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Exeter Match Thread


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I've pointed it out on several NTTDs's threads.

So have many other posters.

You don't listen, you don't change, so what's the point.

I just don't want to see you pissing off any other posters so much that they leave this forum, because the one who did added so much more than you, apparently, ever will.

Im sorry, but you keep bringing NTTDS into this, and this makes me realize that you are just as much of a bully imo.

NTTDS posts were lately just ramblimg bullshit CONSTANTLY about bbc, and very rarely BCFC related posted in the BCFC forum. Now WHY is that relevent to Bristol CIty?????? I DONT want to hear one mans bizarre obsession with the BBC. So you or others like you tell people like me (irratated at the posts) to just ignore the threads/posts. Ok. Yet when SC Red posts something YOU dont like, you ignore his request to ignore him and swipe at him constantly. So whats wrong with that picture?

Also when somebody else posts something as unrelated to city as NTTDS it gets instantly moved. So, rules bent for certain members are they? and if other posters dont agree a lynch mob will insue?

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Im sorry, but you keep bringing NTTDS into this, and this makes me realize that you are just as much of a bully imo.

You need to explain that Atticus.

How exactly does defending someone who is being bullied make me just as much a bully as the perpetrator?

If someone's posts constantly irritated me then I would put them on ignore but if someone is constantly rude and unpleasant to other posters, forcing posters to leave and souring the forum for everybody, then I won't.

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You need to explain that Atticus.

How exactly does defending someone who is being bullied make me just as much a bully as the perpetrator?

If someone's posts constantly irritated me then I would put them on ignore but if someone is constantly rude and unpleasant to other posters, forcing posters to leave and souring the forum for everybody, then I won't.

I've clashed swords with Nogbad in the past, but I feel the need to jump to his defence on this. Regardless of whether or not I always agree with him, Nogbad is one of the good guys :)

The NTTDS issue is a thorny one. In my eyes, he does seem to get a bit of a free pass when it comes to posting OT in the forum and often what I think Nogbad sees as bullying, I see as justified criticism. But that doesn't excuse downright nastiness and infighting.

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Reading this thread I remember why I rarely post on here any more. Its easy to get dragged into petty squabbling because its anonymous - most of the time you are just arguing against a name on a screen.

I don't know any of the contributors to this thread, but NTTDS who has been mentioned, I have met on a number of ocassions, John his real name I think (sometimes for reasons unknown to me referred to as Merv), couldnt be a nicer, more sincere genuine guy, if a little bit obssessed with the media.

Any way the point I'd like to make in relation to the actual topic is that Noble was mentioned in the match report and on Exeter's site for his quality and contribution before being rested towards the end of the game. I really do wish he had been given the encouragement that Johnson, whose lack of contribution is tellingly revealed by the fact he hasnt been given a single mention in any of the match reports in the friendlies so far, had been given. I hope Tisdale has the man management skills that some players such as Noble need, to resurrect his career.

I don't think we can read too much into the results from the friendlies, particularly, Exeter, who have a decent squad including some ex-City players, such as Noble, Harley and Golbourne, who could arguably be doing a decent job for us right now. I've had a look at their website, their fans seem to think this is the best Exeter side in years.

The starting line-up against Blackpool on Saturday is likely to be Coppell's more or less first-choice, and hopefully a more reliable performance indicator.

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Reading this thread I remember why I rarely post on here any more. Its easy to get dragged into petty squabbling because its anonymous - most of the time you are just arguing against a name on a screen.

I don't know any of the contributors to this thread, but NTTDS who has been mentioned, I have met on a number of occasions, John his real name I think (sometimes for reasons unknown to me referred to as Merv), couldn't be a nicer, more sincere genuine guy, if a little bit obsessed with the media.

Always good to read your posts Nick and I'd like to add my support to your views above. Having met NTTDS and Sweden in the real world I've found both to be extremely likeable and genuine people. I dislike it when any poster attacks them but particularly if the attacker is anonymous. I think people who choose to post anonymously are doing so because they have friends in the real world and it would embarrass them if it was known that they were saying the words they say. Anonymity affords them the freedom to attack without any fear of personal damage to their own real world reputation, not caring that it hurts the reputation or feelings of people who are not anonymous and therefore have more at stake. Personally while I don't have a problem with anonymous posters I think there should be specific forum rules for anonymous posters - in particular a rule that should stop them from attacking individuals who have stated their real identity.

