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The Fans Will Vote With Their Feet


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Bottom of the League. Nil points and -5 goal difference. Leicester away on Wednesday with about as much chance of winning as I have of winning the lottery.

The fans won't be there for Pompey if we lose again. This must send a message to the board that we are not prepared to watch a relegation fight this season and we want change.

No quality, no confidence and rumblings of discontent in the ranks.

It's gonna be a cold and lonely winter if we don't change things now.

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Bottom of the League. Nil points and -5 goal difference. Leicester away on Wednesday with about as much chance of winning as I have of winning the lottery.

The fans won't be there for Pompey if we lose again. This must send a message to the board that we are not prepared to watch a relegation fight this season and we want change.

No quality, no confidence and rumblings of discontent in the ranks.

It's gonna be a cold and lonely winter if we don't change things now.

A relegation fight, I can handle. It's the no-fight that I would hate!

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You have to be realistic. Turning up in numbers and making lots of noise won't fix the problems we have, thats just a bit like re-arranging the deckchairs on the Titanic I'm afraid!

I don't buy all this blind faith stuff. If you've got a leak, you've got to fix it, all the noise in the world won't do any good. Voting with our feet sends out the loudest, clearest message possible that what we have on show at the moment just will not do.

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And isn't it sad?

Meh, we need to win against Pompey (yes, written Leicester off already) so the fans should be there, backs against the wall willing them on.

I don't care if people don't like Keith. I don't care if people don't rate the players. I care about BCFC and avoiding relegation.


Sadly JT, history has shown that the core support that Bristol City can count on to turn out to cheer the team on in all circumstances number aroud 7k/8k. I know that doesn't make great reading for those of us amongst that number, (and I am probably including a few of the "moaners" on here), but the rest of the support are only going to hang around while things look fairly rosy (especially at current prices). Bristol is a footballing backwater FACT (that bits an ironic joke btw).

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Put it this way, for the number of times this club has screwed up and seriously under-achieved and yet the fans have still gone and supported then I think with the current:

1) Lack of fight

2) Tactically naive manager

3) Unbalanced and ageing squad

4) Lack of money to adress all of the above

5) Economic climate - fans have less money now than back then, whilst your average Bristol City player has more and more

we are entitled to spend our money and time elsewhere.

I've never been one to say that we have a given right to beat teams in this league, but for a city the size of Bristol to accept footballing mediocrity like it has done in the past and now with our club very much seeming to do the same, for me it is just not acceptable. Bristol deserves at least a competitive championship team that should be us.

Rant over...

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And isn't it sad?

Meh, we need to win against Pompey (yes, written Leicester off already) so the fans should be there, backs against the wall willing them on.

I don't care if people don't like Keith. I don't care if people don't rate the players. I care about BCFC and avoiding relegation.


We all care about BCFC and avoiding relegation. To say someone who wants Millen out, doesnt care about BCFC is ridiculous.

You think fans who want him out dont help the situation?? I agree, it doesnt....in the short term. However long term, I feel fans like yourself, who keep playing down how dire a manager and coach he is, do just as much damage to the club.

The quicker he is removed the better

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Bottom of the League. Nil points and -5 goal difference. Leicester away on Wednesday with about as much chance of winning as I have of winning the lottery.

The fans won't be there for Pompey if we lose again. This must send a message to the board that we are not prepared to watch a relegation fight this season and we want change.

No quality, no confidence and rumblings of discontent in the ranks.

It's gonna be a cold and lonely winter if we don't change things now.

On the plus side the queue for a beer in my local will be shorter.

Every cloud... ;)

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Putting words in my mouth there Andy, no need for that.

thats kind of what your implying....or am I wrong?

either way, I stand by what I say with regards people who keep backing Millen regardless of how many mistakes he makes are just as damaging to this club.

He is a god awful manager and a poor coach. Fingers crossed Lansdown will actually do something about it sooner rather then later....

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We all care about BCFC and avoiding relegation. To say someone who wants Millen out, doesnt care about BCFC is ridiculous.

