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More Injuries!


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Neil Kilkenny and Bobby Reid are the latest players to pick up injuries (7 players out in total already). the amount of injuries we seem to be getting really concerns me, last season was exactly the same... this pre season is fast becoming a nightmare and draws so many comparisons with last year, the question is WHY? do we need to look at our fitness staff? somthing doesnt add up! with every passing day my hopes and expectations for the coming season fade more are more! :disapointed2se:

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young bobby I'm not to worried about reading his twitter its only a sore hip so its prolly just a rest his body is still devloping a procaution most likely,

Not to sure about kilkenny but millen said the squad was alot fitter then last year......he should of just kept quiet

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Neil Kilkenny and Bobby Reid are the latest players to pick up injuries (7 players out in total already). the amount of injuries we seem to be getting really concerns me, last season was exactly the same... this pre season is fast becoming a nightmare and draws so many comparisons with last year, the question is WHY? do we need to look at our fitness staff? somthing doesnt add up! with every passing day my hopes and expectations for the coming season fade more are more! :disapointed2se:

I said the same the other day. The amount of injuries we have had since this new fitness trainer came in is strangely high

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I was waiting for this kind of reply! cant a fan express their concerns anymore then? :closedeyes:

The fact you were waiting for that kind of reply should tell you that in the back of your mind you knew that you were starting yet another doom and ******* gloom thread of the type that are rapidly filling up the whole ******* site and pampering to the paranoid, attention seeking many with **** all else to do but sit there worrying about shite that really doesn`t warrant worrying about.



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I was waiting for this kind of reply! cant a fan express their concerns anymore then? :closedeyes:

It's not even the concern, the essence of your post is perfectly valid and one many fans will be equally bothered by. The problem is yet again the way the post is presented, massive over reactions are the order of the day when FanaticRed is online.

"more injuries, this must be a concern? Can anyone put their finger on the reasons? Is it bad luck, a problem with the training facilities(like Newcastle)? Or the coaching staff?


No hyperbole, no overreaction just a thread that might encourage some debate. Try it some time.

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The fact you were waiting for that kind of reply should tell you that in the back of your mind you knew that you were starting yet another doom and ******* gloom thread of the type that are rapidly filling up the whole ******* site and pampering to the paranoid, attention seeking many with **** all else to do but sit there worrying about shite that really doesn`t warrant worrying about.



Time of the month or somthing? get a grip and realise that this is a 'public forum' not a 'pdgifford64 forum' if i have someting to say, i'll say it! dont like my posts? then dont reply to them!! :facepalm:

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It's not even the concern, the essence of your post is perfectly valid and one many fans will be equally bothered by. The problem is yet again the way the post is presented, massive over reactions are the order of the day when FanaticRed is online.

"more injuries, this must be a concern? Can anyone put their finger on the reasons? Is it bad luck, a problem with the training facilities(like Newcastle)? Or the coaching staff?


No hyperbole, no overreaction just a thread that might encourage some debate. Try it some time.

If it isnt a debate then what else is it? what your trying to say is do it the JT way or not atall? i get it. i have my way of doing things, you have yours, lets just leave it at that.

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We never used to get as many injuries when previous managers used to throttle them in pre-season, now all this technical stuff seems to cause problems.

I don't think you can beat a good old fashioned cross country/beach run for fitness.

Have we been really unlucky or is it the type of player we have now (ie: not workhorses like we used to have?).


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It's not even the concern, the essence of your post is perfectly valid and one many fans will be equally bothered by. The problem is yet again the way the post is presented, massive over reactions are the order of the day when FanaticRed is online.

"more injuries, this must be a concern? Can anyone put their finger on the reasons? Is it bad luck, a problem with the training facilities(like Newcastle)? Or the coaching staff?


No hyperbole, no overreaction just a thread that might encourage some debate. Try it some time.

And all completely pointless.. unless you work at the club and see what happens in training, see everyone training regimes, see individual dietary plans etc etc.

All this pointless debate does is put out peoples own personal beliefs about our training regimes when they are not party to them, not party to every players medical history, not party to anything about the footballers concerned.

So everything in this debate will be complete hearsay and made up twaddle.

Unless the club doctor and club trainers and fitness coaches post on here what is the point in this thread? We can all second guess all we like, until we have hard facts debate is pointless on this subject matter.

What we may see on a first team pitch on a first team game is a far cry from what the professional staff will see when patching up players in training and training games.

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Neil Kilkenny and Bobby Reid are the latest players to pick up injuries (7 players out in total already). the amount of injuries we seem to be getting really concerns me, last season was exactly the same... this pre season is fast becoming a nightmare and draws so many comparisons with last year, the question is WHY? do we need to look at our fitness staff? somthing doesnt add up! with every passing day my hopes and expectations for the coming season fade more are more! :disapointed2se:

Consider the likely reason.

