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Smoking In Pubs

Barrs Court Red

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it won't even be looked at,

and to blame the decline in trade on the smoking ban is also very laughable,

Its nothing to do with the record price of a pint, the biggest recession in 20 years and less disposable income since the 60's then,

Keep you cancer sticks outside thank you, you chose to smoke I want the choice of not having to second hand smoke,

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Personally I don't see the problem with smoking rooms in pubs.

That, or pubs should be able to apply for a smoking licence which must meet very strict criteria in regards to air conditioning etc.

We lack intelligence in this country with our blanket bands and legitimised intolerance. We should be more liberal in my opinion.

Switzerland still has smoking in some pubs. Don't like it, don't go there. Don't mind it, go in there.

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Personally I don't see the problem with smoking rooms in pubs.

That, or pubs should be able to apply for a smoking licence which must meet very strict criteria in regards to air conditioning etc.

We lack intelligence in this country with our blanket bands and legitimised intolerance. We should be more liberal in my opinion.

Switzerland still has smoking in some pubs. Don't like it, don't go there. Don't mind it, go in there.

Spot on.

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It will never be reversed IMO. Am I the only smoker that isn't that bothered though? You just go outside and even if it's raining, most decent pubs still have shelters and some even heaters. It just means I smoke a bit less. Ironically, a lot of non-smokers end up outside with their mates anyway, so don't always get any health benefits from the ban.

Edit: Good point from CardiffBlackLabel though. We don't ever seem to have the confidence in this country to explore alternatives. Many politicians just see issues in black or white and end up passing laws that many people are unhappy with. Show some imagination in finding solutions FFS!

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Personally I don't see the problem with smoking rooms in pubs.

That, or pubs should be able to apply for a smoking licence which must meet very strict criteria in regards to air conditioning etc.

We lack intelligence in this country with our blanket bands and legitimised intolerance. We should be more liberal in my opinion.

Switzerland still has smoking in some pubs. Don't like it, don't go there. Don't mind it, go in there.


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Personally I don't see the problem with smoking rooms in pubs.

That, or pubs should be able to apply for a smoking licence which must meet very strict criteria in regards to air conditioning etc.

We lack intelligence in this country with our blanket bands and legitimised intolerance. We should be more liberal in my opinion.

Switzerland still has smoking in some pubs. Don't like it, don't go there. Don't mind it, go in there.

This seems sensible. I'm pretty confident that when most of us started using our local,we all knew what to expect with regard to what was going on inside. It's not as if anybody was forcing us in.

As a regular for 25 years,I can't see that the ban has made that much difference,certainly not as much as bumping the price of crap lager up to £3+. The main reason for dwindling numbers of

fellow swillers in my local is the increasing numbers of tots and babies wandering into the bar whilst the parents are scrapping in the lounge.

Also,I don't think the landlord of the Mardyke need worry,he gets a big enough slice of the pie by keeping the prices user friendly.

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Please god no, its lovely being able to go in pubs without clouds of smoke and coming home stinking.

Another plus point for me. Even as a smoker, I've noticed that my clothes stink less. Still smell of stale sweat, urine and faeces, but less of smoke! :D

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it won't even be looked at,

and to blame the decline in trade on the smoking ban is also very laughable,

Its nothing to do with the record price of a pint, the biggest recession in 20 years and less disposable income since the 60's then,

Keep you cancer sticks outside thank you, you chose to smoke I want the choice of not having to second hand smoke,

The decline escalated in 2007 coinciding with the smoking ban, there was no recession in 2007 and disposable incomes were not less in 2007 than previous years. On average more than a thousand more pubs closed each year after the start of the bans than before - that is not a coincidence.

It will not looked at as ASH have pretty much convinced everyone that they are dying of passive smoking despite no proof - why go through the bother and expense of proving something when you can just convince people with scare stories instead.

We are adults, if non smoking pubs are what people wanted they would have opened and thrived, if people want to go to a pub that allowed smoking tonight then they should be allowed, sadly we live in a ban happy world, charities and individuals wanting to ban and reduce alcohol, Sugars, and Fats are all starting to use the ASH's tactics, you can see it daily.

Smoking ban in the UK http://taking-liberties.squarespace.com/storage/Smoking_ban_Social_impact_study230611-3.pdf


Smoking ban in Ireland


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Nu liebours dream of turning pubs and bars into continental style havens of health and red wine has failed so badly it's criminal. Yes the recession has clearly had a huge impact, but looking at those figures I do wonder how many had survived if they hadn't of been hit by a loss of punters post ban.