You think fans who want him out dont help the situation?? I agree, it doesnt....in the short term. However long term, I feel fans like yourself, who keep playing down how dire a manager and coach he is, do just as much damage to the club.

The quicker he is removed the better

All that is necessary for the triumph of mediocrity is that good fans make excuses. [apologies to Edmund Burke]

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i've supported city for 40 years.the best time for me watching city was the taylor,gavin,smith days. great football to watch.

i,ll be here saturday as always but frankly it's like watching paint dry with this team. they play with too much fear.

if we keep millen we get relegated,it's as simple as that!

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And how many times did we hear that last season... Fleeting comments again, getting boring. Engage your effing

you call me boring then come up with a comment like that!that is really constructive aint it?

for the record,i didn't want millen appointed in the first place,his signings pre season have been poor.

and i believe we will be in big trouble keeping him on.

lets see if you can reply without abuse shall we!

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You're wrong. My point was regardless of your feelings the club needs three points and needs the fans to get behind the team whilst they are on the pitch.

Don't happen to agree that he is god awful seeing as he has a decent enough (midtable) record in his managerial career at second tier level.

But hey, a new guy will definitely be able to a) bring in players for absolutely nothing because the board won't sanction anymore transfers

B) change a squad of inept defenders signed by GJ and SC into world beaters.

C) make everything hunky dory

Time to stop looking for a scapegoat and objectively look at ALL the problems at the club.

.....and Millen is a massive part of the problems at the club. Its nothing to do with looking for a Scapegoat...its just the way it is. He is coach, manager....his resposibility.

This brings me onto Point B....I appreciate our defenders are not, and never will be," world beaters", however I also believe we have enough to be a team capable of being midtable, maybe just below. Millen has no excuses....his words, not mine. Yes we survived last year, but i eprsonally feel we look worse this year then we did last.

I predict Millen will be gone by mid September......we lose our next two games, I think he will be gone by middle of next week. He fast approaching the point of no return with some fans. Yesterdays farcical formation summed the blokle up for me.....

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And how many times did we hear that last season... Fleeting comments again, getting boring. Engage your effing brain.

are you talking to the poster....or Keith Millen after another "we must do better" and "cannot keep giving away these goals" post match interview??

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I miss it being 10000 of us on a damp and freezing Tuesday night against Southend.

The atmosphere was better then too.

Do you really belive that? Atmosphere in league 1 was shocking. No East End open to home fans and maybe a few hundred away fans in there. Watching God awfull football.

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And how many times did we hear that last season... Fleeting comments again, getting boring. Engage your effing brain.

I'm getting sick of you Tansley.

Here is a guy that has supported City for 40 years and was probably going to Ashton Gate when your old man was in nappies, yet you still feel able to direct your patronising sh1t in his direction.

I do not wish to be abusive, so I shall just advise you to grow up and have some respect for your elders and (frankly) betters when it comes to following City for any length of time.

(awaiting jumped-up glib response)


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i've supported city for 40 years.the best time for me watching city was the taylor,gavin,smith days. great football to watch.

i,ll be here saturday as always but frankly it's like watching paint dry with this team. they play with too much fear.

if we keep millen we get relegated,it's as simple as that!

Wouldn't you play with a degree of fear if your own fans start booing you ? or if they start screaming abuse at you, some of the stick Jamie Mac was taking against ipswich from our own fans was bloody disgraceful.

Wouldn't you play with a sense of fear if no matter what you do you get barracked by certain segments of the crowd, retain possession and keep the ball for a bit and after no more than 20 - 30 seconds you start hearing "get it forward you ****" take that route and you get "pass it you ****"

To be quite honest I, in a perverse way hope we drop down to our core 8/9k support for the pompey game as the team might actually get some ******* support. I couldn't care less what people say after or before the game on here and in pubs, as i know full well some of the biggest moaners outside AG are some of the best supporters inside the ground.

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I'm getting sick of you Tansley.

Here is a guy that has supported City for 40 years and was probably going to Ashton Gate when your old man was in nappies, yet you still feel able to direct your patronising sh1t in his direction.

