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Why can't you accept that Millen is doing a good job? All you seem to do is make cheap remarks about Millen - all of which are without substance.

and all you do is make sycophantic remarks claiming that every success is down to Millen, pity you were'nt always as supportive and let's just analyse last weeks very welcome 3-0 win over Sheff Utd, 2 pens (one very dodgy) and a freak goal against a team who played with 10 men for over half of the game. My remarks cheap maybe without substance **** me you made yourself a reputation for that over a 4 year period.

and whilst we are talking about substance I am still waiting for a reply to what actually did KM do (apart from keeping his head down (your words) for 4 years under GJ)?.

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As opposed to you, who made all comments against the former manager based upon nothing other than reason and logic, rather than a personal vendetta.

Exactly right.

At least my critism of Johnson was justified, based on the uninspiring shite we were being served up week in week out for the best part of 2 seasons.

ESB simply aims his cheap jibes at Millen - all without basis or reason.

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Results went our today, could that be down to KM?.

and all you do is make sycophantic remarks claiming that every success is down to Millen, pity you were'nt always as supportive and let's just analyse last weeks very welcome 3-0 win over Sheff Utd, 2 pens (one very dodgy) and a freak goal against a team who played with 10 men for over half of the game. My remarks cheap maybe without substance **** me you made yourself a reputation for that over a 4 year period.

and whilst we are talking about substance I am still waiting for a reply to what actually did KM do (apart from keeping his head down (your words) for 4 years under GJ)?.

Alan Alan Alan, if your going to constantly poke a wasps nest don't then cry when you get stung.

What has this got to do with mcallisters performances? Or is just YET another pointless post to have a pop at someones post views.

This forum has gone to the dogs lately and I'd say a part of that is down to pointless bullying trolls who take every robbo thread into another pointless exercise, something that makes this forum a chore to read for many.

So easy for you people to insult someone who is public known while hiding behind a fake name.

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Exactly right.

At least my critism of Johnson was justified, based on the uninspiring shite we were being served up week in week out for the best part of 2 seasons.

ESB simply aims his cheap jibes at Millen - all without basis or reason.

Not justified at all as it's only your, one-eyed, opinion.

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GJ and KM both worked for Bristol City, but they are completely different in terms of coaching, GJ is old skool whereas Millen is bang upto date with all the modern coaching, got a good collection of coaching badges and would for sure learnt things from GJ.

Therer are far too many managers in the English game who get top jobs based only on their playing carrear and reputation, Km is a manager who knows exactly what hes doing.

Anyway, it needn't take much to improve some players, there are a lot of things a new manager can do, I doubt as assistant KM could really exercise his own training regime without undermining his boss.

I'd agree with that.

Millen last season instantly got us playing with a new sprit and changed a number of things of the pitch. One of which was to stop treating players like children, I believe.

That's continued this season once he repaired the damage done by coppell, once he can bomb out the dead wood left over by past managers he will further be able to adjust the squad, which based on what Ive seen so far is going to be based on youger promising players unlike the "old pro's" signed by the last two.

All in all, again lansdown has stuck by his man through a early rough patch and is reeping the rewards

As for Macca, having a decent winger in front of him has helped and i think hes playing very well at the moment, that said he is still a weak link which needs improving long term.

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What has this got to do with mcallisters performances? Or is just YET another pointless post to have a pop at someones post views.

This forum has gone to the dogs lately and I'd say a part of that is down to pointless bullying trolls who take every robbo thread into another pointless exercise, something that makes this forum a chore to read for many.

So easy for you people to insult someone who is public known while hiding behind a fake name.

What a piece of crap, you have just perfectly described RR and his 4 year vendetta.

and the replies have everything to do with Mcallisters performances it may have escaped your attention that the heading says 'Mcallister - recent improvement down to Millen?', another sycophantic attempt to prove he was correct all along but conveniently ignoring the 2 years of unbridled success that we had and more importantly you may be able to let go the outrageous statement (amongst many others) that RR made about KM doing nothing apart from keeping his head down in the 4 years with GJ, but myself and others are still very interested to know what exactly KM did do, after all RR claims insider knowledge. I wonder how KM would take the news that RR considers he did nothing for 4 years apart from picking up his pay cheque.

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What has this got to do with mcallisters performances? Or is just YET another pointless post to have a pop at someones post views.

This forum has gone to the dogs lately and I'd say a part of that is down to pointless bullying trolls who take every robbo thread into another pointless exercise, something that makes this forum a chore to read for many.

So easy for you people to insult someone who is public known while hiding behind a fake name.

its not his view though donnie. Its just a wind up as it always is.

He's trying to congratulate Millen for everything to annoy people because he spent 4 years blaming Johnson for everything so he sees it as funny to take the opposite view just to cause arguments. Thats why I mentioned him constantly poking a wasps nest.

