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Leeds Fans Everywhere Today


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Just saw a Leeds coach at the black horse pub in thornbury I presume it will be going round picking up Leeds fans around the area. I know 3 people at my work will be in Williams stand, no idea what block and I know another two, father & son who be in dolman. So please city win today I don't I could put with stick at work like I did from a boro fan

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Well they can't say they weren't warned. That fat ***** took a right hammering on his long, tortuous exit from the Dolman upper. How many punches did he get? His head was being rained on by fists for what must have been a good 5 minutes before they got him down the side steps

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Well they can't say they weren't warned. That fat ***** took a right hammering on his long, tortuous exit from the Dolman upper. How many punches did he get? His head was being rained on by fists for what must have been a good 5 minutes before they got him down the side steps

I don't condone it for a second, but if you're going to come into a hickey charged environment like a football home end and have the complete lack of respect and audacity to cheer an opposition goal then WTF do they expect. I am pretty sure the lads next to me were Leeds, almost 100% but they were respectful, watched the game quietly and left without any hassle at the end of the game.

Was bloody shocked they came into the dolman B but there we go.

I wonder if it was our gobby norther **** of a friend MOT running accross the pitch for his life after second? ****.

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No sympathy for any of the Leeds fans in the home end. if they were stupid enough to cheer, they deserved what they had coming.

The cheering thing sounded very stupid, arrogant/naive. Coming onto rival fora- as MOT did on here, cannot believe the arrogance/stupidity of that. As I said on another forum;

'You know the score (no pun intended ;))when you sit in home ends as an away fan- keep quiet, sit down and maybe even if you have been in the home end to support the home side join in the chant.' Certainly if I ever had to sit in the home end as an away fan that is advice I would follow!

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Well they can't say they weren't warned. That fat ***** took a right hammering on his long, tortuous exit from the Dolman upper. How many punches did he get? His head was being rained on by fists for what must have been a good 5 minutes before they got him down the side steps

Didnt someone mention on the other thread (possibly MOT) that some Leeds supporters buying tickets for our stands were given the impression from somewhere that the Dolman was a family stand. Got a bit more than they bargained for if thats what they thought.

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Didnt someone mention on the other thread (possibly MOT) that some Leeds supporters buying tickets for our stands were given the impression from somewhere that the Dolman was a family stand. Got a bit more than they bargained for if thats what they thought.

Yeah, I think I posted that- seems the club told them, (allegedly on 606) that the best home stand for away fans was the Dolman!

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I don't care what anyone says, call me a thug whatever but Leeds got what they deserved today, the Stewards did well in looking the other way an letting what happened happen, if you are big enough to stand up giving it the big un in the home end, you are big enough for a hiding.

Totally agree. People who are stupid enough to act the way they did today are asking for trouble

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think i was surrounded by leeds fans actually, small bunch of then in Dolman G block, all were quiet all game and just spoke between themselves, had no problems with them being there what so ever, infact think i will be going with freinds to the Wales Vs England game and will have to be with the home fans.....may wear my England shirt loud and proud for it :englandsmile4wf:


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Yeah, I think I posted that- seems the club told them, (allegedly on 606) that the best home stand for away fans was the Dolman!

In which case its just possible that the geezer getting whacked on his way out had purchased a ticket as an away fan believing he was going to be sat in with dads, mums and their kids. I already had no sympathy for them and now I have even less.

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I don't condone it for a second, but if you're going to come into a hickey charged environment like a football home end and have the complete lack of respect and audacity to cheer an opposition goal then WTF do they expect. I am pretty sure the lads next to me were Leeds, almost 100% but they were respectful, watched the game quietly and left without any hassle at the end of the game.

Was bloody shocked they came into the dolman B but there we go.

I wonder if it was our gobby norther **** of a friend MOT running accross the pitch for his life after second? ****.

Apperently a Rovers fan, BRISTOLIAN, as well as Leeds? That was what was discussed over a pint or 3

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