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Nicky Hunt Info Please


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I'm not very knowledgeable in these matters but is it conceivable that a footballer suffering from depression would try to fight it by engaging himself in the sort of activities he believes he is "supposed" to enjoy (e.g. going out late, showing off wealth etc.)? He may not actually get much joy from spending hours in nightclubs with a succession of different women (if indeed that is what he's doing) but he may believe he is supposed to enjoy it and that it will "cure" him.

I don't know anything about him or his character but personally speaking I don't think I'd actually like the life of a footballer very much, and I think it's probably quite hard for any footballer who feels that way. After all, it's supposed to be brilliant and anyone would want to do it, so how could any footballer be unhappy?

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I'm not very knowledgeable in these matters but is it conceivable that a footballer suffering from depression would try to fight it by engaging himself in the sort of activities he believes he is "supposed" to enjoy (e.g. going out late, showing off wealth etc.)? He may not actually get much joy from spending hours in nightclubs with a succession of different women (if indeed that is what he's doing) but he may believe he is supposed to enjoy it and that it will "cure" him.

I don't know anything about him or his character but personally speaking I don't think I'd actually like the life of a footballer very much, and I think it's probably quite hard for any footballer who feels that way. After all, it's supposed to be brilliant and anyone would want to do it, so how could any footballer be unhappy?

I think your second paragraph is pertinent, Dan. Not as ideal a job as one might think, if you find that it means having to bond closely and spend a lot of time with guys with whom, if you're honest, you feel you have absolutely nothing in common. Could, in fact, make you feel quite isolated even in the middle of a large group, a feeling that would enhance, and be enhanced by, a depressive tendency. The same could be true, for example, of players who have issues about their sexual orientation that they feel they have to keep hidden from team mates. The game has in the past seen the tragedy of at least one high--profile suicide that appeared to be related to the player's sexuality.

Careers that seem glamorous on the face of it can look very different from the inside. I listened on the radio the other day to a very successful musician talking about why he just couldn't sustain his life in the industry despite the supposed attractions of money, fame and admiring women. On the road for months, bored, knackered, fed up with the behaviour of the musicians he had to tour with... He packed it in and went off to lead a quite family life, enjoying bringing up his kids away from media attention. I'm not saying modern footballers have a hard life and we should feel sorry for them - many probably deserve their overpaid spoiled brat image - but we could think twice before laying into someone in Hunt's situation. He may well not be the lazy, piss-taking waster that some have portayed him to be.

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not being funny but he does look ill in those photos. particulaly the first one. his face is all gaunt and he looks like he weighs about 9 stone.

and yes depression can have different effects on people an may not make him stay at home and become a loaner. look at gazza. hes suffering depression and has been for years but he could be drinking partners with charlie sheen and keep up the pace.

And what are those 2 big coconuts on his cheat oh wait he's the one on the left?

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Bet he was Ok when he signed.... till he read some of the ' fans' forum comments!

Scutiny comes with the job but comments and views usually differ & balance things a bit... jeez, imagine being young and reading all your 'reviews' & seeing nothing but negative stuff (some of it hateful) ... blimey IF theres an underlying depression problem or something similar (anorexia perhaps??) .... some of the stuff written here would surely bring it to the fore.

A new job in a new town, loads of high expectation required of you... away from familiar friends & faces etc... things not going to well at the office & it seems like everyman & his dog wants to put the boot in .... it can only lead to a downward spiral surely?... football is a confidence game, full of ego & the need from time to time of a comforting shoulder & some encouragement etc.. with little of non of that happening is it any wonder that things break down probably irretrievably?... poor sod might have a healthy looking income, but thats about it at the moment, hate to say it but anyone else think the photos remind them of Freddie Mercury??

If he's got personal problems I hope he's recieving help & support from within the club ranks, cos he's getting little from the fans!

On the other hand if he is simply a money grabbing waster... he should get outta town & BCFC asap!!

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I've seen Michael Yardy and Trescothick mentioned on this thread as proof that anyone can be hit by depression. which is true obviously.

Of course the difference with those 2 is that the ECB came straight out and explained the situation so people sympathised and wished them well with there recovery. With Hunt theres been no such statement from the club which I think they would of done if they felt the player was getting unfair stick and needed the support of the fans to help them through the problems they face.

Iguess the player could of asked for it to be kept private but it does make me wonder if theres any truth in it at all when there have been other high profile cases that have been put straight in the public domane.

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I've seen Michael Yardy and Trescothick mentioned on this thread as proof that anyone can be hit by depression. which is true obviously.

Of course the difference with those 2 is that the ECB came straight out and explained the situation so people sympathised and wished them well with there recovery. With Hunt theres been no such statement from the club which I think they would of done if they felt the player was getting unfair stick and needed the support of the fans to help them through the problems they face.

Iguess the player could of asked for it to be kept private but it does make me wonder if theres any truth in it at all when there have been other high profile cases that have been put straight in the public domane.

I take the point you're making, but I believe it wasn't a case of "coming straight out with it" where Tresco was concerned. I think he'd had the problem for a long time before the knowledge became public property and the ECB would not have been able to release this until he was ready for it to be widely known. All sorts of fudges and vague excuses were made for his withdrawals from England squads before he finally felt he was ready to come clean about what was happening to him.

