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Big Sam To Westham


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Heard Allardyce being interviewed about an hour ago on Radio5 and he was saying that he wants to build his team around the core of good young players West Ham have at their disposal, which i'm sure will include Spence. I would think the only chance we have of getting him is if Gold and Sullivan take the penny pinching too far in terms of wages and we offer him over the odds for a 19 year old with a dozen-or-so first team games under his belt

On the subject of Big Sam's football, he does play direct football that isn't the most exciting to watch, but i think that is a product of what he's had to work with rather a willful desire to play hoofball. At Bolton, Blackburn and Newcastle he didn't exactly have a world-class bunch of players to choose from, so he created tactics that suited the players available and those he could acquire. Following on from Bolton, only certain clubs are going to be interested and so the tactic is perpetuated. If you put him in charge of Barcelona, i'm sure they wouldn't be firing long balls at new signing Kevin Davies

Quite so.... the first sensible post on the subject...WHU might indeed choose to play a over the top long ball game but it takes a special core of players to get promotion out of the Championship, you need two or three ruthless animals who are prepared to roll up their sleeves and give blood for the badge, put their foot through the ball and occasionally take one for the team when the need arises. Try and play too much pretty footy and all that happens is you end up getting the proverbial kicked out of you and losing or dawing matches that you really should have won.

The following quote from Big Sam earlier...

"There is a core of very talented young players at the club who've come up through the youth system, have West Ham in their blood and who I know I can build a successful team around,"

Now everyone is assuming young Jordan actually wants to sign for us, he may be happy to but does he want to ? If its a choice between us and a contract with WHU there is only going to be one winner. Ultimately it will be down to how persuasive his agent is in his negotiations with Sam but the WHAM fans ( several of which I know and who regulary watch Wham play) really rate Spence and are thoroughly pissed off with the seemingly indemic culture that WHAM have of selling off their finest young players.

As Spence is possibly one of the best young defenders to come through the Wham academy for a good few years I would suggest it would be a bloody miracle if we could get him even on loan.!

I would prefer to see Orr back at Full back....woah I hear you all cry has Bigfatdave lost the plot... ?

Like it or not he is the type of player needed for an aspiring promotion side...his enthusiasm is infectious and rightly or wrongly his constant bickering and nagging sorts out the shrinking violets from the team.

The right hand side of the Team generally looked solid when Orr was playing.... win lose or draw.

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More chance of beating teams like Spain and holland if we played in the traditional "English style" anyway. Trying to copy those teams with such inferior players is the biggest mistake we can make.

A few signings and keep Carlton Cole and WHU will absolutely walk the league IMO.

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More chance of beating teams like Spain and holland if we played in the traditional "English style" anyway. Trying to copy those teams with such inferior players is the biggest mistake we can make.

A few signings and keep Carlton Cole and WHU will absolutely walk the league IMO.

Like Middlesborough

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More chance of beating teams like Spain and holland if we played in the traditional "English style" anyway. Trying to copy those teams with such inferior players is the biggest mistake we can make.

A few signings and keep Carlton Cole and WHU will absolutely walk the league IMO.

Think not, though climate may come into it. In a hot climate i.e. WC in S.America and much of Europe, all that chasing the ball for possession will knacker us- as we've seen in the past. Having said that, we won't outpass them either so a 3rd way is needed- a mixture of the 2, with rapier like counterattacking thrown in for good measure. Still we played Germany, not so hot weather- utterly mullered. Algeria in the group stage- utterly abysmal.

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More like Newcastle.

Middlesborough bought shit players from

Scotland, they were always going to fail!

and with most of the west ham squad that failed in the prem due to be sold and the continueing money troubles they have (I think their 80 million in debt but gold and sullivan may have reduced this to 60 million)

Where are West Sham going to get the players that their going to walk the league with

Parker will leave

Green will leave

Cole will leave

Tomkins will leave

Collins will leave

Gabbidon will leave

they won't have their loan players (Ba Keane etc) they will more likely do a portsmouth or leeds

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We don't have to chase every ball, though with tactical substitutions that can be done.

Being direct and using pace to counter attack is about the only thing England have in their favour, Rooney isnt as good as people make out, Lampard is only effective when the team is based around him and he doesn't have to defend.

Get the ball forward or wide, and get some decent crosses in the box for Carroll/Crouch and Bent. We'll be more competitive that way... Though thats no achievement!