I do not wish to be abusive, so I shall just advise you to grow up and have some respect for your elders and (frankly) betters when it comes to following City for any length of time.

(awaiting jumped-up glib response)


I may not agree with the manner of JT's comment but I do agree with the sentiment. I was dreading coming onto this forum on Sunday evening and today, but actually what I read was just a rehash of the same comments we had for half the last season. "we are going down, FACT", "Millen must go now" and so on. It does feel like there are people who are actually a bit pissed off that Millen had the audacity to prove them wrong last season, so are taking every opportunity to try and get it right this season. I just hope that unlike the boy who cried wolf, they will never finally be right.

Sorry if that is neither glib or jumped up enough for you (although I guess this bit is :))

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Guest LongwellRed

I'm getting sick of you Tansley.

Here is a guy that has supported City for 40 years and was probably going to Ashton Gate when your old man was in nappies, yet you still feel able to direct your patronising sh1t in his direction.

I do not wish to be abusive, so I shall just advise you to grow up and have some respect for your elders and (frankly) betters when it comes to following City for any length of time.

(awaiting jumped-up glib response)


Agree. How flippin rude and disrespectful. Arse

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I've eaten food every day of my life, Doesn't mean I know anything about it...

Respect is earned, maybe if your ******* generation understood that the "youths" would actually respect you. By your amazing logic, being old is an excuse for spouting bullshit without being questioned.

And there it is...

So what exactly have you done to earn anyone's respect Mr. Tansley?

I am not old. I am however older than you. I have been supporting City longer than you. That doesn't make your opinion any less valid than mine (IMO), but I do have more experience to draw on.

I do not require the respect of the "youths" as you put it. I personally think that it is the "youths" (such as yourself) that should be the ones "earning" the respect.

With regards to "bullshit", I believe that you, Mr. Tansley, have the monopoly on that.

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Bottom of the League. Nil points and -5 goal difference. Leicester away on Wednesday with about as much chance of winning as I have of winning the lottery.

The fans won't be there for Pompey if we lose again. This must send a message to the board that we are not prepared to watch a relegation fight this season and we want change.

No quality, no confidence and rumblings of discontent in the ranks.

It's gonna be a cold and lonely winter if we don't change things now.

Great tactic, once we get Leicester out the way, then we have games that we have a much better chance of winning and your suggesting fans stay away.

Great way to support the team.

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I may not agree with the manner of JT's comment but I do agree with the sentiment. I was dreading coming onto this forum on Sunday evening and today, but actually what I read was just a rehash of the same comments we had for half the last season. "we are going down, FACT", "Millen must go now" and so on. It does feel like there are people who are actually a bit pissed off that Millen had the audacity to prove them wrong last season, so are taking every opportunity to try and get it right this season. I just hope that unlike the boy who cried wolf, they will never finally be right.

Sorry if that is neither glib or jumped up enough for you (although I guess this bit is :))

No problem with that fella.

As you have alluded to, it is the MANNER of JT's posts that I have the problem with.

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Ah so it is different for me but not him or you?

Glad you agree, I'm pretty sure I said "Respect needs to be earned" ...

Oh really? So you agree with him do you? You think "we will be relegated with millen in charge, it's as simple as that" (A new variant of END OF. )

You think Millen's signings have been poor?

It's been a long and arduous weekend, and hearing some of the things said on here over the course of that weekend has been very frustrating. If people want to insult the manager and create yet another feeling of doom then I and many other posters would really appreciate there being some truth behind the moans? Fair request? If people want to slate the selections and the tactics, Then I'll be there agreeing with them. If people want to have a go at the apparent lack of improvement and therefore the coaching, then that at least has some logical basis. If people are going to claim that by simply having Keith as manager we are absolutely certain to go down, despite him keeping us up last season or that Keith's signings have been poor even though they haven't then I think it's entirely fair to show their opinions the "respect" they deserve.

It comes from the strange notion that everyone has a right to an opinion and that it must automatically be regarded as valid even when it's a load of complete bollocks, and it's even more valid if you put FACT or some other equally innane drivel after it.

