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Anyone Feel The Same?

Forza Revolution

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Do you pay a few hundred quid each year on a bristol city season ticket only to end the season with dissapointment and wondering why?

Or do you turn up occasionally and pay 30 quid and go home thinking "nothings changed"

Maybe you even travel to away games each week only be embarressed by the homes fans as they sing "youve come along way for nothing"

Do you get all excited pre season with the hope of signing a big name player? Only to end up with bargain basket players if were lucky?

Maybe you buy the full kit for your nipper each year only for him to say city are rubbish and that he would wather watch man utd.

Maybe you were in the big team photo with the not so bright "so called stars"

Take of your red tinted specs and realise that the club are continually taking good money of the honest man, money we have worked hard for, and recieves nothing in return.

Vote with your feet! I love the badge but cant stand the so called management who wear it.

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Do you pay a few hundred quid each year on a bristol city season ticket only to end the season with dissapointment and wondering why?

Or do you turn up occasionally and pay 30 quid and go home thinking "nothings changed"

Maybe you even travel to away games each week only be embarressed by the homes fans as they sing "youve come along way for nothing"

Do you get all excited pre season with the hope of signing a big name player? Only to end up with bargain basket players if were lucky?

Maybe you buy the full kit for your nipper each year only for him to say city are rubbish and that he would wather watch man utd.

Maybe you were in the big team photo with the not so bright "so called stars"

Take of your red tinted specs and realise that the club are continually taking good money of the honest man, money we have worked hard for, and recieves nothing in return.

Vote with your feet! I love the badge but cant stand the so called management who wear it.

Only went to 2 games last season and doubt i shall attend a single game this season. After having a season ticket for years and going all round the country (went to 14 away games in the play off season) i really have lost interest in physically going to games untill things dramatically improve.. By the attendences it looks like thousands are thinking like me.

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Do you pay a few hundred quid each year on a bristol city season ticket only to end the season with dissapointment and wondering why?

Or do you turn up occasionally and pay 30 quid and go home thinking "nothings changed"

Maybe you even travel to away games each week only be embarressed by the homes fans as they sing "youve come along way for nothing"

Do you get all excited pre season with the hope of signing a big name player? Only to end up with bargain basket players if were lucky?

Maybe you buy the full kit for your nipper each year only for him to say city are rubbish and that he would wather watch man utd.

Maybe you were in the big team photo with the not so bright "so called stars"

Take of your red tinted specs and realise that the club are continually taking good money of the honest man, money we have worked hard for, and recieves nothing in return.

Vote with your feet! I love the badge but cant stand the so called management who wear it.

Spot on....Good post definately know that feeling.

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Do you pay a few hundred quid each year on a bristol city season ticket only to end the season with dissapointment and wondering why?

Or do you turn up occasionally and pay 30 quid and go home thinking "nothings changed"

Maybe you even travel to away games each week only be embarressed by the homes fans as they sing "youve come along way for nothing"

Do you get all excited pre season with the hope of signing a big name player? Only to end up with bargain basket players if were lucky?

Maybe you buy the full kit for your nipper each year only for him to say city are rubbish and that he would wather watch man utd.

Maybe you were in the big team photo with the not so bright "so called stars"

Take of your red tinted specs and realise that the club are continually taking good money of the honest man, money we have worked hard for, and recieves nothing in return.

Vote with your feet! I love the badge but cant stand the so called management who wear it.

Spot on mate.

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The club is in a bad way. SL is being missed, KM is a nice guy but clearly not good enough and many of the players are taking us all for a ride.

Can't see it improving any time soon. CS is here to stay and idoubt him and his colleagues have the balls to have the complete clearout of the coaching staff that should of happened the day aftet we lost 6-0 to cardiff!

Unless we get an inspirational manager within the next couple of months......

League one here we come.

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Only went to 2 games last season and doubt i shall attend a single game this season. After having a season ticket for years and going all round the country (went to 14 away games in the play off season) i really have lost interest in physically going to games untill things dramatically improve.. By the attendences it looks like thousands are thinking like me.