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Always good to read your posts Nick and I'd like to add my support to your views above. Having met NTTDS and Sweden in the real world I've found both to be extremely likeable and genuine people. I dislike it when any poster attacks them but particularly if the attacker is anonymous. I think people who choose to post anonymously are doing so because they have friends in the real world and it would embarrass them if it was known that they were saying the words they say. Anonymity affords them the freedom to attack without any fear of personal damage to their own real world reputation, not caring that it hurts the reputation or feelings of people who are not anonymous and therefore have more at stake. Personally while I don't have a problem with anonymous posters I think there should be specific forum rules for anonymous posters - in particular a rule that should stop them from attacking individuals who have stated their real identity.

john akinde and David Clarkson might be nice people who cant defend themself on here. Its ok to call them totally clueless and dead fish though?

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john akinde and David Clarkson might be nice people who cant defend themself on here. Its ok to call them totally clueless and dead fish though?

I haven't read the comments or context but Sweden is a real person standing behind the comments. The expression dead fish also has a degree of humour (and I guess the flavour of a Swedish saying) about it and if this thread has been read by any of the players I wouldn't be surprised if dead fish is being used as a new nickname on the training ground. If so, it's more to do with the issue you made of it on this Exeter match thread than Sweden's original comment. It's not the worst comment I've read on here and I don't think it warranted the internet equivalent of poking your finger in Sweden's chest in the way you did. But Sweden's a big boy and he can handle it I'm sure. I just wonder whether you, like me, feel it's not very sporting that while I and others can visualise the faces of people like Sweden, NTTDS and Robbored as they react to attacks from you that nobody can visualise your face.

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I haven't read the comments or context but Sweden is a real person standing behind the comments. The expression dead fish also has a degree of humour (and I guess the flavour of a Swedish saying) about it and if this thread has been read by any of the players I wouldn't be surprised if dead fish is being used as a new nickname on the training ground. If so, it's more to do with the issue you made of it on this Exeter match thread than Sweden's original comment. It's not the worst comment I've read on here and I don't think it warranted the internet equivalent of poking your finger in Sweden's chest in the way you did. But Sweden's a big boy and he can handle it I'm sure. I just wonder whether you, like me, feel it's not very sporting that while I and others can visualise the faces of people like Sweden, NTTDS and Robbored as they react to attacks from you that nobody can visualise your face.

personal choice. Its a simple enough set of questions I asked.

but I guess its easier for the usual clique to link arms and point fingers back than answer them

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personal choice.

Sure, and that's fine. You didn't answer whether it was very sporting but can I propose that we just draw a line now and either let the thread fizzle out or that it resumes talking about last night's match? Certainly I plan to withdraw and get back on with the work on my desk. :)

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Always good to read your posts Nick and I'd like to add my support to your views above. Having met NTTDS and Sweden in the real world I've found both to be extremely likeable and genuine people. I dislike it when any poster attacks them but particularly if the attacker is anonymous. I think people who choose to post anonymously are doing so because they have friends in the real world and it would embarrass them if it was known that they were saying the words they say. Anonymity affords them the freedom to attack without any fear of personal damage to their own real world reputation, not caring that it hurts the reputation or feelings of people who are not anonymous and therefore have more at stake. Personally while I don't have a problem with anonymous posters I think there should be specific forum rules for anonymous posters - in particular a rule that should stop them from attacking individuals who have stated their real identity.

Agree with that Miles.

In my opinion SC-Red's problem is that while he asks some questions which I think are reasonable enough, he/she poses them in such a way that a are tad antagonistic bordering on rude, the fact it's anonymously just makes it worse.

It's easy to slip into disrespectful mode on an internet forum, to my embarrassment I have been guilty of it, everyone needs to be constantly mindful that they are speaking to real people and ask if they would put the questions like that face to face.

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Sure, and that's fine. You didn't answer whether it was very sporting but can I propose that we just draw a line now and either let the thread fizzle out or that it resumes talking about last night's match? Certainly I plan to withdraw and get back on with the work on my desk. :)

I dont see it as a sport. its a forum and when someone gives an opinion I dont see the problem with questioning it especially when its insulting our players from someone whose rarely seen them play.

look beyond nogbads attempts to defend his mates and make me look like a bully when they get asked awkward questions and see what I actually asked.

anyway I didnt think I had to answer your questions as you didnt give your name or post a photo of yourself ;) wheres Nogbad to call you a bully when I need him?