I think you could have perhaps put it better, but then i understand your frustration, we had about a zillion posts last season stating that unless millen was sacked we would be relegated FACT (that worked out as a stunning prediction from the resident morons didn't it?) and the season before that we had hordes of people stating the unless Johnson was sacked we would be relegated FACT (and that in all likelyhood would have turned out to be equally a load of old bollocks)

People have a right to express their opinion, but as soon as they start trying to portray their opinion as some kind of sage like fact, then frankly if you cant construct a better argument than that then your opinion deserves about as much respect as it will get which is sod all.

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Ah so it is different for me but not him or you?

Glad you agree, I'm pretty sure I said "Respect needs to be earned" ...

Oh really? So you agree with him do you? You think "we will be relegated with millen in charge, it's as simple as that" (A new variant of END OF. )

You think Millen's signings have been poor?

It's been a long and arduous weekend, and hearing some of the things said on here over the course of that weekend has been very frustrating. If people want to insult the manager and create yet another feeling of doom then I and many other posters would really appreciate there being some truth behind the moans? Fair request? If people want to slate the selections and the tactics, Then I'll be there agreeing with them. If people want to have a go at the apparent lack of improvement and therefore the coaching, then that at least has some logical basis. If people are going to claim that by simply having Keith as manager we are absolutely certain to go down, despite him keeping us up last season or that Keith's signings have been poor even though they haven't then I think it's entirely fair to show their opinions the "respect" they deserve.

Sorry, who have I agreed with that said this ??

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Ah so it is different for me but not him or you?

Glad you agree, I'm pretty sure I said "Respect needs to be earned" ...

Oh really? So you agree with him do you? You think "we will be relegated with millen in charge, it's as simple as that" (A new variant of END OF. )

You think Millen's signings have been poor?

It's been a long and arduous weekend, and hearing some of the things said on here over the course of that weekend has been very frustrating. If people want to insult the manager and create yet another feeling of doom then I and many other posters would really appreciate there being some truth behind the moans? Fair request? If people want to slate the selections and the tactics, Then I'll be there agreeing with them. If people want to have a go at the apparent lack of improvement and therefore the coaching, then that at least has some logical basis. If people are going to claim that by simply having Keith as manager we are absolutely certain to go down, despite him keeping us up last season or that Keith's signings have been poor even though they haven't then I think it's entirely fair to show their opinions the "respect" they deserve.

Double post

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And there it is...

So what exactly have you done to earn anyone's respect Mr. Tansley?

I am not old. I am however older than you. I have been supporting City longer than you. That doesn't make your opinion any less valid than mine (IMO), but I do have more experience to draw on.

I do not require the respect of the "youths" as you put it. I personally think that it is the "youths" (such as yourself) that should be the ones "earning" the respect.

With regards to "bullshit", I believe that you, Mr. Tansley, have the monopoly on that.

Well his 40 years watching football (allegedly) makes him a far superior fan to me. your words (if slightly paraphrased) not mine. So one would assume you'd taken his "opinion" as gospel as his (alleged) support also out-dates yours.

Hope this helps.

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It comes from the strange notion that everyone has a right to an opinion and that it must automatically be regarded as valid even when it's a load of complete bollocks, and it's even more valid if you put FACT or some other equally innane drivel after it.

I think you could have perhaps put it better, but then i understand your frustration, we had about a zillion posts last season stating that unless millen was sacked we would be relegated FACT (that worked out as a stunning prediction from the resident morons didn't it?) and the season before that we had hordes of people stating the unless Johnson was sacked we would be relegated FACT (and that in all likelyhood would have turned out to be equally a load of old bollocks)

People have a right to express their opinion, but as soon as they start trying to portray their opinion as some kind of sage like fact, then frankly if you cant construct a better argument than that then your opinion deserves about as much respect as it will get which is sod all.


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You agree his post deserved no respect?

You could give Ivan Sproule lessons in consistency.

Oh for God's sake...

I HAVE NOT intentionally agreed with any post on this thread.

I HAVE taken exception to your (IMO) patronising and disrespectful responses to posts on this thread.

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I'm pretty sure the post you left on this thread previous to this was doing just that.

