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How Do You Motivate A Team...


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...It's got to be very hard indeed.

You turn up for work, pick up your wages, but where is the motivation to put in 100%?

Surely we are now in that predicament? What is there to fight for...to look forward too? It must be like working on the tills at Tesco's...Groundhog day!

No wonder most of the players look bored and morose, and just want to get home as soon as possible.

Any thoughts on what could be done?

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...It's got to be very hard indeed.

You turn up for work, pick up your wages, but where is the motivation to put in 100%?

Surely we are now in that predicament? What is there to fight for...to look forward too? It must be like working on the tills at Tesco's...Groundhog day!

No wonder most of the players look bored and morose, and just want to get home as soon as possible.

Any thoughts on what could be done?

Increase the win bonus. Money is a great motivator even if you are on thousands a week.

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Its Millen's job to motivate and it seems he cannot.

It was interesting chatting to a gashead earlier who said that 2 or 3 players that played last season, now look like different players under buckle and every player looks like they are putting in 110%

Managers can and do motivate their teams. What they are earning is irrelevant when they step over the white line.

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Its Millen's job to motivate and it seems he cannot.

can and do motivate their teams. What they are earning is irrelevant when they step over the white line.

You don't miss a chance to slate Millen do you?

Its not lack of motivation in the players( I'm talking league games) its lack of confidence particularly when they go a goal down. Imo its down to a shortage of leaders on the pitch, which leads ultimately to the finances. Its been a long time since have had a dominate leader on the pitch. Shaun Taylor springs to mind. Not a great player but what a great leader he was.

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You don't miss a chance to slate Millen do you?

Its not lack of motivation in the players( I'm talking league games) its lack of confidence particularly when they go a goal down. Imo its down to a shortage of leaders on the pitch, which leads ultimately to the finances. Its been a long time since have had a dominate leader on the pitch. Shaun Taylor springs to mind. Not a great player but what a great leader he was.

Why have they got no confidence? poor tactics

Why have they not got a leader? ask millen

Your right though, I dont miss a chance to slate millen - after he called me into his office, I have nothing but hatred for the guy...

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Why have they got no confidence? poor tactics

Why have they not got a leader? ask millen

Your right though, I dont miss a chance to slate millen

A run of decent results breeds confidence and City are quite capable of putting a run together. 4 points from the last two games is a decent start and a win tomorrow and City will have got off to a decent enough start.

The lack of leaders is down to the small war chest. Hardly Millen's fault.

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...It's got to be very hard indeed.

You turn up for work, pick up your wages, but where is the motivation to put in 100%?

Surely we are now in that predicament? What is there to fight for...to look forward too? It must be like working on the tills at Tesco's...Groundhog day!

No wonder most of the players look bored and morose, and just want to get home as soon as possible.

Any thoughts on what could be done?

Yes tell the lazy overpaid f##kers their out of a job, having their contracts changed, no bonus payments, clean your own kit and boots,minibus to all away games,pay your agent from your pocket not the clubs,training starts at 7am with 20 minutes break ,then be told your lucky to have a job... Motivation on their cushy lifestyle try most peoples jobs or lack of jobs i remember Steve Bull the ex Wolves forward saying the thought of going back to work in a warehouse was all the motivation he needed..

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Well a good place to start is with a TEAM you know like the one we had in both the promotion and play off seasons. Gary Johnson, for all his faults, did achieve a camaraderie and a teamwork ethic that never saw us stop trying and made us far better than the sum of our component parts. Maybe KM should have taken his charges to the Royal Marine Training Center at Lympstone in Devon as opposed to sunny Portugal (I think I remember a former manager doing this but not 100%) If they then need more motivation how about a visit to the Children Hospice or spend the international break working as a porter or cleaner at either BRI or Frenchay (Frenchay would be good then they can see what some of the season ticket holders have to do to pay to watch them play badly). Local league player don't need motivating, their love of the game does that for them and they, in the main, pay for the pleasure. Keith Millan could be blamed for team selection or duff tactics but for Gods sake why does he need to motivate grown men to do some thing they love and get paid for? They need to step out of their closeted little worlds and take a look at some of the dead end jobs they could of had had they not been fortunate enough to play football professionally. They don't need motivation they need to stand up and take responsibility every time they pull on the red shirt!

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Yes tell the lazy overpaid f##kers their out of a job, having their contracts changed, no bonus payments, clean your own kit and boots,minibus to all away games,pay your agent from your pocket not the clubs,training starts at 7am with 20 minutes break ,then be told your lucky to have a job... Motivation on their cushy lifestyle try most peoples jobs or lack of jobs i remember Steve Bull the ex Wolves forward saying the thought of going back to work in a warehouse was all the motivation he needed..

A bit closer to home, I remember when Ivan Testemitanu first joined us. He was totally amazed that he didn't have to train all day, and that he could go home during the week to see his family. He thought it was like a holiday camp, compared to what he was used to.

Oh to have a player like Ivan in our Midfield again... I loved that lad. Would run through brick walls for us, and considering the season we were having, all of our players were trying their hardest, even though we were getting stuffed most weeks.

Can anyone remember how Benny used to throw his cap in the air when we scored, and the joy and smiles when we scored?

Sebock, Testematanu, Soren Anderson and Akinbeye... I really liked those four for effort shown back then. Anyone remember the two broken legs at West Brom...kicked off big time. Wish we had some of that spirit about the Club now. :(

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A bit closer to home, I remember when Ivan Testemitanu first joined us. He was totally amazed that he didn't have to train all day, and that he could go home during the week to see his family. He thought it was like a holiday camp, compared to what he was used to.