Hmm, you beat me to it. I am time served with the club, I've travelled here there and everywhere for pre season friendlies, had countless season tickets, paid on the day, booked holidays just so I could watch midweek away matches, christ, even went to Grimsby on New Years day once just so I could get my fix of football, but now, I wont even go to a home game on a Wednesday night for a tenner because I am sick to death of seeing professional footballers being paid absolute fortunes for doing sod all. So professional, they cannot be arsed to put a 90minute performance in for nearly 8000 fans who I'm sure could have done a whole number of things this evening. Haven't bothered renewing my season ticket and doubt I will go at all this season. The next shambles is just around the corner with the Maynard situation, he will leave for nothing and Pitman is already pissed at his lack of game time, so he'll be gone too.

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Totally agree I love this club and spent an absolute fortune on it over the years but am increasingly looking less forward to Saturdays. This club has been stagnating for the past 3 years, fans are voting with their feet. I don't trust sexton and millen enough to lead this club out of the mess we are rapidly finding ourselves in.

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just feels like the love and spark for football has drained away recently. This football club has, for me, let down us fans recently. Just silly little things adding up. Only being allowed into the Q&A session at open day if you have the away shirt? I know the idea was reversed in the end, but what the hell is all that about? Talk about togetherness. The glow and buzz around AG seems to be gone, the optimism has turned into negativity, and it's seems even worse that the players aren't showing the desire to change around anymore - the effort today was horrific, in the 87th minute when we're 1-0 down James hurried the ball back for his goal kick, and not one player was facing him ready for the ball, just trotting back toward the halfway line. May just be me being a negative depressing sod, but you never know!

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Same here. Has felt like a chore for a couple of years at least now and I cannot think of a single thing to get excited or be positive about this season.

The club is in a bad way and the Maynard saga has been a complete distraction that threatens to de-rail our season and it's still August!

A minimum of 2 quality signings who have a bit of fight before the window closes is the only way to avoid a relegation dog-fight.

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Its not just the club its football I am interested if attendances are going up or not in general all across the uk?

I just have better things to spend money on and seeing these people earn 10'000 plus a week for giving very little makes me feel sick.

At least when I go to a music event I know it will be good. I go to london and back for nights at fabric etc and it can work out cheaper than sitting in the dolman for ninety minutes.

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Hmm, you beat me to it. I am time served with the club, I've travelled here there and everywhere for pre season friendlies, had countless season tickets, paid on the day, booked holidays just so I could watch midweek away matches, christ, even went to Grimsby on New Years day once just so I could get my fix of football, but now, I wont even go to a home game on a Wednesday night for a tenner because I am sick to death of seeing professional footballers being paid absolute fortunes for doing sod all. So professional, they cannot be arsed to put a 90minute performance in for nearly 8000 fans who I'm sure could have done a whole number of things this evening. Haven't bothered renewing my season ticket and doubt I will go at all this season. The next shambles is just around the corner with the Maynard situation, he will leave for nothing and Pitman is already pissed at his lack of game time, so he'll be gone too.

Hear hear, tonight was as bad as it gets.

Been down the gate for over 50 years now. I am begining to be worn down.

Shit Football, around trip of near forty miles.

Difficult to park having to leave home early.

And we are the fools who hand over OUR money.:preacher:

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In response to the OP, I Didn't renew my ticket this season. I've barely missed a home game in 32 years. Before the season even started I expressed my lack of interest on here. I went to the Ipswich game and haven't been since.

Do you know what the worst bit is? I didn't miss it. I even forgot we were playing Saturday until 3:15 when I remembered and checked the score.

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As I've said in another post this is the furthest I've ever felt from the club. No connection between fans, players, management and board. All they want is our money and an easy ride.

There is no togetherness anymore. None at all.

We've disagreed a bit tonight OddBall but I completely agree with this. I'll continue to go each week through blind loyalty but I've never felt so dismayed with the Club or a group of players in my life. It's genuinely sad.

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We've disagreed a bit tonight OddBall but I completely agree with this. I'll continue to go each week through blind loyalty but I've never felt so dismayed with the Club or a group of players in my life. It's genuinely sad.

I'm glad we can finally agree on something! I normally find your posts to be on the same wavelength as what I'm thinking, just not JCR it seems :laughcont:

Like you, through my season ticket I will follow the Red and White of BCFC but I have no wish to now follow the team away or in any cup competition. And this is a complete change of heart for me, as this season I was planning on travellin to at least 5 away games and following us in the carling cup... not anymore!

At least when we had hard times in the 80's the players played for us and for the shirt. They were real people, not the modern celebrity footballer who is corrupted by money, agents, women and flash cars.

I saw a guy only come in at half time tonight to watch city. He had his business suit on, a briefcase with him etc. He's clearly working to earn a living and has made his best effort to follow the team tonight. How have they repaid him?

