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Yep a shambles.

Not entirely due to Johnson although he must take some blame for the unbalanced squad. It was more to do with an awful pre-season, and subsequent Coppell walking out leaving Millen to pick up the pieces when the season had already got under way.

All that plus a long term injury to his top striker.

To say he took over with the club in a good state is simply inaccurate. There were still things left needing attention

Blah blah blah. Answer me this, prior ro millen, when was the last time a new city manager took the job and had a better overall club than what millen did??

previously new plans for the younger players to be closer to the first team squad

Plans which are good to hear - but he is yet to put them into place. He may have given a couple a go the last game - but if he was keen for youngsters to play, why sign spence for example? he could have given joe edwards a run in the team?

At the moment its all words and no action - although I am hoping he sticks to his words

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Blah blah blah. Answer me this, prior ro millen, when was the last time a new city manager took the job and had a better overall club than what millen did??

At the moment its all words and no action - although I am hoping he sticks to his words

I've already answered that question

As for your second point - you seem to be suggesting that Millen is not a man of his word. Thats a very damming assessment even though it come from a well known dedicated anti-Millen poster.

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I've already answered that question

As for your second point - you seem to be suggesting that Millen is not a man of his word. Thats a very damming assessment even though it come from a well known dedicated anti-Millen poster.

No you said it was a shambles - ignoring the fact that managers usually take over when things have gone badly....

I don't believe it, because when he first started talking about bringing young players through, he went and signed Jordan spence the next day - even though he had Joe edwards and nothing to play for. If there was ever a time to give a youngster a go it was then surely??

I'm not saying he won't do as he says - but it's easy to say what the supporters want to hear - it's alot harder to put these young uns in when there is a pressure to get results.

It's easy to dismiss my view as a anti-Millen poster tho I suppose, despite the fact I want him to succeed

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Dont take this as sarcasm, because its a serious question - but are you related to him? you seem to know things about him and defend at all times.

Just wondering....

No, don't know him personally and haven't spoken to him since he was a player, know a few players from the past and few people within the club, so get to know a number of things that are ongoing but nothing earth shattering, my comments as already mentioned were just from the article,

all i know about Millen as manager is info that gets passed on, and one of the things that gets mentioned most is that Millen is possibly the most PROFESSIONAL and through manager we have had in a Very Long time.

I've stuck up for him this season, because he took on a tough task especially behind the scenes, it's taken him time to get it right, but from all I've heard he's pushing the club forward in the correct manner on and OFF the field, looking after the long term future, not just the next 10 games. For me the club is in the best hands it's been for a VERY long time.

People disagree with me, but I'd didn't trust fully Johnson, he started well, but after wembley he believed his own hype and got too big for his boots around the club.

Needless to say and back on topic, it's wise that millen''s getting his own staff around him whilst moving out some of the old regime, it's a fresh start and I honestly believe that the future is very bright

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I don't believe it, because when he first started talking about bringing young players through, he went and signed Jordan spence the next day - even though he had Joe edwards and nothing to play for. If there was ever a time to give a youngster a go it was then surely??

at the time of Spence signing people within the club still honestly felt that we had a slim chance of play-offs, that plus question marks over Edwards ability signalled the signing of Spence, especially since there was still a good chance of West Ham staying up which would have enhanced our chances of getting him perm,

Of course west ham went down and we finished miles from the play-offs in the end so, it's easy to dismiss this

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When did he start this overhaul? I hope it was in time for this summers transfer window, he has had the job for a long time and I'm not sure why he'd just think about starting it now, if indeed he has. Waste of about of seasons good scouting.

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