scores goals to help maynard.

we have shipped out all the loanees and players not required,

We now need to let ORR go & Hartley go (if thats what he wants) maccer can go, lee johnson, sproule, and Carey is now sadly past his best,

any thoughts guys??????????

I agree with all of that, though I think Carey has something to offer still.

I think SC has the right contacts to make the right deals for us.

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So basically for 11 positions we need to replace 7?

No club is successful by bringin in this amount of players in one go and expecting them to gel instantly (Man City/Real Madrid anyone??)

It's been proven that we have a "decent" squad. With a few quality additions we can become a good/great squad, but I think the real test this season is going to be SC getting the best out of the majority of players we have already.

Already seen some decent business with an exciting young winger and a Championship proven midfielder. There is also a striker currently on trial with us who may end up signing for us. I would expect one/two further signings, depending on who stays. Obviously if Orr/Hartley are off then it naturally makes sense to replace them, but SL has been clear that the squad was too big under GJ and one of Steve's objectives would be to keep the squad around a certain size (23/24 was quoted I believe?)

We already have around 25 players counting the new boys I believe, so I certainly can't see another 7 players coming in in the next 4 weeks!

Evolution not Revolution. It won't take much to add significant quality to the squad. Burnley/Hull/Blackpool have already shown how teams can achieve without buying their way to success if the squad gels and if you have a group of players committed to the cause.

EDIT: PS my priority would be an experienced centre half. The defence has certainly been the weak link.

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why does everyone hate orr?

I don't think it's a case of hate, I think it's more to do with the fact that we've already had one instance of contract silly buggers with him and it would appear we're back in the same position again this summer. The latest is that he is still stalling over signing a contract extension unless anything has changed?

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I would like to see city progress this season,

Mr Coppell is the start, we now need to sign players who can improve this team,

I would like to see

New keeper

rightback who can pass the ball,

leftback who can pass the ball,

experienced dominant centre half,

centre midfield player,

natural left sided quick player

a stiker who scores goals to help maynard.

we have shipped out all the loanees and players not required,

We now need to let ORR go & Hartley go (if thats what he wants) maccer can go, lee johnson, sproule, and Carey is now sadly past his best,

any thoughts guys??????????

My thoughts? Most of the managers in the Championship will have a similar list. They don't grow on trees these "quality" players.

I'd like to see us sign most of the Barcelona first team. But, I have a slight passing relationship with the real world so I know it's not going to happen.

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I would like to see city progress this season,

Mr Coppell is the start, we now need to sign players who can improve this team,

I would like to see

New keeper

rightback who can pass the ball,

leftback who can pass the ball,

experienced dominant centre half,

centre midfield player,

natural left sided quick player

a stiker who scores goals to help maynard.

we have shipped out all the loanees and players not required,

We now need to let ORR go & Hartley go (if thats what he wants) maccer can go, lee johnson, sproule, and Carey is now sadly past his best,

any thoughts guys??????????

My thoughts are that you want to dismantle a squad which has finished in the top 10 for three successive seasons.

We don't need another 7 players, possibly another 4 or 5 depending on who departs. We currently have a squad of 22 players, excluding the 4 youngsters who have yet to make their first team debuts. This is likely to become 21 with Hartley's exit and Coppell has already said he wants to work with a squad in the mid twenties.

The positions that I would look to strengthen, in order of priority;

  1. Commanding centre half
  2. Strike partner for Maynard
  3. Left sided player
  4. Goalkeeper
  5. Replacement for Hartley

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I would if possible like to hold onto Orr if we are building a team to challange for promotion we need to hold onto our better players. Ok he isnt a Gary Neville but at this level every manager seems to rate him and a couple of seasons ago was in the championship team of the season. A lot of City fans seem to think he needs replacing but in the championship there is not a lot better than him.

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I think changing most of the first XI and having over a dozen players come in is far too much, both in terms of the squad coping with the change and in term of finding that many players of the right quality in our price range.

SC will be aware of the gaps but he will not make that level of change in one close season so frankly, this season will be transitional and you'll have to live with it. Adjust your expectations.

This time next year we should be seeing a side that SC has had time to put together properly and get playing his way, then we can start to think about troubling the top 6.

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I think changing most of the first XI and having over a dozen players come in is far too much, both in terms of the squad coping with the change and in term of finding that many players of the right quality in our price range.

SC will be aware of the gaps but he will not make that level of change in one close season so frankly, this season will be transitional and you'll have to live with it. Adjust your expectations.

This time next year we should be seeing a side that SC has had time to put together properly and get playing his way, then we can start to think about troubling the top 6.

Quite, it will be evolution not revolution. SC has already said we have a good squad that does not need major surgery. As I repeatedly say, if we had sorted out the defence last season we'd have made the play offs, which suggests to me he is right.

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Decent full backs . The lack of either is a massive worry, as the days of carrying fullbacks that cant offer 'owt going forward are over, especially at the higher levels.

Creative midfield man is the other must have before the season starts.

A new keeper, Carey replacement and decent forward will be probably be on the list if the right personal are available at the right price.

7th this year would be a good touch.

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Ok he isnt a Gary Neville but at this level every manager seems to rate him and a couple of seasons ago was in the championship team of the season. A lot of City fans seem to think he needs replacing but in the championship there is not a lot better than him.

I would say that the Gary Neville comparison is a fair shout: passionate, dependable, lays his body on the line, sometimes poor distribution and somewhat dull in comparison to the players around him. You just can't afford to have both full backs like that. For every Neville, there's an Evra; for every Capdevilla, there's a Ramos.

The other comparison with Neville is that he won't play more than 20 games next season with the young Brazilian coming through; same with Orr with Ribiero coming through

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Going back a while i gave Orr a bit of a grilling... and to be honest i would not be to upset to see him go to QPR. BUT! If he was to stay i think we could see the player we seen in the season we made the play offs when i thought he was excellent.

The reason being i think having a new manager may bring out the best in him !!


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I would if possible like to hold onto Orr if we are building a team to challange for promotion we need to hold onto our better players. Ok he isnt a Gary Neville but at this level every manager seems to rate him and a couple of seasons ago was in the championship team of the season. A lot of City fans seem to think he needs replacing but in the championship there is not a lot better than him.

Hear hear, with SC playing with wingers and not wingbacks Bradley will be left to do what he does best and play RB, I realise BO didn't have the greatest of seasons just gone (then again did anyone of the defence!), but I get the feeling BO will improve under SC , add the fact he'll be played in his natural posistion and not be expected to do things we all know is not his forte.

Having just watched SC interview in Sweden it's pretty clear he rates him, that'll do for me.

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I think changing most of the first XI and having over a dozen players come in is far too much, both in terms of the squad coping with the change and in term of finding that many players of the right quality in our price range.

SC will be aware of the gaps but he will not make that level of change in one close season so frankly, this season will be transitional and you'll have to live with it. Adjust your expectations.

This time next year we should be seeing a side that SC has had time to put together properly and get playing his way, then we can start to think about troubling the top 6.

Couldn't have put it better myself. :clapping:

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