Just being a pedantic **** now, I think you have earned enough of my respect to do that.

I don't need your respect Jordan.

However, I'm now bored and tired. So, with respect, goodnight. ;)

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Guest Fireman Sam

Bottom of the League. Nil points and -5 goal difference. Leicester away on Wednesday with about as much chance of winning as I have of winning the lottery.

The fans won't be there for Pompey if we lose again. This must send a message to the board that we are not prepared to watch a relegation fight this season and we want change.

No quality, no confidence and rumblings of discontent in the ranks.

It's gonna be a cold and lonely winter if we don't change things now.

He has to be sacked now :fingerscrossed:

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Bottom of the League. Nil points and -5 goal difference. Leicester away on Wednesday with about as much chance of winning as I have of winning the lottery.


The fans won't be there for Pompey if we lose again. Agree

This must send a message to the board Agree

that we are not prepared to watch a relegation fight this season and we want change.

Disagree.. I will be happy sit sit and watch a relegation struggle. However the players, and management must address the negative tactics, passionless football, and the inevitabilty that is Bristol City.

But I fear this wont happen under this current regime.

No quality, Agree no confidence and rumblings of discontent in the ranks. Pass. I don't know what goes on in the bubble.

It's gonna be a cold and lonely winter if we don't change things now. Agree

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  • Admin

I'm prepared to take the flak I'll undoubtedly take for posting this but this is the first time in about 10 years that i couldn't be bothered to get a season ticket.

Cost isn't really an issue. I'd told myself over the summer that given the number of games I missed last season to work commitments that I'd just become a member and go to the games i was able to attend but deep down I think I resent paying through the nose to be bored witless. After the Ipswich game I was prepared to miss the next few games but will still be going simply because another ticket holder couldn't be bothered to go!

It's not just the on the field matters that are frustrating me though. A friend of mine is arranging a charity event in Knowle tomorrow in aid of the local air ambulance service through her position at a charity that helps local people with learning difficulties. You'd think that with the greater emphasis on helping forge links with the Community (see David James's article yesterday & the away shirt!) coupled with it being in our patch that the club would at least take a little notice? Not even a reply! I'm ashamed to say..."unlike Bristol Rovers".

You're welcome to slag me off for the contents of this post but when someone who has often been accused of showing blind faith or wearing rose tinted glasses feels this way shouldn't the club be a little worried?

PS in the absence of the club doing anything supportive I'm going to donate my signed pair of Scott Murray's boots to the raffle and if anyone is interested I'll post details of the event later.

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I'm prepared to take the flak I'll undoubtedly take for posting this but this is the first time in about 10 years that i couldn't be bothered to get a season ticket.

Cost isn't really an issue. I'd told myself over the summer that given the number of games I missed last season to work commitments that I'd just become a member and go to the games i was able to attend but deep down I think I resent paying through the nose to be bored witless. After the Ipswich game I was prepared to miss the next few games but will still be going simply because another ticket holder couldn't be bothered to go!

It's not just the on the field matters that are frustrating me though. A friend of mine is arranging a charity event in Knowle tomorrow in aid of the local air ambulance service through her position at a charity that helps local people with learning difficulties. You'd think that with the greater emphasis on helping forge links with the Community (see David James's article yesterday & the away shirt!) coupled with it being in our patch that the club would at least take a little notice? Not even a reply! I'm ashamed to say..."unlike Bristol Rovers".

You're welcome to slag me off for the contents of this post but when someone who has often been accused of showing blind faith or wearing rose tinted glasses feels this way shouldn't the club be a little worried?

PS in the absence of the club doing anything supportive I'm going to donate my signed pair of Scott Murray's boots to the raffle and if anyone is interested I'll post details of the event later.

A 'sit up and take notice' post from a well respected poster producing something I wouldn't have expected them too.

Clearly, as you state, you have gripes beyond 'on field', but can I ask specifically how you feel on that matter?

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I'm prepared to take the flak I'll undoubtedly take for posting this but this is the first time in about 10 years that i couldn't be bothered to get a season ticket.

