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Garys Team Spirit


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He had them believing they could achieve anything but he should have changed the squad more because the players were just too familiar with his way, and eventually ran out of steam. If he had changed more of his squad after the play off season GJ could have possibly ran and ran with his philosphy.

I'm sure he looks back now and regrets sticking with the same players for so long. He was a terrifc motivator and disciplinarian, it's ironic that this is exactly the kind of person we need in charge now to get us out of this mess.

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I am sick of hearing his bloody name, we have moved on, team spirit comes with results, does anyone remember what it was like at the end of the Johnson era, team spirit was down as was morale and confidence.

Sorry to the op, wasn't having a dig, it's a good question but I think it's mostly down to winning, rant over!

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I am sick of hearing his bloody name, we have moved on, team spirit comes with results, does anyone remember what it was like at the end of the Johnson era, team spirit was down as was morale and confidence.

Sorry to the op, wasn't having a dig, it's a good question but I think it's mostly down to winning, rant over!

Yeah I am a bit too.

However results come with team spirit and team spirit increases with results. What GJ did (sorry) was create a team spirit in the dressing room by shipping out the big time Charlies and the local celebs and nearly made the top six in his first season with a side that included Baz Savage et al...Truly remarkable....However ancient history!

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I am sick of hearing his bloody name, we have moved on, team spirit comes with results, does anyone remember what it was like at the end of the Johnson era, team spirit was down as was morale and confidence.

Sorry to the op, wasn't having a dig, it's a good question but I think it's mostly down to winning, rant over!


The wembley season was built on continuing the confidence and morale from the promotion season and then a bit of luck at the end of the season, it's how you respond after the first season in the championship and it's been backward ever since wembley, alot of which i felt was over-loyalty to the player who got us promoted, alot of who should have been replaced sooner and a couple which are somehow still here

A number of teams have also done it since, but have improved the squads at the right times

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The wembley season was built on continuing the confidence and morale from the promotion season and then a bit of luck at the end of the season, it's how you respond after the first season in the championship and it's been backward ever since wembley, alot of which i felt was over-loyalty to the player who got us promoted, alot of who should have been replaced sooner and a couple which are somehow still here

A number of teams have also done it since, but have improved the squads at the right times

The purchase of nicky Maynard and Paul Hartley wasn't an improvement of the squad then?

Rather you liked him or loathed him GJ ws the victim of his own success if we'd of finished 10th then 4th people wouldn't even be debating it......

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The purchase of nicky Maynard and Paul Hartley wasn't an improvement of the squad then?

Rather you liked him or loathed him GJ ws the victim of his own success if we'd of finished 10th then 4th people wouldn't even be debating it......

No because we played some good attacking football for at least half of the playoff season so it would've shown an improvement in both performances and results. As it was we saw a drop in performances and results whilst the football gradually became more and more dull. He wasn't a victim of his own success at all.

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The wembley season was built on continuing the confidence and morale from the promotion season and then a bit of luck at the end of the season, it's how you respond after the first season in the championship and it's been backward ever since wembley, alot of which i felt was over-loyalty to the player who got us promoted, alot of who should have been replaced sooner and a couple which are somehow still here

A number of teams have also done it since, but have improved the squads at the right times

agree with this, we didnt strengthen with real quality when I felt we had the chance.

The over loyalty thing extends to the coaching staff / management to though. They are just as responsible for our current demise. Unfortunately, instead of evolving both on and off the pitch, we allowed things to go stale and acted on things far, far to late. In fact, some things still havent been acted on now

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The purchase of nicky Maynard and Paul Hartley wasn't an improvement of the squad then?

Rather you liked him or loathed him GJ ws the victim of his own success if we'd of finished 10th then 4th people wouldn't even be debating it......

Maynard is only one player, I'm talking the about the squad as a whole. Regardless of where we finished that season, we needed to rebuild, our post xmas form had shown that

Hartley was another 12 months later.

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The wembley season was built on continuing the confidence and morale from the promotion season and then a bit of luck at the end of the season, it's how you respond after the first season in the championship and it's been backward ever since wembley, alot of which i felt was over-loyalty to the player who got us promoted, alot of who should have been replaced sooner and a couple which are somehow still here. A number of teams have also done it since, but have improved the squads at the right times

Spot on.

Johnson failed to capitilise on that one fantastic(if a tad fortunate)season. He didn't strengthen when he should have and ended up producing almost two season's of dull and unispired football. Part of the problem was that he would never sign 'big name' players.