Oh to have a player like Ivan in our Midfield again... I loved that lad. Would run through brick walls for us, and considering the season we were having, all of our players were trying their hardest, even though we were getting stuffed most weeks.

Can anyone remember how Benny used to throw his cap in the air when we scored, and the joy and smiles when we scored?

Sebock, Testematanu, Soren Anderson and Akinbeye... I really liked those four for effort shown back then. Anyone remember the two broken legs at West Brom...kicked off big time. Wish we had some of that spirit about the Club now. :(

I don't remember spirit about those sides, only the fact that we kept getting dicked every week.

TBF to Benny, the end of season came too soon for him as we were just beginning to turn the corner. I reckon we should have kept faith with him instead of getting that numpty Pulis in.

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I don't remember spirit about those sides, only the fact that we kept getting dicked every week.

TBF to Benny, the end of season came too soon for him as we were just beginning to turn the corner. I reckon we should have kept faith with him instead of getting that numpty Pulis in.

There was a fantastic spirit in that side. I remember drinking with some of the lads from that team regularly in Poo na nas Club. They all to a man said how much they enjoyed playing under Benny, and all respected him. Benny really got them motivated, but like you say, it all came too late. Yes we did get carved open in defence, but they really tried that team.

Biggest mistake ever was letting Benny go. Such a shame. A great Coach admired by many within the game. He would have definately turned our Academy around.

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There was a fantastic spirit in that side. I remember drinking with some of the lads from that team regularly in Poo na nas Club. They all to a man said how much they enjoyed playing under Benny, and all respected him. Benny really got them motivated, but like you say, it all came too late. Yes we did get carved open in defence, but they really tried that team.

Biggest mistake ever was letting Benny go. Such a shame. A great Coach admired by many within the game. He would have definately turned our Academy around.

Spudski football and society has changed so much since those days Ivan Tin of Tomatos ,Soren Anderson, Sebock even though we were pretty crap the fans still went in hope of better times, Benny the ball was at the time a bit of an odd choice the baseball cap routine was a 1 off remember getting thumped by Wolves and Bradford. Benny got the elbow perhaps not given long enough ???? but in came Pulis no contact with the fans not someone i would like to get on the wrong side of it was dour ,dull,slogging stuff but we got through it...........................................The current squad have no fight or spirit which seems to reflect from the manager a catch 22 situation in all the years of supporting City i really don't care who goe's or stays as long as things kick on and interest returns ....

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You don't miss a chance to slate Millen do you?

Its not lack of motivation in the players( I'm talking league games) its lack of confidence particularly when they go a goal down. Imo its down to a shortage of leaders on the pitch, which leads ultimately to the finances. Its been a long time since have had a dominate leader on the pitch. Shaun Taylor springs to mind. Not a great player but what a great leader he was.

he was a great leader but we have had others. Scott Murray , Tinnion & Tommy Doc spring to mind. Not because they were captain or particularly vocal at times , but lead by example and always gave 100% effort

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We need one or two massive characters on the pitch, hopefully NK will be one of them. Maybe someone who has a 'bit' about themselves who can take a player on or shoot. Don't kill me but someone like mcIndoe ? And the other thing we need is a character in the dressing room who can either give a talk or strike fear into the players. Sadly somethinh I can't imagine KM doing. Thoughts ?

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...how the heck are 75% of players in thr prem ever motivated then? (outside of the top half dozen clubs?)

they've got the houses, cars, money in the bank, bling & wags already, football wise they're realistically on a hiding to nothing come May each year, yet most of 'em manage to perform week in week out.

A Championship player in a mediocre team surely knows he has the chance to catch the eye of one or two Prem clubs if individually putting in good performances - why would any of them (if talented & with belief in their own ability) not be motivated to do well? even if for selfish reasons despite their current clubs having little chance of making the bigtime.

Just need to remind 'em how many more designer :handbags: 's they'll be able to afford by consistantly doing well.

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...It's got to be very hard indeed.

You turn up for work, pick up your wages, but where is the motivation to put in 100%?

Surely we are now in that predicament? What is there to fight for...to look forward too? It must be like working on the tills at Tesco's...Groundhog day!

No wonder most of the players look bored and morose, and just want to get home as soon as possible.

Any thoughts on what could be done?

But is is worse than that, it is like turning up for work where employees earning more than you mess around,and play on the internet all day whilst you work. Half of your workplace know they have no future at the company, have no work to do so just go through the motions of turning up and having a laugh. The other employees are probably pretty resentful, tired of hearing the back chat in the rest room having digs at the employer and resentful that they are doing their best and getting slated by customers for doing so, whilst others on more money are sat at the desk next to them playing solitaire. No work place would survive that (no employer would allow it).

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Spudski football and society has changed so much since those days Ivan Tin of Tomatos ,Soren Anderson, Sebock

I remember collaring Vilmos Sebok in Yates and telling him for 10 minutes how much I enjoy watching the team, how good some of the other players were, where they could do better etc.

Poor sod could hardly speak a word of English and was just standing there nodding "yes, yes," :surrender:

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I remember collaring Vilmos Sebok in Yates and telling him for 10 minutes how much I enjoy watching the team, how good some of the other players were, where they could do better etc.

Poor sod could hardly speak a word of English and was just standing there nodding "yes, yes," :surrender:

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Get SL or CS back in the changing room! I remember seeing a post on here about said practice during the PO season. Wouldn't hurt to remind any of them who is paying their wages and to buck up their ideas!

With respect, I think this is a dreadful idea and completely undermines the manager. A manager with any self respect would have his letter of resignation on the Chairman's desk the next morning.

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