Answers on a postcard please...

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Whilst i understand and, in part, agree with the sentiments on this thread - can i just confirm that you were all saying the same thing last Wednesday night/Thursday morning...?

Come on guys, this is football, rough with the smooth etc.

This is why we are not Manc supporting scum and exactly why the next win will feel as sweet as ever!

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Whilst i understand and, in part, agree with the sentiments on this thread - can i just confirm that you were all saying the same thing last Wednesday night/Thursday morning...?

Come on guys, this is football, rough with the smooth etc.

This is why we are not Manc supporting scum and exactly why the next win will feel as sweet as ever!

I think you missed the point of the thread - people are saying they are beginning to fell apathetic about the City results, so it follows that the 'next win' (whever that will be) will not be 'as sweet as ever'...

People are beginning to have their eyes opened by the poor deal being delivered by BCFC and are fed up with the cynical way the club is clawing money out of die-hard supporters and offering nothing in return.

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As I've said in another post this is the furthest I've ever felt from the club. No connection between fans, players, management and board. All they want is our money and an easy ride.

There is no togetherness anymore. None at all.

Went with Johnson I fear- remember the old bounce around the ground, maybe because I missed a lot of the final part of his era I missed the discontent, but for most of his reign there was a great feeling of unity about the place I thought- a reasonably feel good factor at least.

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Well, I've averaged over 10,000 miles per season following City over a long period, even a home game is a 450 mile round trip. Taking into account the fuel costs, hotels here and there, grub etc and the wear and tear on cars, I reckon I've spent a shed load of money home and away. Factor in the season tickets (2) and the away tickets and each season must have cost me over 5k. I've never taken the time to work it out as I really don't want to know.

But not any more, after last season I decided that finally enough is enough. Driving up the motorways for 4 hours after watching shite aint fun week in and week out with just the occasional glimmer of hope. And seeing the same friggin faces line up every week, making the same mistakes, just going through the motions then laughing and joking in the bars afterwards makes me feel like a mug. Stuff the season tickets and stuff the travelling. I'll spend the money on something more sensible.

When the club has got it's act together, when the over paid, gutless shits that have been wearing the shirt for too long are gone, when the chairman becomes something other than an anonymous mouthpiece for an absent owner that has walked away and given up, and when the club gets back to basics and gets it's priorities right (recognising that supporters are its' life blood, not fat bald businessmen who'll be gone as soon as we're relegated), I'll be back.

The final straw was when we drove down to Torquay and spent a weekend there to watch the shite that was served up - over 600 miles and two nights in a hotel etc etc. I said to Mrs. Cynic after that game that I'd given up - if it's good enough for Steve Lansdown to walk away and give up, it's good enough for me. I'll follow his lead.

The irony is that after decades away from Bristol, we'll be moving back later this year. Will I be able to stay away ? Therein lies the problem, because I bloody doubt it.

pretty impressive level of loyalty there cynic, hats off to you. pretty depressing analysis too.

couple of good wins next week and then brighton at home and all will be well with the world.. haha.. yeah right! scrape a win or draw up there and get hammered at home to the seagulls.

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Lost it about 3 years ago.

For some reason I starts leaving games early. The football was becoming an unwanted distraction in the middle of s good day out. Then I missed some games...and found it wasn't the end of the world. It went down hill from there.

Now if I want to go I need to spend £20 just for the chance to be able to buy a £24 ticket in the part of the ground I wanna go. My more expensive fall back in Williams F has been made reserved again. No ta.

It's not just City though. England games just don't do it for me now, Chelsea isnt a bad day out but bloody expensive, an unjustified cost. I've watched one game on sky the whole way through so far this season, in the past I'd be watching every game I could.

When you hear of how people like cynic (fair play for those journey times), real dedicated people, aren't going, you know there's a real problem!

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The game of football has been annihilated by greedy players, but more importantly, the clubs' collective foolishness to keep on playing these foul salaries. The end result is the sad fact that ticket prices are too expensive and I doubt I will ever watch another league game, when the value for money is so poor. You could watch an epic film at the cinema that could run for 2 1/2 hours and only pay £7.50. Yet football costs on average £30? When the players have no passion and no drive, just what the hell is the point?

Does anyone else also feel that the standard of football has now becoming very boring? I reckon the death of the sliding tackle has also contributed to this.

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