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and with most of the west ham squad that failed in the prem due to be sold and the continueing money troubles they have (I think their 80 million in debt but gold and sullivan may have reduced this to 60 million)

Where are West Sham going to get the players that their going to walk the league with

Parker will leave

Green will leave

Cole will leave

Tomkins will leave

Collins will leave

Gabbidon will leave

they won't have their loan players (Ba Keane etc) they will more likely do a portsmouth or leeds

Doubt Hitzelsperger- who I rate as their 2nd best midfielder- would voluntarily stay either. He was Germany captain before his injury with them last August which made him miss most of the season. Think Collins left in 2009 though...

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We don't have to chase every ball, though with tactical substitutions that can be done.

Being direct and using pace to counter attack is about the only thing England have in their favour, Rooney isnt as good as people make out, Lampard is only effective when the team is based around him and he doesn't have to defend.

Get the ball forward or wide, and get some decent crosses in the box for Carroll/Crouch and Bent. We'll be more competitive that way... Though thats no achievement!

In the short term this is the only soloution for England. In reality we only have one ball playing midfielder who can think out of the box and that is Jack Wilshere.. If we play to are strengths in the next Euro's like you said there is no doubt we could win it. However a MAJOR and i mean MAJOR over haul of English football from grass roots up needs to be done over the next 10 to 15 years, theres no big secret as to why the Dutch Spanish etc churn out time and time again more techinically gifted players than England and that is because right from day 1 of there footballing lifes they are taught in a different way.

Thankfully Sir trevor brooking and other members of he FA have identified this issue and 15 years from now i honestly think ''jack wilshere's'' will be a lot more common.

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In the short term this is the only soloution for England. In reality we only have one ball playing midfielder who can think out of the box and that is Jack Wilshere.. If we play to are strengths in the next Euro's like you said there is no doubt we could win it. However a MAJOR and i mean MAJOR over haul of English football from grass roots up needs to be done over the next 10 to 15 years, theres no big secret as to why the Dutch Spanish etc churn out time and time again more techinically gifted players than England and that is because right from day 1 of there footballing lifes they are taught in a different way.

Thankfully Sir trevor brooking and other members of he FA have identified this issue and 15 years from now i honestly think ''jack wilshere's'' will be a lot more common.

The tragic thing about Trevor Brooking is, he's being marginalised. He has had the ideas and says the right things but they haven't acted on it! Brooking is proof that former players need to be better utilised by the FA.

Personally think the structure of the FA and the people in it need to be overhauled before any effective changes to grassroots football can happen.

Get players who know the game involved, David James always speaks with conviction and sence and to me is in the mould as Trevor Brooking. Then get the coaches of children properly trained, and cheaply. Subsidising the training of coaches will pay for itself ten fold in the long term... But there is the problem in itself... We only think short term.

The game is a mess, from the bigwigs of FIFA to the standard of under 8's football. :(

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Allardyce is an 'old school' manager who doesn't have an original thought in his head. He'd start with Kevin Davies and Crouch up front every game and give instructions to Ferdinand and Terry to 'get in forward. He'd play Rooney just behind the front two.

Dull, low percentatage football that any half decent International team would laugh at and piss all over.

Germany pissed all over us at the last World Cup anyway. Allardyce wouldn't do any worse than Capello.

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Germany pissed all over us at the last World Cup anyway. Allardyce wouldn't do any worse than Capello.

Which begs the question I suppose is it, with a few honourable exceptions- the incompetence of the players, or the managers? We've had a lot in the last decade or so- surely they can't all be poor. What baffles me most about Capello though was his insistence on 4-4-2 and only 4-4-2, surely he didn't only ever play thgat at clubs as diverse as Real Madrid, Juventus, Roma, AC Milan and some lesser ones!?

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The tragic thing about Trevor Brooking is, he's being marginalised. He has had the ideas and says the right things but they haven't acted on it! Brooking is proof that former players need to be better utilised by the FA.

Personally think the structure of the FA and the people in it need to be overhauled before any effective changes to grassroots football can happen.

Get players who know the game involved, David James always speaks with conviction and sence and to me is in the mould as Trevor Brooking. Then get the coaches of children properly trained, and cheaply. Subsidising the training of coaches will pay for itself ten fold in the long term... But there is the problem in itself... We only think short term.