Cost isn't really an issue. I'd told myself over the summer that given the number of games I missed last season to work commitments that I'd just become a member and go to the games i was able to attend but deep down I think I resent paying through the nose to be bored witless. After the Ipswich game I was prepared to miss the next few games but will still be going simply because another ticket holder couldn't be bothered to go!

It's not just the on the field matters that are frustrating me though. A friend of mine is arranging a charity event in Knowle tomorrow in aid of the local air ambulance service through her position at a charity that helps local people with learning difficulties. You'd think that with the greater emphasis on helping forge links with the Community (see David James's article yesterday & the away shirt!) coupled with it being in our patch that the club would at least take a little notice? Not even a reply! I'm ashamed to say..."unlike Bristol Rovers".

You're welcome to slag me off for the contents of this post but when someone who has often been accused of showing blind faith or wearing rose tinted glasses feels this way shouldn't the club be a little worried?

PS in the absence of the club doing anything supportive I'm going to donate my signed pair of Scott Murray's boots to the raffle and if anyone is interested I'll post details of the event later.

I agree the football has been really boring for some time.

Supporting BCFC has been part of my life for so long that I can't imagine losing interest as you appear to have done.

However. people say being in the Championship is great, better opponents etc., better football (?) but is it really more fun supporting a struggling City team at this level than challenging near the top of the division below?

Not so sure it is myself, we used to often batter teams at AG and at least usually have the thrill of celebrating a few goals.

As much as we all wanted promotion, if we can't compete happily at this level then perhaps it's is a bit of a poisoned chalice.

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I'm prepared to take the flak I'll undoubtedly take for posting this but this is the first time in about 10 years that i couldn't be bothered to get a season ticket.

Cost isn't really an issue. I'd told myself over the summer that given the number of games I missed last season to work commitments that I'd just become a member and go to the games i was able to attend but deep down I think I resent paying through the nose to be bored witless. After the Ipswich game I was prepared to miss the next few games but will still be going simply because another ticket holder couldn't be bothered to go!

It's not just the on the field matters that are frustrating me though. A friend of mine is arranging a charity event in Knowle tomorrow in aid of the local air ambulance service through her position at a charity that helps local people with learning difficulties. You'd think that with the greater emphasis on helping forge links with the Community (see David James's article yesterday & the away shirt!) coupled with it being in our patch that the club would at least take a little notice? Not even a reply! I'm ashamed to say..."unlike Bristol Rovers".

You're welcome to slag me off for the contents of this post but when someone who has often been accused of showing blind faith or wearing rose tinted glasses feels this way shouldn't the club be a little worried?

PS in the absence of the club doing anything supportive I'm going to donate my signed pair of Scott Murray's boots to the raffle and if anyone is interested I'll post details of the event later.

Good, sad, post. I'm seriously thinking of not using my season ticket this week, (after thinking long and hard about renewing in the first place) and maybe for many weeks. I've been a ST holder for donkeys years but at the moment everything is very uninspiring. Why do we consistently seem to be "up against it", year in, year out?

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Following on from above...

Rovers got a crowd of 8,500 on Saturday which must be bigger than almost all their home crowds last season.

How could this be after a terrible season and relegation? Lots of publicity over numerous new signings, what they think is a good managerial appointment, and optimism of (by their standards) a successful season in the offing.

I don't think the league you are in matters too much, it is the feel good factor around the club and the prospect of entertaining and winning football that gets the fans enthused.

Rovers bubble has burst already of course, and we know they are doomed to failure, but that crowd did surprise me and make me think.

Maybe City being a Championship/Lge 1 yo-yo club would be the answer and we cut our cloth accordingly - at least we'd regularly have enjoyable, successful seasons - and we forget pipe dreams about the PL?dunno.gif

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Following on from above...

Rovers got a crowd of 8,500 on Saturday which must be bigger than almost all their home crowds last season.

How could this be after a terrible season and relegation? Lots of publicity over numerous new signings, what they think is a good managerial appointment, and optimism of (by their standards) a successful season in the offing.