As you say some of those Johnson era players are still at AG and are part of the reason that City are struggling now imo. A mass clear out over the summer is essential if Millen s to build a successful team with his own players. If he doesn't change the playing staff much over the summer then I can see another season like this one heading our way.

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Spot on.

Johnson failed to capitilise on that one fantastic(if a tad fortunate)season. He didn't strengthen when he should have and ended up producing almost two season's of dull and unispired football. Part of the problem was that he would never sign 'big name' players.

As you say some of those Johnson era players are still at AG and are part of the reason that City are struggling now imo. A mass clear out over the summer is essential if Millen s to build a successful team with his own players. If he doesn't change the playing staff much over the summer then I can see another season like this one heading our way.

Funny enough I was wondering last night about this...

Remember around March / April time when GJ came out with

"we have two target lists for the summer.............one for if we win promotion & one for if we dont"

I wonder who was on the "win promotion" list???? - would be interesting to know because he couldn't sign "big name" players ....they would never react favourably to his bully boy & "everyone thinks your crap go and prove them wrong" us & them way of management.....as they say "you can fool some of the people ..........."

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Have to say, I did think not just in terms of team spirit, but the club as a whole for a good 2 or 3 seasons had a great sense of unity and spirit- fans, players, management, board all in it. Atmosphere was better too.

As for saying big name players wouldn't have responded to bully boy tactics? Perhaps not, but then how many successful managers are 'nice guys'? Do we think Fergie, Wenger, Ancelotti, Mourinho, Dalglish, Redknapp and others here and abroard are wilting flowers or let players take liberties behind closed doors? Now I'm not saying Johnson is in their class, nothing like but the point still stands.

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As for saying big name players wouldn't have responded to bully boy tactics? Perhaps not, but then how many successful managers are 'nice guys'? Do we think Fergie, Wenger, Ancelotti, Mourinho, Dalglish, Redknapp and others here and abroard are wilting flowers or let players take liberties behind closed doors? Now I'm not saying Johnson is in their class, nothing like but the point still stands.

I remember Lee Dixon once saying that in the whole time he played under Wenger he never once heard Wenger raise his voice and that the angriest he ever saw him was when Arsenal were 0-2 down at half time, Wenger screwed up a paper cup and threw it into the waste bin.They went out in the second half and scored 4. Ferguson has a reputation for dishing out the 'hairdryer' treatment but he is the most successfull British manager of all time and his method of management speaks for itself.

As for all the other top managers, they are very capable of dishing out the bollockings but they all have a reputation for respecting their players as professionals and grown men, something Johnson struggled to do, not just at City but at Posh as well.

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Most of those managers are hard, but fair. they can handle big name players and are not afraid to give youngsters a chance. Spot the differences.

Fair point on youngsters, he was very reluctant to promote to 1st team. Big name players? They can- could Johnson? We'll never find out definitively I suppose, but he did seem oddly reluctant to go for more established players at this level.

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out of intrest which "Big name players" were willing to come to Bristol City?

Which ones are here now (James aside a player at the end of his career)

Hartley was a "Big name player" Johnson signed but they were not lining up to play for us were they?

And heres the funny part You mention the dire football how I long for that dire football and results that are ground out now,

Because its so much better now..............

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It's not much better now, but part of that goes back to Johnsons reign. As with all managers, he had strengths and weaknesses, he was the right man when he took over, the momentum carried us all the way to the Play Offs, after that, with one or two exceptions, he spent an awful lot of money to achieve very little, either on the pitch, or in terms of saleable assets. By the end, he was clearly the wrong man for those circumstances, as buying/ borrowing an endless succession of mediocre journeymen was not sustainable financially.

We have no idea who was, or was not available, but by only wanting 'Gary Johnson Players' he limited our options, and for a Club of our size, neglecting youth development is criminal. GJ did a good job, moved us forward, but at a price, and now that SL wants the books to balance, we need a different type of manager who can work on a far more limited budget, and can't just buy 'clubs in the bag'.

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I am sick of hearing his bloody name, we have moved on, team spirit comes with results, does anyone remember what it was like at the end of the Johnson era, team spirit was down as was morale and confidence.

Sorry to the op, wasn't having a dig, it's a good question but I think it's mostly down to winning, rant over!

Well perhaps if "the chosen few" stopped blaming him for just about everything that is wrong with the club now then perhaps we could all move on.

All the problems that the club have on the pitch now are down to the current management team not copout or johnson, they have had 2/3 rds of a season to address issues of attitude, team spirit, motivation and squad inbalance, so the final outcome will be down to them alone.

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