The game is a mess, from the bigwigs of FIFA to the standard of under 8's football. :(

The problem is to some extent that the Players clever enough to get involved in the game after retirement generally forge successful careers doing something else. I can tell you with some inside knowledge of the game in my injury curtailed career as a pro footballer in the late seventies all be it in the old division 3 & 4 that your average professional fooballer is as thick as their wage packets. Only the very ruthless ones generally make the grade. I was fortunate that I had a good education sufficient to attain a university degree after leaving the game. There are very very few footballers around with the qualifications of Brooking and Lampard or the eloquence of James...

late 70,s the style of English players and the coaching of them completely changed tack, any youngster arriving at most clubs showing any reasonable amount of flair was instantly castigated and simultaneously brainwashed into playing a certain English way..... "Up and at em and 100 miles an hour....play football in the opponents half and if it comes anywhere near our box put it into the crowd, kick the shit out of that tricky winger in the first minute and you wont see him all game" is what our manger used to say to us at the start of nearly every game... Where are the players now that we had then which were a lot like Messi is now? players like Worthington, Currie, Mckenzie, Bowles, Marsh and even the brilliant Don Rogers from Swindon..all of which could waltz around you in an instant with the ball seemingly stuck to thier toes and leave your gonads intertwined wondering where the hell they had gone.... Like I say that individulality is their but invariably it is coached out of the youngsters these days in favour of the mediocre European passing game which the Spanish, Italians, Germans, Dutch, Argentinians, Brazilians et al play very very well but we still have a long wy to go to master.

When we won the world cup in 66 it was no fluke that Wham had 3 players in the side and that we beat the Germans with a style of play introduced from Greenwood ( the then Wham manager) from Europe.... Things have changed immensely in the British game to the extent that the modern Pro really has a very limited career expectancy because injuries as a result of the Blood and Guts fear of God bull in China shop way we play has shortened it drastically. Contrast that with the way the Europeans play where the ball is stroked meticulously and easily around from the back to the forwards and its easy to see why the Spanish and Italian players suffer far less injurries than there British counterparts.

I really think its going to me some years yet until we even get to the final of a Major international competition playng the way we do, let alone win one.!

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The problem is to some extent that the Players clever enough to get involved in the game after retirement generally forge successful careers doing something else. I can tell you with some inside knowledge of the game in my injury curtailed career as a pro footballer in the late seventies all be it in the old division 3 & 4 that your average professional fooballer is as thick as their wage packets. Only the very ruthless ones generally make the grade. I was fortunate that I had a good education sufficient to attain a university degree after leaving the game. There are very very few footballers around with the qualifications of Brooking and Lampard or the eloquence of James...

late 70,s the style of English players and the coaching of them completely changed tack, any youngster arriving at most clubs showing any reasonable amount of flair was instantly castigated and simultaneously brainwashed into playing a certain English way..... "Up and at em and 100 miles an hour....play football in the opponents half and if it comes anywhere near our box put it into the crowd, kick the shit out of that tricky winger in the first minute and you wont see him all game" is what our manger used to say to us at the start of nearly every game... Where are the players now that we had then which were a lot like Messi is now? players like Worthington, Currie, Mckenzie, Bowles, Marsh and even the brilliant Don Rogers from Swindon..all of which could waltz around you in an instant with the ball seemingly stuck to thier toes and leave your gonads intertwined wondering where the hell they had gone.... Like I say that individulality is their but invariably it is coached out of the youngsters these days in favour of the mediocre European passing game which the Spanish, Italians, Germans, Dutch, Argentinians, Brazilians et al play very very well but we still have a long wy to go to master.

When we won the world cup in 66 it was no fluke that Wham had 3 players in the side and that we beat the Germans with a style of play introduced from Greenwood ( the then Wham manager) from Europe.... Things have changed immensely in the British game to the extent that the modern Pro really has a very limited career expectancy because injuries as a result of the Blood and Guts fear of God bull in China shop way we play has shortened it drastically. Contrast that with the way the Europeans play where the ball is stroked meticulously and easily around from the back to the forwards and its easy to see why the Spanish and Italian players suffer far less injurries than there British counterparts.

I really think its going to me some years yet until we even get to the final of a Major international competition playng the way we do, let alone win one.!

