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You can tell an awful lot from peoples taste in culture. Of course it goes without saying Bristol City fans are clearly ahead on obvious respects, but what's your fav things?

a few categorize, I think everyone has a fav, what is yours as a City fan, and why?

1. Fav Person

2. Fav Song

3. Fav Book

4. Fav Film

5. Fav Quote

6. Fav food

1. Fav Person - For me, its Churchill, I owe a lot to his ball sack, i'll be forever grateful.

2. Fav Song - Puddle of Mud, Blurry. A lot of emotion attached to this song, great song.

3. Fav Book - Without doubt, Life of Pi, read it.

4. Fav Film - Star Wars, my generation.

5. Fav Quote - 'Think you can, think you cant. either way your right'. HJ Ford I think, eminence quote of the humans ability to do.

6. Fav food - Bacon Sarnie.

7. Fav opposite Sex Icon - The Queen

Would love to hear your fav's

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Well Teddy darling, having disagreed in here about the USA, dumped on you in OTIB, I finally see some common ground.At 68 it must be old age.

Churchill, Star Wars and QE2 I am with you.

2. Jerusalem, 3. Trumpet Major by Thomas Hardy. 5. On the Beaches speech WW2 Churchill. 6. Lobster mornay.

Now dont agree with me again !

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1. Person - Such an impossibly difficult category. I couldn't ever say one particular person is my favourite, but I truly believe that despite what so many people unfairly say, David Beckham is a fantastic ambassador for our country.

2. Song - 5 Bottles of Shampoo - The King Blues. More of a music backed poem, but so much emotion and meaning behind the words - spinetinglingly brutal.

3. Book - 1984 - George Orwell. Intelligent, insightful, incredible.

4. Film - The Damned United. Brilliant depiction of a brilliant man.

5. Quote - 'I don't agree with what you said. But I will fight to the death for your right to say it.'

6. Food - Beans and grated cheese on toast.

7. Opposite Sex Icon - So many to choose from. Right now, has to be Blake Lively.

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1. Fav Person - Tough one.. Gotta go for Bill Gates. He's donated a total of £28 billion to charity. Incredible.

2. Fav Song - So many to choose from but i'd have to go with A Certain Romance by Arctic Monkeys. Sums up my generation (as does the whole album).

3. Fav Book - The Harry Potter books of course.. I've read a lot of what people would call more 'intellectual' books and should probably say something like The Origin of Species yet these books always bring out the child in me.

4. Fav Film - Fight Club. Dark, disturbing and downright entertaining. Brad Pitt is a fantastic actor and this is one of the best films ever made. Oh, and everyone loves a good twist..

5. Fav Quote - 'May the Force be with you' :tounge: God i love Star Wars.

6. Fav food - Barbecue spare ribs from my local chinese.. what a delicacy! :rolleyes:

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1. Fav Person - Billy Connolly

2. Fav Song - Little Wing, the Stevie Ray version - beautiful piece of music written by Jimi Hendrix

3. Fav Book - Malazan Fall series (all of them)

4. Fav Film - The Silence of the Lambs

5. Fav Quote - "I spent a lot of money on booze, birds and fast cars. The rest I just squandered." - George Best

6. Fav food - Roast Rib of Beef

7. Fav opposite Sex Icon - Liv Tyler

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Person - Would have to be Winston Churchill

Song - Going Underground - Jam

Book - Can't choose between Captain Corelli's mandolin by Louis de Bernieres or Birdsong by Sebastian Faulks.

Film - No doubt at all - Pulp Fiction. Simply brilliant script, acting and music.

Quote - '' If''

Rudyard Kipling.

Food - Coronation Chicken ( prepared properly!)