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Agree with that Miles.

In my opinion SC-Red's problem is that while he asks some questions which I think are reasonable enough, he/she poses them in such a way that a are tad antagonistic bordering on rude, the fact it's anonymously just makes it worse.

It's easy to slip into disrespectful mode on an internet forum, to my embarrassment I have been guilty of it, everyone needs to be constantly mindful that they are speaking to real people and ask if they would put the questions like that face to face.

thanks Nick. I'll try to ask them in a different way in future

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thanks Nick. I'll try to ask them in a different way in future

Just to clarify I and I think the other posters on here were referring to posts not just on this thread but on others.

Personally I have found most of your defence on this particular thread to be reasonable and in fact at times amusing, if anything your "opponents" have been just as if not more antagonistic, but probably arising from pent up frustration from other threads!

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look beyond nogbads attempts to defend his mates and make me look like a bully when they get asked awkward questions and see what I actually asked.

anyway I didnt think I had to answer your questions as you didnt give your name or post a photo of yourself ;) wheres Nogbad to call you a bully when I need him?

SC_Red - you should remember that I was far from the first to call you a bully and many other posters have regularly objected to your posting style both on this thread and numerous others.

I have met NTTDS several times - originally at a get together organised through this forum - and can only concur with all other posters' descriptions of what a genuinely nice bloke he is.

Years ago we used to have close season forum meet-ups at Ashton Park, followed by a few pints at Wedlocks or the Robins. I'm sure you wouldn't be so impatient with, or obnoxious to, NTTDS if you'd actually met him.

I haven't met Robbored, Tommy from Sweden, or the former poster who told me he has quit this forum after many years because he was so fed up with your constant sniping.

You blazed angrily onto this forum, seemingly with the purpose of challenging and criticising Robbored - you may have felt you had good reason to do so - but now use the same confrontational style to any poster who causes you the slightest irritation.

What I've found over the years is that there's a friendly core to this forum, and yes, of course you tend to become sympathetic to posters you have shared many years of pleasant BCFC based banter with, in the same way as you may form a bond with fans you don't know otherwise who sit around you at AG for years on end. But there is no clique that I am aware of, or part of.

This is a friendly forum for like minded BCFC fanatics and most can have inevitable disagreements without being personal, falling out, or seeming to swoop to criticise certain individuals whenever they post.

You stick out like a sore thumb as a notable exception - hopefully you will indeed change your completely unnecessarily hostile posting style from now on.

But, rest assured, I'll continue to point it out to you if you don't.


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SC_Red - you should remember that I was far from the first to call you a bully and many other posters have regularly objected to your posting style both on this thread and numerous others.

I have met NTTDS several times - originally at a get together organised through this forum - and can only concur with all other posters' descriptions of what a genuinely nice bloke he is.

Years ago we used to have close season forum meet-ups at Ashton Park, followed by a few pints at Wedlocks or the Robins. I'm sure you wouldn't be so impatient with, or obnoxious to, NTTDS if you'd actually met him.

I haven't met Robbored, Tommy from Sweden, or the former poster who told me he has quit this forum after many years because he was so fed up with your constant sniping.

You blazed angrily onto this forum, seemingly with the purpose of challenging and criticising Robbored - you may have felt you had good reason to do so - but now use the same confrontational style to any poster who causes you the slightest irritation.

What I've found over the years is that there's a friendly core to this forum, and yes, of course you tend to become sympathetic to posters you have shared many years of pleasant BCFC based banter with, in the same way as you may form a bond with fans you don't know otherwise who sit around you at AG for years on end. But there is no clique that I am aware of, or part of.

This is a friendly forum for like minded BCFC fanatics and most can have inevitable disagreements without being personal, falling out, or seeming to swoop to criticise certain individuals whenever they post.

You stick out like a sore thumb as a notable exception - hopefully you will indeed change your completely unnecessarily hostile posting style from now on.

But, rest assured, I'll continue to point it out to you if you don't.


point it out as much as you like. I dont care for your opinion or your biased approach to stepping into discussions.

you made your position clear ages ago so you can stop banging on about it now. we all know what it is.

your very quick to tell others to ignore your mates rather than confront them but feel you are too important to pratise what you preach.

you are the bully here. there are countless examples of you trying to impose your will on others. This being the latest example.

You are a dead fish and totally clueless. Thats not bullying. You told me it was fine.

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