Very interesting stuff, Dave, especially coming from an old pro. Take your point about the dearth of ex-players with the attributes to emulate Brooking, but two who spring to mind are Gareth Southgate and Paul Elliott. The trouble is these guys might want to get involved in helping to improve our national game, but if they look at the way Sir Trevor has been banging his head against a brick wall for the last couple of decades to little effect, you could forgive them for preferring to choose another career path...

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The problem is to some extent that the Players clever enough to get involved in the game after retirement generally forge successful careers doing something else. I can tell you with some inside knowledge of the game in my injury curtailed career as a pro footballer in the late seventies all be it in the old division 3 & 4 that your average professional fooballer is as thick as their wage packets. Only the very ruthless ones generally make the grade. I was fortunate that I had a good education sufficient to attain a university degree after leaving the game. There are very very few footballers around with the qualifications of Brooking and Lampard or the eloquence of James...

late 70,s the style of English players and the coaching of them completely changed tack, any youngster arriving at most clubs showing any reasonable amount of flair was instantly castigated and simultaneously brainwashed into playing a certain English way..... "Up and at em and 100 miles an hour....play football in the opponents half and if it comes anywhere near our box put it into the crowd, kick the shit out of that tricky winger in the first minute and you wont see him all game" is what our manger used to say to us at the start of nearly every game... Where are the players now that we had then which were a lot like Messi is now? players like Worthington, Currie, Mckenzie, Bowles, Marsh and even the brilliant Don Rogers from Swindon..all of which could waltz around you in an instant with the ball seemingly stuck to thier toes and leave your gonads intertwined wondering where the hell they had gone.... Like I say that individulality is their but invariably it is coached out of the youngsters these days in favour of the mediocre European passing game which the Spanish, Italians, Germans, Dutch, Argentinians, Brazilians et al play very very well but we still have a long wy to go to master.

When we won the world cup in 66 it was no fluke that Wham had 3 players in the side and that we beat the Germans with a style of play introduced from Greenwood ( the then Wham manager) from Europe.... Things have changed immensely in the British game to the extent that the modern Pro really has a very limited career expectancy because injuries as a result of the Blood and Guts fear of God bull in China shop way we play has shortened it drastically. Contrast that with the way the Europeans play where the ball is stroked meticulously and easily around from the back to the forwards and its easy to see why the Spanish and Italian players suffer far less injurries than there British counterparts.

I really think its going to me some years yet until we even get to the final of a Major international competition playng the way we do, let alone win one.!

Interesting stuff for sure, especially coming from an ex pro. One thing though, not sure what you mean by 'mediocre' passing game? Barcelona played a passing game on Saturday night and while Messi was their X factor undoubtedly, I wouldn't call the rest of their rapid 1,2 touch passing, switching positions with some regularity in the case of the front 3 'mediocre.' From admittedly the perspective of a fan without the insight of yourself, I'd suggest the problem is that in Europe and South America this passing game is taught with a lot of emphasis on technique and issues with coaching- whereas here there seems to be an emphasis on physical prowess a lot more. Just a perception mind, but a common one all the same. Still, mediocre is an interesting way of putting things- mid 1990s, Figo, Rui Costa, Sousa midfield- surely not mediocre style of play. Plenty more examples too in the last 20 years alone?

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and with most of the west ham squad that failed in the prem due to be sold and the continueing money troubles they have (I think their 80 million in debt but gold and sullivan may have reduced this to 60 million)

Where are West Sham going to get the players that their going to walk the league with

Parker will leave

Green will leave

Cole will leave

Tomkins will leave

Collins will leave

Gabbidon will leave

they won't have their loan players (Ba Keane etc) they will more likely do a portsmouth or leeds

And Upson

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Thing about Big Sam, people rush over and say crap one dimensional football- doesn't always tell the whole story though.

Hoofball all the way...

More direct nonsense for some of the goals on here...

2:05 onwards from here is another hoofball- wouldn't want football like that would we? Typical long ball football by Big Sam, eh...4th also appalling, 3rd a massive hoof from one end to other.

Seriously, my thrust was coming from a sarcastic angle- he does mix it no doubt, but there are some fine goals in that compilation- 2:05 on the last one a seriously good quick passing move, watch the videos for yorselves and see what you think.

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Thing about Big Sam, people rush over and say crap one dimensional football- doesn't always tell the whole story though.

Hoofball all the way...