I don't think the league you are in matters too much, it is the feel good factor around the club and the prospect of entertaining and winning football that gets the fans enthused.

Rovers bubble has burst already of course, and we know they are doomed to failure, but that crowd did surprise me and make me think.

Maybe City being a Championship/Lge 1 yo-yo club would be the answer and we cut our cloth accordingly - at least we'd regularly have enjoyable, successful seasons - and we forget pipe dreams about the PL?dunno.gif

They probably gave tickets away again. Anyway, expect this to drop dramatically as the season goes on. You're right about the feel good factor though, which has sadly been missing here since our first season in the Championship.:(

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I'm prepared to take the flak I'll undoubtedly take for posting this but this is the first time in about 10 years that i couldn't be bothered to get a season ticket.

Cost isn't really an issue. I'd told myself over the summer that given the number of games I missed last season to work commitments that I'd just become a member and go to the games i was able to attend but deep down I think I resent paying through the nose to be bored witless. After the Ipswich game I was prepared to miss the next few games but will still be going simply because another ticket holder couldn't be bothered to go!

It's not just the on the field matters that are frustrating me though. A friend of mine is arranging a charity event in Knowle tomorrow in aid of the local air ambulance service through her position at a charity that helps local people with learning difficulties. You'd think that with the greater emphasis on helping forge links with the Community (see David James's article yesterday & the away shirt!) coupled with it being in our patch that the club would at least take a little notice? Not even a reply! I'm ashamed to say..."unlike Bristol Rovers".

You're welcome to slag me off for the contents of this post but when someone who has often been accused of showing blind faith or wearing rose tinted glasses feels this way shouldn't the club be a little worried?

PS in the absence of the club doing anything supportive I'm going to donate my signed pair of Scott Murray's boots to the raffle and if anyone is interested I'll post details of the event later.

Surely David Lloyd could help you with the charity event. It can't be hard to get a few players to sign a shirt/football?

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Surely David Lloyd could help you with the charity event. It can't be hard to get a few players to sign a shirt/football?

Hard to get some of our players to sign anything at the moment!

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Maybe City being a Championship/Lge 1 yo-yo club would be the answer and we cut our cloth accordingly - at least we'd regularly have enjoyable, successful seasons - and we forget pipe dreams about the PL?dunno.gif

But what about the 30k stadium that this giant football is obviously crying out for, Noggers?

Where will we be without it? Apparently it is the answer to all of the clubs problems

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But what about the 30k stadium that this giant football is obviously crying out for, Noggers?

Where will we be without it? Apparently it is the answer to all of the clubs problems

Yo-yoing between the Championship and League 1 in front of about 10,000 diehards at AG. More in one of our many promotion seasons - similar to WBA, just a bit lower down.

Personally I'm not crying out for the new stadium at all, far from it.

Not particularly interested in the PL either, so obviously not my ambition to see BCFC part of it.

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Yo-yoing between the Championship and League 1 in front of about 10,000 diehards at AG. More in one of our many promotion seasons - similar to WBA, just a bit lower down.

Personally I'm not crying out for the new stadium at all, far from it.

Not particularly interested in the PL either, so obviously not my ambition to see BCFC part of it.

My real concern is that we will be yo-yoing with it, as we have for the majority of our history

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My real concern is that we will be yo-yoing with it, as we have for the majority of our history

So you foresee City stuck forever in the same 2 divisions as in recent history but in a bright new, half empty stadium with little atmosphere and no history?

Well many others have been convinced that AV is our passport to the Premier League and an extra 15,000+ City fanatics will suddenly appear from nowhere to fill it every week.

As I said, it's someone else's dream, not mine.

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Don't want to get into the Gary Johnson debate, but the feeling of togetherness at the club during the 'Always Believe' and Johnson says...' days feels like a heck of a long time ago.

But then that had gone largely by the mid point of the season after the playoffs when the bickering began.

The problem is we have 8/9 thousand fans who will pretty much turn up every week and did when we were in league 1, since we got promoted that normal support level has risen to 13 odd thousand, but there are still only 8/9 thousand who want to support the team no matter what, the extra 4/5 k are still there but only seem to want to sit and moan for 90 minutes.

