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England On Tv?


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Modern football is on sale to the highest bidder

Yeps and it annoys me more than I can take, its whored out to scum like Murdoch, our game OUR BIRTHRIGHT has been robbed.

Murdoch is responsible for most of the worlds problems, he's an evil petty criminal. Distorter of socelty, money grabbing, greedy peice of 5h1t, I wouldn't piss on him if he was on fire. Screw his money, it only goes on players wages and you pay for it via your £40 a month subscription. and most of the 5h1t on Sky is adverts, why are you paying to watch adverts? Are you crazy? Murdoch gets paid a fortune to boraodcast them, then gets paid another fortune from us to watch them...gotta hand it to the guy, he's got brains to pull that one off. he's mugging us off.

Football would still be football without that crook, so the players wouldn't be on £100k per week, well boo bloody hoo, guess we'll just have to put up with players doing it for the love of the game, not money. Thats a future I want to see.

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I know it's not the point of your rant but just watch it on the net. Obviously not as good but better than not watching it. All England games should be on BBC or itv by law.

This. How can you encourage sport across the country if everyone can't watch it / be inspired by it? Surely everyone has the right to watch their national team? Where are you NTTDS? I want to hear your thoughts on this.

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Yeps and it annoys me more than I can take, its whored out to scum like Murdoch, our game OUR BIRTHRIGHT has been robbed.

Murdoch is responsible for most of the worlds problems, he's an evil petty criminal. Distorter of socelty, money grabbing, greedy peice of 5h1t, I wouldn't piss on him if he was on fire. Screw his money, it only goes on players wages and you pay for it via your £40 a month subscription. and most of the 5h1t on Sky is adverts, why are you paying to watch adverts? Are you crazy? Murdoch gets paid a fortune to boraodcast them, then gets paid another fortune from us to watch them...gotta hand it to the guy, he's got brains to pull that one off. he's mugging us off.

Football would still be football without that crook, so the players wouldn't be on £100k per week, well boo bloody hoo, guess we'll just have to put up with players doing it for the love of the game, not money. Thats a future I want to see.

Just in case I have misunderstood, you're not a big fan of Murdoch then ?

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Just in case I have misunderstood, you're not a big fan of Murdoch then ?

Yea sorry, I had to water down the post as its a public forum.

The sad thing is that the fa have no choice in away matches as in this case, the swiss fa decide who gets the tv rights, and they chose the highest bidder. The fa have persuaded setanta/espn to bid higher in the past so at least everyone can subscribe on freeview but it is still stupid

Yeah well we should not even sell them the rights, see how they like it!

What kind of society do we live in when our national broadcaster can't even show us Live England games, not just friendlies, but bloody qualifying ones!!

Its enough to tune you off Football for good, but it wont, and that racist knuckle dragging I love you knows it, people will just shut up and pay. Its so sad our game has become vessel for the likes of Murdoch to fleece the British public, its a ***ing disgrace!

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I have sky sports so I can watch it. Was more concerned with those I kno without it who don't wanna go to a pub. I thought these things had to be on terrestrial!

If you're that concerned about those you know who don't wanna go to the pub, then have them round yours!

Hey everybody....party tonight at dezgimed's!!!! :dancing6: :dancing6: :dancing6:

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Yea sorry, I had to water down the post as its a public forum.

Yeah well we should not even sell them the rights, see how they like it!

What kind of society do we live in when our national broadcaster can't even show us Live England games, not just friendlies, but bloody qualifying ones!!

Its enough to tune you off Football for good, but it wont, and that racist knuckle dragging I love you knows it, people will just shut up and pay. Its so sad our game has become vessel for the likes of Murdoch to fleece the British public, its a ***ing disgrace!

But all power in this and many country's seem to be held by people that just want to fleece people - Banks hold the power of distributing money, they make more and waist more than most governments. The FA holds the right to sell England matches, they sell to the highest bidder only for that bidder to pass on costs to its consumers. As long as people are willing to pay there will always be people willing to receive.

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But all power in this and many country's seem to be held by people that just want to fleece people - Banks hold the power of distributing money, they make more and waist more than most governments. The FA holds the right to sell England matches, they sell to the highest bidder only for that bidder to pass on costs to its consumers. As long as people are willing to pay there will always be people willing to receive.

Aye, its not just England its British football as a whole.

Why are footballers paid astronomical amounts of money? They never used to be, there has to be salary caps, we can#t allow clubs to suck from the teet of scum sucking ball-bag Murdoch, you become addicted, we are addicted to the trash he puts out and worse still we belive it...he is shaping our society, it cant be aloud to happen, he needs to be stopped.