More direct nonsense for some of the goals on here...

2:05 onwards from here is another hoofball- wouldn't want football like that would we? Typical long ball football by Big Sam, eh...4th also appalling, 3rd a massive hoof from one end to other.

Seriously, my thrust was coming from a sarcastic angle- he does mix it no doubt, but there are some fine goals in that compilation- 2:05 on the last one a seriously good quick passing move, watch the videos for yorselves and see what you think.

total hoofball!

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be interestin if anyone apart from robbored would bitch if we hoofballed it to the Prem and established ourselves

every Sjoke Shitty fan I ever meet says consolidation in the Prem is key, THEN start playing pretty football. Pretty fair assessment I would say. I dont think Sjokes fans would be unique, and they are I would venture a good example of a decent run club, most of us in the Championship can aspire to being.

I'd say they did well, went up the year we ****** it up at Wembley, and we've been going backwards since, while they have become a fixture, and are they playing in the Europa League this season?

We have watched enough shit football every season for the last three anyway, and some sublime stuff too..

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be interestin if anyone apart from robbored would bitch if we hoofballed it to the Prem and established ourselves

every Sjoke Shitty fan I ever meet says consolidation in the Prem is key, THEN start playing pretty football. Pretty fair assessment I would say. I dont think Sjokes fans would be unique, and they are I would venture a good example of a decent run club, most of us in the Championship can aspire to being.

I'd say they did well, went up the year we ****** it up at Wembley, and we've been going backwards since, while they have become a fixture, and are they playing in the Europa League this season?

We have watched enough shit football every season for the last three anyway, and some sublime stuff too..

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total hoofball!


Imagine if we ever played like that- especially the Okocha-Djorkaeff-Pedersen link up on the last, wow how we couldn't watch that eh.Additionally, new boundaries broken by them 04-07- 4 top 8 finishes, a Cup final and a decent season in Europe- again all due to dreaded hoofball eh! :innocent06:

Seriously, pretty much agree with bucks.

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The problem is to some extent that the Players clever enough to get involved in the game after retirement generally forge successful careers doing something else. I can tell you with some inside knowledge of the game in my injury curtailed career as a pro footballer in the late seventies all be it in the old division 3 & 4 that your average professional fooballer is as thick as their wage packets. Only the very ruthless ones generally make the grade. I was fortunate that I had a good education sufficient to attain a university degree after leaving the game. There are very very few footballers around with the qualifications of Brooking and Lampard or the eloquence of James...

late 70,s the style of English players and the coaching of them completely changed tack, any youngster arriving at most clubs showing any reasonable amount of flair was instantly castigated and simultaneously brainwashed into playing a certain English way..... "Up and at em and 100 miles an hour....play football in the opponents half and if it comes anywhere near our box put it into the crowd, kick the shit out of that tricky winger in the first minute and you wont see him all game" is what our manger used to say to us at the start of nearly every game... Where are the players now that we had then which were a lot like Messi is now? players like Worthington, Currie, Mckenzie, Bowles, Marsh and even the brilliant Don Rogers from Swindon..all of which could waltz around you in an instant with the ball seemingly stuck to thier toes and leave your gonads intertwined wondering where the hell they had gone.... Like I say that individulality is their but invariably it is coached out of the youngsters these days in favour of the mediocre European passing game which the Spanish, Italians, Germans, Dutch, Argentinians, Brazilians et al play very very well but we still have a long wy to go to master.

When we won the world cup in 66 it was no fluke that Wham had 3 players in the side and that we beat the Germans with a style of play introduced from Greenwood ( the then Wham manager) from Europe.... Things have changed immensely in the British game to the extent that the modern Pro really has a very limited career expectancy because injuries as a result of the Blood and Guts fear of God bull in China shop way we play has shortened it drastically. Contrast that with the way the Europeans play where the ball is stroked meticulously and easily around from the back to the forwards and its easy to see why the Spanish and Italian players suffer far less injurries than there British counterparts.

I really think its going to me some years yet until we even get to the final of a Major international competition playng the way we do, let alone win one.!

Cant argue with any of that. It pains me to say it but i really wish some of our best talent would go abroad and play in La Liga Seria A or somewhere. It would do the likes of Rooney Steven Gerrard etc the world of good.