I support Millen 100%. Robbored doesnt he just sees it as good fun to pretend he does so people bite after all his nastyness about Johnson.

Dont believe me? Ask him yourself in the SC. He's happy to admit it then when he's chuckling to his mates.

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Exactly right.

At least my critism of Johnson was justified, based on the uninspiring shite we were being served up week in week out for the best part of 2 seasons.

ESB simply aims his cheap jibes at Millen - all without basis or reason.

You think its justified - I suspect esmond thinks he's justified.

He's exactly how you we're with GJ.

Difference is Millen has acheived nothing, whereas GJ did. So Esmond is more justified.

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You think its justified - I suspect esmond thinks he's justified.

He's exactly how you we're with GJ.

Difference is Millen has acheived nothing, whereas GJ did. So Esmond is more justified.

That really made me chuckle.

Another point donnie dosen't realise whilst he blows more smoke up RR's arse is that over the past 4 months I have actually agreed with some of the more sane points that RR has made on this forum and have posted as much in reply, so donnie whilst we are deciding on who is the victim here, find me a reply from one of my posts that RR actually agrees with, so donnie not guilty yet again to the allegation that I only attack RR at every opportunity because it's actually the other way around, RR dosen't and has never wanted balanced argument/discussion all he wants is his version of events/truth.

By the way still waiting for an answer to the what did KM do for 4 years? of course apart from keeping his head down and that's from the horses mouth.

and finally I do support KM, I am just not convinced at present, so if you can find a post of mine calling him a conference manager or a nasty piece of work or anything that says I am against him either you or RR show me, I am not selective over which manager has my support and which dosen't.

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Not at all true! (assuming you are referring to my critism of Johnson) Many fans held the same view, including many on here. I just happened to be the most vocal.

You've consistently slagged off the 2nd season in the championship, it did fall away disappointingly but I don't recall many complaints about the quality of football. To call it utter shite is ridiculous.

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Next round, DIng-Ding. I give it to Esmond on points at the moment.

Thank you, i'm still awaiting his answer to my 'what did KM do apart from keeping his head down for 4 years under GJ' after all in his position as the sage and team confidante and being present during every single contentious moment of GJ's managership he is bound to know and I for one can't wait for the answer, mind you it's only been about 3 weeks, I would have thought that he could have come up with one of his ridiculous excuses by now.

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Thank you, i'm still awaiting his answer to my 'what did KM do apart from keeping his head down for 4 years under GJ' after all in his position as the sage and team confidante and being present during every single contentious moment of GJ's managership he is bound to know and I for one can't wait for the answer, mind you it's only been about 3 weeks, I would have thought that he could have come up with one of his ridiculous excuses by now.

Has anyone got a bucket of water to throw over this lot? :surrender:

Owners, PLEASE split-up this dog-fight before one of them gets bitten!

Back to the thread - is McAllister s**t, or not??

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Back to the thread - is McAllister s**t, or not??

No he's not shite and he's improved in recent games. I think that could be down to Millen's influence. Difference managerial style equals an improvement in individual performances.

Remember that for almost all of his time at City McAllister didn't get any better. He stagnated and made the same aimless punts game after game. Now after playing under Millen for a relatively short time he's improved considerably. Could be that Millen has encouraged him to stop making hoofing the ball up the pitch an encouraged a higher percentage passing style.

Its no co-incidence imo that McAllister's improvement has happened under new management.

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Not at all true! (assuming you are referring to my critism of Johnson) Many fans held the same view, including many on here. I just happened to be the most vocal.

Big difference Robbo me old son, is that the rest of us didn't start a thread off Gary Johnson, Conference Manager. you were the earliest and always the most outspoken critic of Johnson, and there is a reason for that aint there?

Johnson got us up, and almost took us to the Prem, neither of which can be scoffed at. Its true the final two seasons were dire in the main, but give credit where its due, and it is.

And yes I was one of those let fly at Johnson on a regular basis during his last shit season here. I didn't have any personal agenda in it though. unlike some. Just thought he'd take us down. I didn't then, and don't want that to happen at all. We have come too far to revisit League 1 and the JPT again.

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I think it's quite funny that someone who seems to have such a personal problem with Robbored's obvious trolling is doing their level best to copy him and become the next rabid anti manager poster. Imitation the sincerest form of flattery?


You are very selective on what you read, I have said I support KM, but remain to be convinced, comprende

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You are very selective on what you read, I have said I support KM, but remain to be convinced, comprende


There are children reading this ......

....... AND it's nearly Christmas.

Now, kiss and make-up or santa won't come down any of your chimneys.

Let's all get behind McAllister. How about getting him a pair of those new Nike spring-loaded footy boots ..... in the hope he won't get skinned by any championship winger faster than an arthritic corgy.


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