If Murdoch had his way Premier League teams would play at a time to suit South East Asian time and be plit into 4 QTR's like American Football. The guy doesn't give a shit about Britain, he hates us, he's admitted it, he hates blacks especially, he's a typical racist Aussie *****.

He's become too powerful, I would ask the monopoly's commission to look into it, but he probably owns them, shit, even our government came out and said the are too afraid to go up against Murdoch such is the power and influence he can wield via his bias news networks.

What other programmes do Sky make in the UK for the UK? NONE!!! And yet Sky have the cheek to flame the BBC for the way they handle themselves.

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We all need to get out more. Stop watching crap TV, buying Crap newsapers and magazines. Get down you're local and intergrate. Talk to people, join Clubs etc. Too many people sat on their arses letting his stuff wash over them. We are just a lazy nation.

Sorry but that's quite funny saying we are a lazy nation then tellin us to get down the pub! I'm sure you have a point somewhere but still some generalisation in there.

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Yeps and it annoys me more than I can take, its whored out to scum like Murdoch, our game OUR BIRTHRIGHT has been robbed.

Murdoch is responsible for most of the worlds problems, he's an evil petty criminal. Distorter of socelty, money grabbing, greedy peice of 5h1t, I wouldn't piss on him if he was on fire. Screw his money, it only goes on players wages and you pay for it via your £40 a month subscription. and most of the 5h1t on Sky is adverts, why are you paying to watch adverts? Are you crazy? Murdoch gets paid a fortune to boraodcast them, then gets paid another fortune from us to watch them...gotta hand it to the guy, he's got brains to pull that one off. he's mugging us off.

Football would still be football without that crook, so the players wouldn't be on £100k per week, well boo bloody hoo, guess we'll just have to put up with players doing it for the love of the game, not money. Thats a future I want to see.

Murdoch took over the Sun and turned it into the biggest-selling paper when it was previously close to going out of business. He took Sky from a small broadcaster to becoming the current market leader. Since Sky money has been ploughed into the Premier League, we have attracted the biggest stars and attendances have risen, as well as the game becoming more and more family friendly, and thus making it more inclusive. Also, how is he 'mugging us off'? As far as I'm aware, it is an individual's choice whether or not to purchase Sky, if I chose to spend 40/50 quid a month on it, that makes it my choice, no one forces me to do that.

If he was such a sh1t, why do so many subscribe, choose to have Sky in their home and attendances risen considerably from Division 1 of the early 90's?

I'm not saying he's a Saint, but he puts products on the table, and people buy them. Surely he's simply an incredible astute and in touch businessman?

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We all need to get out more. Stop watching crap TV, buying Crap newsapers and magazines. Get down you're local and integrate. Talk to people, join Clubs etc. Too many people sat on their arses letting his stuff wash over them. We are just a lazy nation.

Couldnt agree more. OK I'm not gonna be a hypocrite, I use otib, but thats about the only forum, chat site I use. I don't buy into the whole facebook gibberish Twitter/myspaca, I geninuly have better things to do than 'poke' somone or approve of a picture etc. I wonder how much GDP is lost due to social networking sites and shit on TV ? Probably about the the amount we are in deficit by.

Call me old fashioned, but I long for the days (not that long ago) or meetin ya mates down the pub at a predetermined time to smoke fags and get pissed, no mobile phones with GPS or an APP to regulate your breathing is it now? BREATH IN, BREATH OUT or whatever shit they'll try to sell you next. Screw that.

Anyone who is 30 - 40 like me probably used to make bows and arrows, go fishing, smash up rusty bangers in the field, hunt for porn in the woods, shoot rats and make dens. Todays youth I feel sorry for, poor cnuts cant even play conkers in the playground due to the potential of suing for injury of which you can choose from several low brow firms on any Sky channels every 5 mins. A lot of toadys kids are pale subterranean misfits with elongated necks and no social skills, they cheat on exams and are generally lazy, thick and lacking in ambition and identity. Its not their fault, i'm not having a pop at them, I just fear for the future of this country when social standards are dictated by the media.

Dont get me started on the celeb culture please...GRR In my local Tesco there is a magazine rack the length of an Olympic swimming pool dedicated entirely to celebs like Jordon, Katonia and Sherrle Cole....Who is actually interested? No wonder we have the highest teenage pregnancy in the world with sluts and hookers as role models.

Sorry, i'm on the war path today as i'm not gonna be able to watch the game....or hight lights...Just a disgrace to me.

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