Part of the difficulty of being depressed can be that the sufferer thinks of it as stigmatising and is ashamed of it. It may be even harder to admit to in a macho environment like the world of professional sport. You're right in pointing out that the club can say little if the player does not want it in the publc domain. As to the truth of it, I don't know either for certain, never having met the man, but I've explained where I came by the story and I personally trust the source. No more than that can I say on the subject.

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Anorexia!!!! I've heard it all now! If he's got anorexia then I'm sure as hell he wouldn't have played for the reserves the other day!

I'm all for being sympathetic if the bloke deserves it but some on here are just making crazy excuses for him, whatever is going on I think its about time someone from the club or hunt himself came out and said it, mainly because all these rumours and speculation is getting ridiculous

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Anorexia!!!! I've heard it all now! If he's got anorexia then I'm sure as hell he wouldn't have played for the reserves the other day!

I'm all for being sympathetic if the bloke deserves it but some on here are just making crazy excuses for him, whatever is going on I think its about time someone from the club or hunt himself came out and said it, mainly because all these rumours and speculation is getting ridiculous

:) ... thin end of the wedge I know :ill:

(so you think he's havin' his cake & eatin' it then? ):yawn:

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The Nightclub that he was in is called Panache.. A club that is frequented by mainly young uns and chavs especially on a Friday night. If i was on thousands of pounds a week i would be looking for a slightly more classier establishment!

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:) ... thin end of the wedge I know :ill:

(so you think he's havin' his cake & eatin' it then? ):yawn:

Cake? I think he's having more cakes than greggs most probably!

Whilst we are all having the piss taken out of us by the fact that this bloke is earning 10k a week of supporters (and SL's) cash, all with absolutely no explanation as to why he isn't available for selection

It is totally barmy how this situation is being dragged out though by the club, pay him off or tell us what the problem is, especially considering we are now down to the bare bones in defence.

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The Nightclub that he was in is called Panache.. A club that is frequented by mainly young uns and chavs especially on a Friday night. If i was on thousands of pounds a week i would be looking for a slightly more classier establishment!

Someone better tell David James aswell to be honest, my friend who's a Rovers fan sent me a pic of him and the big man, but this was on a Tuesday night and Jamo had an orange juice in his hand, what a pro! :clapping:

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Someone better tell David James aswell to be honest, my friend who's a Rovers fan sent me a pic of him and the big man, but this was on a Tuesday night and Jamo had an orange juice in his hand, what a pro! :clapping:

Thought he joined us so that he could spend time with his family, not hang around nightclubs on a Tuesday night like the oldest swinger in town.


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At the end of the day, it doesn't matter how much money he earns, or what he does in his private life. He's doing what most young men of his age do. If he has a problem, then the Club are obviously aware of it and have chosen not to speak of it. It's not been questioned in the local media, which leads me to think, they've been asked to be quiet. Otherwise they'd be all over it?

If he was drinking heavily and not training properly, the Club would have every right to terminate his contract.

The rumour mill will continue to go around, as the Club continue to keep the fans in the dark...It would stop if a statement came out either confirming there is a problem, or just saying they wish to keep it private.

Tbh though, from pictures, even the Club team photo at the beginning of the season, when Coppell was manager, he looks unwell, pastey even.

I'm hoping he comes through whatever it is, has a good pre season and comes back next season on form...here's hoping.

As for reading the forum...if players do, they must piss themselves laughing with the assumptions and lack of knowledge posted on here...they wouldn't take it seriously.

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Tbh though, from pictures, even the Club team photo at the beginning of the season, when Coppell was manager, he looks unwell, pastey even.

I'm hoping he comes through whatever it is, has a good pre season and comes back next season on form...here's hoping.

To be fair he has always been pale. Not much difference in looks to when he was at Bolton. So doesnt really look like hes ill

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Personally don't rate him based on what I have seen but from the club's perspective would love it if he could turn opinion round, justify the money and turn out a performance.

For me Stewart and Cisse have done just this.


(or just try and get rid! :surrender: )

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In the report on yesterday's reserve game Hunt actually gets a mention. The first time I can remember him being mentioned officailly in months (other than just being listed in the reserve team). In view of our growing defensive injury crisis could he be on his way back for one last chance on Saturady?

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At the end of the day, it doesn't matter how much money he earns, or what he does in his private life. He's doing what most young men of his age do. If he has a problem, then the Club are obviously aware of it and have chosen not to speak of it. It's not been questioned in the local media, which leads me to think, they've been asked to be quiet. Otherwise they'd be all over it?

If he was drinking heavily and not training properly, the Club would have every right to terminate his contract.

The rumour mill will continue to go around, as the Club continue to keep the fans in the dark...It would stop if a statement came out either confirming there is a problem, or just saying they wish to keep it private.

Tbh though, from pictures, even the Club team photo at the beginning of the season, when Coppell was manager, he looks unwell, pastey even.

I'm hoping he comes through whatever it is, has a good pre season and comes back next season on form...here's hoping.

As for reading the forum...if players do, they must piss themselves laughing with the assumptions and lack of knowledge posted on here...they wouldn't take it seriously.

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