Players not long back from the summer break often pick up niggling injuries which means they miss the odd warm game as a precaution. That's what happening here.

Its also likely that some players subconsciously don't go all out during these games as they don't want to pick up injuries just as the new season approaches. Unfortunately that's the worst thing they can do but it happens every pre-season.

The only one that could turn out to be more serious is Pitman's shin problem. If he's developed shin splints then he could be out for a while.

If you don't what shin splints are, its all here - http://www.webmd.boots.com/fitness-exercise/shin-splints

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Consider the likely reason.

Players not long back from the summer break often pick up niggling injuries which means they miss the odd warm game as a precaution. That's what happening here.

Its also likely that some players subconsciously don't go all out during these games as they don't want to pick up injuries just as the new season approaches. Unfortunately that's the worst thing they can do but it happens every pre-season.

The only one that could turn out to be more serious is Pitman's shin problem. If he's developed shin splints then he could be out for a while.

If you don't what shin splints are, its all here - http://www.webmd.boots.com/fitness-exercise/shin-splints

If he has shin splints he is knackered, you either have to have a long rest from physical activity, or have an operation to have your bone shaved down, either way you are out a long time. Even the op doesn't guarantee success. I feel for the block if that is what he has, Shin splints can be very painful just walking.

Guess they will let us know when it has been diagnosed one way or another.

Fingers crossed that the diagnosis is not shin splints

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Neil Kilkenny and Bobby Reid are the latest players to pick up injuries (7 players out in total already). the amount of injuries we seem to be getting really concerns me, last season was exactly the same... this pre season is fast becoming a nightmare and draws so many comparisons with last year, the question is WHY? do we need to look at our fitness staff? somthing doesnt add up! with every passing day my hopes and expectations for the coming season fade more are more! :disapointed2se:

OK....`the question is WHY?`

The answer is, they are proffesional sportsmen, in a highly demanding professional sport. Every club will pick up injuries. What we don`t know are the seriousness of the injuries. They could be minor that common sense says just need to be rested. I`m sorry, are you in a better position to diagnose these injuries than our own fitness/medical staff?

And on that note.........`do we need to look at our fitness staff?`

Are you implying that our fitness coach is not up to the task. That the board in handing out a new 12 month contract are also inept ?

Nothing in this world is perfect. Yes, as Spudski noted in another thread, mistakes are made. But the fact is shit happens, regardless of how hard you try to employ the right personnel, employ the best techniques and to impliment the best schedule.

How about having some faith that in all aspects of running BCFC EVERYONE at the club is doing their best to get the best out of the players. That the staff employed by the club are doing their best.

I have hopes and expectations for the coming season..admittedly they might not be as high as some ( i think anywhere around 10th would be OK, anything better would be fantastic), however, the news that a couple of players have picked up knocks hasn`t changed my expectations.

Your comments were alarmist and over the top and IMO completely unwarranted..feel free to debate that.


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Nothing in this world is perfect. Yes, as Spudski noted in another thread, mistakes are made. But the fact is shit happens, regardless of how hard you try to employ the right personnel, employ the best techniques and to impliment the best schedule.

How about having some faith that in all aspects of running BCFC EVERYONE at the club is doing their best to get the best out of the players. That the staff employed by the club are doing their best.

I have hopes and expectations for the coming season..admittedly they might not be as high as some ( i think anywhere around 10th would be OK, anything better would be fantastic), however, the news that a couple of players have picked up knocks hasn`t changed my expectations.

Your comments were alarmist and over the top and IMO completely unwarranted..feel free to debate that.

Spot on PDG.

However you've been a regular forum user for ages now and you'll know that some posters simply post without thinking it through. This thread is a perfect example of that. The trick is to be patient............whistle.gif

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do we need to look at our fitness staff?

Spot on! I've been saying this for the past few seasons.

Yes, you expect players to pick up a few niggles when they start to regain match firtness after some time off but the numbers and levels of injuries at this club seems excessive and the time players spend out likewise.

It isn't pointless doom-and-goom to point up a potential weakness in the club set-up and to hope it is being looked at.

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Spot on! I've been saying this for the past few seasons.

Yes, you expect players to pick up a few niggles when they start to regain match firtness after some time off but the numbers and levels of injuries at this club seems excessive and the time players spend out likewise.

It isn't pointless doom-and-goom to point up a potential weakness in the club set-up and to hope it is being looked at.

Maynard seemed happy with the level of recoverey he got when he scored his first goal back last season he ran to the bench and pointed at the medical staff.

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