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Interesting stuff for sure, especially coming from an ex pro. One thing though, not sure what you mean by 'mediocre' passing game? Barcelona played a passing game on Saturday night and while Messi was their X factor undoubtedly, I wouldn't call the rest of their rapid 1,2 touch passing, switching positions with some regularity in the case of the front 3 'mediocre.' From admittedly the perspective of a fan without the insight of yourself, I'd suggest the problem is that in Europe and South America this passing game is taught with a lot of emphasis on technique and issues with coaching- whereas here there seems to be an emphasis on physical prowess a lot more. Just a perception mind, but a common one all the same. Still, mediocre is an interesting way of putting things- mid 1990s, Figo, Rui Costa, Sousa midfield- surely not mediocre style of play. Plenty more examples too in the last 20 years alone?

Yes sorry you are quite right my post was rather ambiguous...I meant to say the way we try and play the European passing game is mediocre, simply because we are not yet good enough at it .

You are also right about the physicality of the modern league player, and with out doubt over developed muscle groups in all limbs are more prone to injurry and longer to heal.

Not that the Europeans are not fit of course but they dont appear to need to throw themselves around and make bone crunching tackles in order to play brilliant football.!

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Cant argue with any of that. It pains me to say it but i really wish some of our best talent would go abroad and play in La Liga Seria A or somewhere. It would do the likes of Rooney Steven Gerrard etc the world of good.

Always thought this. Look at the top countries, they have players in all the top leagues around the world. We pick players from the Premier League, and that's it. As a footballing nation, our players seem to lack the desire to play elsewhere and it must have a detrimental effect on their coaching and levels of experience.

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Always thought this. Look at the top countries, they have players in all the top leagues around the world. We pick players from the Premier League, and that's it. As a footballing nation, our players seem to lack the desire to play elsewhere and it must have a detrimental effect on their coaching and levels of experience.

Ditto. Lampard to Spain for example or even one of the top Italian clubs could be useful for him, or certainly could have been a few years back when he was still younger with more scope to develop his game further. Mancienne has joined Hamburg, interesting to see how he fares over there.

David Vaughan who has done pretty well for Blackpool PL this year, one of their better players went to Spain for a bit- wonder if that helped him. As for why they don't go abroard? Money and also because the PL seems to be the top in the world atm so I suppose you may think 'Well I'm in the best League, why go further afield.'

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Always thought this. Look at the top countries, they have players in all the top leagues around the world. We pick players from the Premier League, and that's it. As a footballing nation, our players seem to lack the desire to play elsewhere and it must have a detrimental effect on their coaching and levels of experience.

Of course it is detrimental. Our players only know one style of play and that is the English way. Look around Europe, how many English players are playing abroad of any real note? I dont include Beckham as he is past his best so we are left with no English players plying outside of England, i personally find that SHOCKING.

I dont know if anyone else heard about this but Bayern Munich made an offer reported to be around 10 million pounds for Leighton Baines in January. What a fantastic career move that would have been for him playing for a club like that. No disrespect to Everton but this is Bayern Munich, a massive massive club. And what does Baines do he shits himself and stays. This sort of mentality is what baffles me about English players and it all goes back to them believing the hype that the prem is the best league is the world. If they dont move around and experience other styles then we are not going to improve. Lampard is another one who had an oppurtunity to go to Inter when Mourinho was there and he bottled it. Again that would have been a great move for him, a few years in Italy and his style would have changed meaning he would be a different option for England to have in midfield..

And these are only the high profile ones you hear about, how man yforeign clubs probably come in for English lads every year and the English lad tuns it down because he hasnt got the bottle to move abroad. Like i said i find it mind boggling

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More like Newcastle.

Middlesborough bought shit players from

Scotland, they were always going to fail!

They are not going to be as good as Newcastle unless they persuade Parker to stay. Newcastle had Nolan and Alan Smith in their midfield. 2 hard, horrible b*******s who can also play. Add on Gutierrez and Carroll plus a manager who knew the club and the players and was able to deal with the egos they were a force. West Ham are nowhere near as strong and have players who want out, an outsider coming in to manage.

Allardyce will have to adapt to the culture of the club and the club and players will have to adapt to him. It won't be plain sailing and I reckon they'll do well to get in the play offs as the championship is a hard unforgiving league and their young players will have to adapt to it. Just because they are promising 18 year olds doesn't mean they are up to 46 league games at the likes of Leeds and Burnley.

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