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1. Fav Person - the misses after witnessing child birth ive got even more respect plus shes cool( shes watching me type)

2. Fav Song - robinhood - ocean colour scene/ simple man - lynyrd skynrd quality song/memories

3. Fav Book - the proffesional - w.c heinz

4. Fav Film - shawshank redemption

5. Fav Quote - "you like to see homo's naked?" - joe dirt (the hairs on the back of my neck stand on end when i hear the on the beaches speak)

6. Fav food - cheese bacon and sweetcorn omlette

7. Fav opposite Sex Icon - Amelia Earhart or paula radcliffe takes some bottle to take a turd during a race then carry on.

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1. Fav Person: no idea, too many people for different reasons

2. Fav Song: Atmosphere, the Joy Division version, rather than the Russ Abbott one.

3. Fav Book: if based on the book I have re-read more than any other, then it would be either "The Murder of Roger Ackroyd" or "American Psycho"

4. Fav Film: one of "Empire Strikes Back", "Godfather", "Godfather part 2", or "Shawshank Redemption"

5. Fav Quote: for popular culture, either "may the force be with you" or "live long and prosper", for politics, Bevan's comment on the Tories

6. Fav food: again varies as to my mood, but presently seared tuna never disappoints.

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So much to chose but here goes.

Person - Dick Winters the real one ( remember Band of Brothers TV series ) courage above and beyond like so many.

Song - With over a 1000 CD,s picking one song is still easy. Always has been and always will be Love Song by The Damned

Book - Neolithic Britain and Ireland by Caroline Malone

Film - Apocolypse Now

Quote - Either this man is Dead or my watch has stopped - Groucho Marx

Food - Macoroni Cheese bake with Brocolli, Mushroom Tomato topped of with Coleslaw and chopped Mandarin and apple Yummy.

Tv Show - Father Ted

Place to Visit - UK Avebury Wiltshire, World - Route 66 America.

Love so many things but my favourites have been easy to pick. :cool:

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I don't like doing favourites because I'm always changing my mind. But here goes.

1. Fav Person Terry Cooper

2. Fav Song When the red red robin

3. Fav Book The history of Bristol City

4. Fav Film 1983/84 season highlights

5. Fav Quote "The stadium WILL be built" Steve Lansdown

6. Fav food Steak and Kidney pie

I don't think you will be able to tell anything about me from them answers Teddy :closedeyes:

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Favourite person = Peter Green (the greatest guitarist to ever inhabit the planet, at his best still sends shivers down my spine).

Favourite song = Need your love so bad (Fleetwood Mac 1968, the original blues band with Peter Green before the pop shit).

Favourite book = Wilt by Tom Sharpe (important to me because it made me laugh again after nearly a year recovering from a serious accident).

Favourite film = The Life of Brian (even thinking about particular scenes makes me smile).

Favourite quote = The Eric Cantona 'seagulls' quote (designed to confuse the media and it worked).

Favourite food = apperitif of gin & tonic, a nice bottle of red, scallops to start, sea bass for main, creme brulée for dessert, cheese board, coffee, a brandy and possibly a mild cigar. Maybe oysters to starts or both.

Favourite female = Big Mama Thornton (great black american blues singer/song writer) Elvis's 'hound dog' was written for her and her's is the original and best version, laid dead and undiscovered for 2 weeks in almost abject poverty in the great US of A.

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1. Fav Person - Tough one.. Gotta go for Bill Gates. He's donated a total of £28 billion to charity. Incredible.

2. Fav Song - So many to choose from but i'd have to go with A Certain Romance by Arctic Monkeys. Sums up my generation (as does the whole album).

3. Fav Book - The Harry Potter books of course.. I've read a lot of what people would call more 'intellectual' books and should probably say something like The Origin of Species yet these books always bring out the child in me.

4. Fav Film - Fight Club. Dark, disturbing and downright entertaining. Brad Pitt is a fantastic actor and this is one of the best films ever made. Oh, and everyone loves a good twist..

5. Fav Quote - 'May the Force be with you' :tounge: God i love Star Wars.

6. Fav food - Barbecue spare ribs from my local chinese.. what a delicacy! :rolleyes:

I have no need to answer half of these, 2,3 & 4 are on the money for me too.

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