I have lost a lot of enjoyment of going to Ashton Gate, and it's not because the football is any less entertaining than it has been for the last 3 years (in our playoff season we played some good stuff, since then it has largely been dross) but because i find it nigh on impossible to have a laugh and create some kind of atmosphere, the string of stunningly boring 0-0 draws we had against Bury in league one were some of the most mind numbingly dull football i have ever watched but there were a good group of fans happy to just have a laugh and kind of ignore the fact that the football was garbage, so at least it was enjoyable despite the football being crap. Now it's nothing like that, after the first 5 minutes of the Ipswich game the atmosphere had already died and unlike in the past where you could still enjoy going to a game even if the football was garbage, now you can't as a lot of the people around the middle of Block E of the atyeo where i have sat for the last 12/13 years, have either stopped going because of the stick they started to get from people who only appeared after we got promoted, or moved to the EE for the same reason.

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So you foresee City stuck forever in the same 2 divisions as in recent history but in a bright new, half empty stadium with little atmosphere and no history?

Well many others have been convinced that AV is our passport to the Premier League and an extra 15,000+ City fanatics will suddenly appear from nowhere to fill it every week.

As I said, it's someone else's dream, not mine.

If you mean our history since 1945, then yeah, that is exactly what I foresee.

The believe because they want to, blind faith, historic evidence has no bearing.

It is a dream for me, Noggers, a effing nightmare

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Don't want to get into the Gary Johnson debate, but the feeling of togetherness at the club during the 'Always Believe' and Johnson says...' days feels like a heck of a long time ago.

Yes- whatever one thought of Johnson eithwr as a man or his methods, there was a great sense of unity during his reign. seems to be lacking somewhat now.

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If you mean our history since 1945, then yeah, that is exactly what I foresee.

The believe because they want to, blind faith, historic evidence has no bearing.

It is a dream for me, Noggers, a effing nightmare

Cardiff were similar to us, probabaly smaller. They are now nearly full most games and this is without Premier League football. Lots of fans have come out the woodwork simply because of a new stadium and who is to say that can't happen for us?!

Mind you, the matchday experience is probabaly sh!t - but ours isn't exactly amazing is it?

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If you mean our history since 1945, then yeah, that is exactly what I foresee.

The believe because they want to, blind faith, historic evidence has no bearing.

It is a dream for me, Noggers, a effing nightmare

City yo yo-ing between the Championship and League 1 at AG is fine by me, I can take that prospect fairly happily. A few Cup runs would be nice too, I'll never forget being at Leeds in '74, or the Forest game in '89, and another one is long overdue.

But yo yo-ing in a stadium I have no feelings for, and having to walk past an enormous ugly Sainsbury's on the hallowed ground where AG used to be on the way to a new stadium is indeed a nightmare.

Still, we're led to believe it's AG or PL football (even though i've real doubts we'll get there from AV anyway, or thrive if we do) for our beloved club and these days being in the PL seems to be the be all and end all of many fans, whatever the cost to our history.

Not for me - Wedlocks has gone and for me that dreadful sight where something so familiar and valued was obliterated without trace is a portent of things of to come. We probably don't know why each of us fall in love with this club, or why and how that love may one day die, but for me the demolition of AG will be the biggest test.

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I'll quite happily say I'm a moaner, not just about football generally I'm a grumpy git. But I have also spent a fortune on this club like many others on here. I would dread to think of the thousands this club has cost me, would I want it all back for the loss of memories of wembley, promotions, Mansfield 5-4 etc not a chance. The simple fact is in recent years going down the gate has become a chore rather than an enjoyable day out, the club seems to have taken it's eye off the ball on the field. They seem to have been preoccupied by the stadium bid, and while I believe it will help us compete financially with the bigger fish, I'm afraid the may have lost many fans on the way. I'll still have my season ticket in 10 years time whether we're at the gate or AV, in the prem or div 4 but with the dross being served up at the moment I fear we're losing not just new fans but the old guard too. That to me is as concerning as moving to a new stadium

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