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London Riots


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Hundreds of square miles of fenced off Gulag land in Siberia could be rented from the Russians at bargain prices - rioters, looters and benefit claimants could be lost in that Siberian wilderness and they would no longer be a problem to the Great British taxpayer if they could be sent there. I'm just trying to save the taxpayer money by sending - for instance - Bob Crow to the Gulag thereby saving £millions of our taxes and helping reduce our national debt.

Fixed it for you........:devil:

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Gobbers, you're right the whole system is crap managed by a bunch of incompetents.

Can't even get the basics right ..... up until today they were proposing less CCTV not more due to human rights issues, over 60 detectives dedicated to phone hacking who care's about that when your house is being burnt down! Despite warnings about things kicking off, no water canon available and no one trained to work with them. They're all totally inept.

About time someone stood up for commonsense - the world and this country in particular is massively over-populated. Castrate/steralise the lot of 'em, starting with the low life scum who contribute f 'all to society.

The only people to emerge with credit .. the Asian and Malaysian guys ... says it all really.

My view is that we should cut our membership of the corrupt and criminal led EU project not our Police and our Youth projects that help our young. I'm no great fan of the Police but because we are not allowed to carry weapons in this country many have to rely solely on Police for protection when their property is under attack. I'm one of the few that recognizes the fact that Tony Martin - the heroic Norfolk farmer - was well within his rights to shoot the burglars that invaded his property. Good on him and shame on the Police and their CPS lawyer puppet masters that got Tony Martin imprisoned.

Had the shopkeepers in London been allowed weapons then they would not have been robbed. Finally, POSH Toffs Nick Clegg and David Cameron have never done real jobs for shit wages in their entire lives, and there lies the problem with the public school educated elitist retards that misrule our country. With Cameron and Clegg bringing in austerity measures against people that are already poor and disenfranchised will only make the likelihood of future riots even greater.

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