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Attendance Sunday


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Now with the new manager signed, will be interesting to see if all the stay away season ticket holders and renewed interest from casual supporters, return and swell the numbers on Sunday. I am looking forward to a bumper crowd, cracking atmosphere, entertaining football and of course 3 points.

PS welcome To Bristol Del

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I'd find it hard to believe that Saturday will give us an accurate reflection on what toes of football we can expect to see over the coming weeks and years, del is going to have 2 training sessions at the most with the squad and I would have thought first few days will be more observation by him and his no2 while wiggly puts them through their paces!

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It probably shows how sad it is now though that cos of the manc derby, 200 miles away, will lower our crowd. If just a small majority supported their home club rather than the premier league big guns all lower league teams would benefit. Im fed up of seeing premier league shirts around bristol. Especially as around 90% of these 'fans' hav probably never seen their 'team' play live, apart from on tv. If ever we should get a decent crowd it should b sunday. Hardly any local amateur footie on so no excuse ( apart from the fact its a tad ££££ and weve bin shite so far this season!).

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I'll be there, flying in from Hong Kong for the game, arriving Saturday night, leaving again Monday! Come On You Reds!!!!

Not as far as you Cheese, but bringing the troops down from Darlington, can't wait, first home game this season and my little robin is a mascot on the day.:pacifier: COYR :dancing6: :dancing6: :dancing6:

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I'll be there, flying in from Hong Kong for the game, arriving Saturday night, leaving again Monday! Come On You Reds!!!!

I am glad i am not the only one flying in pretty much just for a match!! Well done and lets hope such a flight, with time and cost, is rewarded.

One tip.. don't park anywhere near County Gates.

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I am glad i am not the only one flying in pretty much just for a match!! Well done and lets hope such a flight, with time and cost, is rewarded.

One tip.. don't park anywhere near County Gates.

This is my third game this season. It really annoys me when I hear people moaning and not bothering to use there season tickets when they live 5 miles away, they don't realize how lucky they are being able to go week in week out. Even if I can't get over to the Uk I will still listen on player, even if it is at 3am in the morning.

Real fans support their team through thick and thin and not just in the good times, regardless of how painful it is sometimes.

Come on you reds!!

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