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One Joe Jordan!


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Souness had it right about Gattuso after the match "Gattuso is a little dog at best. Go get the ball, scuffle around. He's now well past his sell-by date, I just wish he'd gone off ten minutes...it wouldn't take ten minutes...five minutes with Joe Jordan in a room on his own"

He really didn't know who he was messing with did he? Joe would have him for breakfast :D

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Quality player. Acted like a **** though

What a proper little gimp. Headbutting a 59 year old, how very brave.

Saying that though, there are 59 year olds, and then there's Joe Jordan. Loved Souness' reaction. Did you see him rubbing his legs like Vic Reeves when they cut back to the studio - he was itching to get out there himself and pop one on the dwarf!

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What happened exactly?

I don't have sky

several short clips on youtube... 2 incidents, shove during match & headbutt, ranting etc at end of game. No doubt more clips will appear (at least one has been removed by youtube already though).

Anyway ... Joe Jordans Red 'n White Army !!! (once a City hero -always a City hero!!)

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several short clips on youtube... 2 incidents, shove during match & headbutt, ranting etc at end of game. No doubt more clips will appear (at least one has been removed by youtube already though).

Anyway ... Joe Jordans Red 'n White Army !!! (once a City hero -always a City hero!!)

So much so, My dad decided he deserved to help him name his first born! :city:

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Joe speaks fluent Italian from his days playing Gattuso's current employer, AC Milan. While he was at Milan in 82 ish they were relegated so people in the city dont have too fond memories of Big Joe. So if JJ was bawling at Gattuso all game I can imagine the little scrote was none too pleased!

Reminds me of the Chuck Norris jokes:

"...Outer space only exists because its too scared to share the same planet as Joe Jordan..."

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I watched it online so didn't get the benefit of Sky's commentry/punditry.

But, how did the 12 Chumpion League officials possibly miss Gattuso's first push in the face of JJ? That was a sending off right there.

None of this is as bad as Flamino's (sp??) two footed lunge though. How on earth did the referee deem that the tackle by the Milan player, was not a red card, whilst playing in Milan?

Can anyone guess? Gutless officiating.

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Why has he not been arrested for Assault?

if a supporter had done that to another (especially in this country) he would be banned for life from ANY GROUND and have to report to a police station whenever there was an international game............

The double standards make me sick...I wish there was a way to make something happen but you know it aint worth it................maybe I should report it to Italian police and make a witness statement.....not worth the kin effort

Rant over...

On the other hand I did laugh at the statment he made after......................."We were talking Scottish .....but I cant say what about"

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Joe speaks fluent Italian from his days playing Gattuso's current employer, AC Milan. While he was at Milan in 82 ish they were relegated so people in the city dont have too fond memories of Big Joe. So if JJ was bawling at Gattuso all game I can imagine the little scrote was none too pleased!

Reminds me of the Chuck Norris jokes:

"...Outer space only exists because its too scared to share the same planet as Joe Jordan..."

or another angle at an early stage in gattuso,s life he played for rangers. he,s also married to a scot. no langauge barrier maybe it was celtic rangers rubbish. would love to know what was said

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Annoyingly SSN today reported the incident in which Gatutso "appeared to head butt Jordan". At least they didn't water it down to "allegedly head butted Joe".

I long for the day when the media can report sport in the way it's watched.

"Dirty foreign **** had a go at big Joe"

"@@@@@@ Leeds *******ed by ########## Arsenal" etc

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Lets be honest its symptomatic of Italian football. They just cannot take losing. Remember a few years ago Juve got schooled by Arsenal and when they were 2 or 3 down they resorted to kicking the hell out of the Arsenal team. I have no time for Serie A, its slow, boring and full of diving, cheating nancy boys whos only major injury comes if their hairband falls off

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