There used to be a non smoking pub in bath - it was always empty!

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I think it has definitely harmed pubs - especially the more marginally profitable (but often much more interesting) establishments.

As an ex-smoker, I'm pretty ambivalent about whether reversing the ban would be a good thing, but if you've time to read a well argued pro-smoking manifesto take a look at this one: http://www.joejackson.com/pdf/5smokingpdf_jj_smoke_lies.pdf

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Please god no, its lovely being able to go in pubs without clouds of smoke and coming home stinking.

Same here Dolly.

If smoking was re-introduced in pubs then I'd stop going to pubs.

Its horrible, smelly, ugly, invasive and grossly unhealthy.

Here speaks a former smoker.

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Sorry I you need to re-look at your stats there,

All three of the pubs I drink in, in possit haven't been affected two other pubs have shut nothing to do with the smoking ban,

You need to blame the breweys not lack of smoking in doors these landlords are tied to brewerys for years and they are increase rent and wholesale beer prices every month and Landlords simply can't pay it,

The Poacher in portishead (before it was taken over by its current landlord) had to take 15-20k a month just to meet the costs of the brewery (the brewery ran the other two pubs in the high st Plough and the Lion and they only had to turn over 8 and 6k repectivly)

The smoking ban had an intital impact yes but the ressesion and raising rents etc has had a much bigger impact,

Allowing people to smoking in pubs again will not change this thousends will continue to close as people simply don't have the money to enjoy a night out on the piss any more

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But I believe in live and let live - if people want to smoke, then they should be able too.

I don't have a problem with people smoking, if they choose to poison themselves slowly its up to them.

What I find intrusive is having raw and passive smoke wafting over me in an enclosed area. Its uncomfortable, smelly and downright disgusting.

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I don't have a problem with people smoking, if they choose to poison themselves slowly its up to them.

What I find intrusive is having raw and passive smoke wafting over me in an enclosed area. Its uncomfortable, smelly and downright disgusting.

I agree, it aint very nice, but then you have the choice to not stand near someone who is smoking?!

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I think it has definitely harmed pubs - especially the more marginally profitable (but often much more interesting) establishments.

As an ex-smoker, I'm pretty ambivalent about whether reversing the ban would be a good thing, but if you've time to read a well argued pro-smoking manifesto take a look at this one: http://www.joejackso..._smoke_lies.pdf

To be fair there's a lot of propaganda on both sides of the debate. It doesn't help though that Joe Jackson looks really ill in those photos.

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To be fair there's a lot of propaganda on both sides of the debate. It doesn't help though that Joe Jackson looks really ill in those photos.

There is indeed but regardless of how 'pro' smoking you might be, it cannot be argued that non-smokers find the habit disgusting and that the smoke, passive or raw impregnates your clothes and hair and smells dreadfully.

As a non-smoker I don't want to be subjected such pollution anywhere at all.

Like I said earlier, if people want to smoke then thats fine by me. Just don't do it near my vicinity, particularly in an enclosed area.

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I could move away but why should I be inconvenienced to accommodate someone else's addiction?

And why should the smoker be inconvenienced because you have decided to stand in a certain spot??

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And why should the smoker be inconvenienced because you have decided to stand in a certain spot??

Because the smoker chooses to smoke. It which case they can go to the smoking area.

Plus.....I hold the higher moral ground....innocent.gif

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So it's okay for you to pollute other peoples air, but not smokers??

I saw that one coming!

Difference is my car is essential. Life would be very difficult without it. I live in a very rural area and its 3 miles to the nearest shop in either direction. Before I retired my 'patch' was the whole of South Gloucestershire. Big area to cover if you're relying on public transport........Surgeries at Emersons Green at 10am and another in Thornbury at midday.

Smokers don't have to smoke - its not essential. They do it for pleasure.

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There is indeed but regardless of how 'pro' smoking you might be, it cannot be argued that non-smokers find the habit disgusting

Not so, I know many non smokers who actually enjoyed being in pubs with smokers. Rabid anti smokers are actually very few and far between, and the worst are very often ex-smokers.

Pubs could have been given the choice to be smoking or non smoking.

They could also have been given the choice to have a smoking and non smoking bar in their pubs.

Everyone could, and should have been happy, as it is traditional British pubs are being boarded up at a frightening rate and the smoking ban is undoubtedly the largest single reason.

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