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Serving Military Bcfc Fans?

Dolman Block B

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I expect the club will say they already support the armed forces, with the tank regiment that we heard about last year? Or the year before that?

Still, a few tickets wouldnt be out of place. Why they cant they give out a few hospitality tickets?

Exactly mucker. I am sue if they pick up on this thread they will sort something :fingerscrossed:

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I'm in the Army. I was reading a military magazine at work last year and there was an advert that a football club placed saying that armed forces would get a discount on matchday tickets. Which I thought would be a good idea for Bristol City as there are many military establishments in around Somerset and Wiltshire. I sent the club an email telling them this and heard nothing back. Such a shame as I have mates who WOULD go if offered a discount. I think the club that offered the discount was Aldershot or Brentford.

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I'm in the Army. I was reading a military magazine at work last year and there was an advert that a football club placed saying that armed forces would get a discount on matchday tickets. Which I thought would be a good idea for Bristol City as there are many military establishments in around Somerset and Wiltshire. I sent the club an email telling them this and heard nothing back. Such a shame as I have mates who WOULD go if offered a discount. I think the club that offered the discount was Aldershot or Brentford.

Aldershot always offer discounts, they are very much a military / family club, i have been a few times. I live just over the road from the ground.

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Firstly; massive respect and thanks to all you lads and lasses serving across the world and to those who have served in the past, we really do appreciate everything you do and te choices YOU made.

It's great to see the the city flag held high by true heroes.

MODS: could we make this a sticky so as the lads and lasses have a permanent place to put up their picks please.

Secondly; Bristol City Football Club, you are a ******* DISGRACE.

Hang your heads in shame, you are an utter embarrassment, take a look around at the empty seats and have a bit of heart, what would it take to offer a few tickets, imagine how nice a gesture it would be to invite some of the troops and their families a day out at THEIR club, FFS put something back, give our troops a day to remember, a day to look forward to.

Sort it out CITY.

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I'm in the Army. I was reading a military magazine at work last year and there was an advert that a football club placed saying that armed forces would get a discount on matchday tickets. Which I thought would be a good idea for Bristol City as there are many military establishments in around Somerset and Wiltshire. I sent the club an email telling them this and heard nothing back. Such a shame as I have mates who WOULD go if offered a discount. I think the club that offered the discount was Aldershot or Brentford.

Hard to know what to say apart from the club WILL/SHOULD pick up on this and you lot will get your day down Ashton Gate. Top lads/girls

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I am in the Royal Navy (as the name might suggest) and have massive respect for the guys out in afghan. It is very disappointing though that the club doesn't, City are one of the only clubs not to donate tickets to 'www.ticketsfortroops.org.uk' (even rovers do!!) worse still they released my season ticket (after having it for 5 years in the atyeo) when they promised not to as I was deployed on a 8 month trip in the gulf! Absolutley furious at the time. Real Shame!

Is that you Jammer ?

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JI'd just like to nip this in the bud if I may and address it fully when I'm back at work next week. I'd just like to say that BCFC fully support our troops, have given away hundreds of tickets over the last couple of years and have never refused any reasonable request to support or armed forces.

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I appreciate that the club have and do support the armed forces. An email back from the club saying they support the armed forces in different ways would have been nice. If I was a celeb asking for support for the forces it would probably be diffrent. I didn't ask for armed forces discount just for my benefit or the benefit of any member of the armed forces, It's bums in seats. It's an empty seat thats bring sold that would have otherwise been empty. It's another voice to cheer our team. It's also a person who may well bring his or her kids along to the next home game.

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JI'd just like to nip this in the bud if I may and address it fully when I'm back at work next week. I'd just like to say that BCFC fully support our troops, have given away hundreds of tickets over the last couple of years and have never refused any reasonable request to support or armed forces.

Good that is how it should be.

Make sure this football club reconise these fantastic people.

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JI'd just like to nip this in the bud if I may and address it fully when I'm back at work next week. I'd just like to say that BCFC fully support our troops, have given away hundreds of tickets over the last couple of years and have never refused any reasonable request to support or armed forces.

I know its not next week but looked at the ticketsfortroops site and city dont appear to be on it for home games.

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Right, I'm all for tickets for the troops. But don't take this the wrong way why are they a special case. Why not tickets for nurses, firefighters, doctors, it's there choice to join the troops and a job like any one else. But if club aren't providing tickets then that's a bit naughty.

Agree and hopefully that will haappen as well

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Where are you mate? I'm in the RAF and spend a lot of time in Kandahar, this forum definitely helps pass the time!

Keep your head down! See you at the gate!

Mate in the RAF also, currently in Bastion.

Same to you bud safe tour and see you down the Gate.

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I'm in the Army. I was reading a military magazine at work last year and there was an advert that a football club placed saying that armed forces would get a discount on matchday tickets. Which I thought would be a good idea for Bristol City as there are many military establishments in around Somerset and Wiltshire. I sent the club an email telling them this and heard nothing back. Such a shame as I have mates who WOULD go if offered a discount. I think the club that offered the discount was Aldershot or Brentford.

Who did you email at the club?

The club clearly don't want to offer cheaper tickets to all and sundry as the rest of us would complain. But, providing discounted tickets to the armed forces is unlikely to cause a fuss. So, I'm just wondering who you contacted?

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Yer a legend mate. Our fans respect your efforts.

Anytime you want to go to watch a game at City i will personally pay for you and your family. I give you my word.

Appreciate the gesture mate! Save yourr money though bud, although it's rubbish at times over here, it's a great way to save money for footy games, holidays, etc!!

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Yer a legend mate. Our fans respect your efforts.

Anytime you want to go to watch a game at City i will personally pay for you and your family. I give you my word.

What a cracking gesture!

I'd be amazed if anyone ever took you up on it, but fair play Arn, top man.

You don't fancy replacing our friend Liam fox do you?

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How good is this?

Makes you feel proud dont it? Fair play to these lads figting for our country. Any forum members know of any others

To all, City fans or not, top people the lot of them!!!!!

:winner_third_h4h::englandsmile4wf: Awesome !!!!!!!!!

Surely the club just HAS TO give those 3 lads some free tickets or hospitality or whatever - that piccie is simply awesome.

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I'd like to add my support / thanks to all the armed forces guys and gals (special mention to the City following brethren).

I'm sure we all appreciate all you do, none more so than to those that make the utlimate sacrafice (and their families) and those that return both physically and mentaly damaged. I hope the club continues to maintain close links and looks to do as much as it can as part of a community based organisation.

Also a reminder to all fellow City fans to support this years Poppy appeal which was we can see from this thread is as releveant today as its ever been.

Stay Safe and COYR!

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I'd like to add my support / thanks to all the armed forces guys and gals (special mention to the City following brethren).

I'm sure we all appreciate all you do, none more so than to those that make the utlimate sacrafice (and their families) and those that return both physically and mentaly damaged. I hope the club continues to maintain close links and looks to do as much as it can as part of a community based organisation.

Also a reminder to all fellow City fans to support this years Poppy appeal which was we can see from this thread is as releveant today as its ever been.

Stay Safe and COYR!

I think the club should put the piccie that ARN posted in the BCFC matchday programme. It's about time the club actually started supporting the people that support the club. I wish I owned this football club because I'd give those 3 troopers hospitality for the Premier section seats when they're next on leave and they'd get to meet all the players and our new management team.

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Yer a legend mate. Our fans respect your efforts.

Anytime you want to go to watch a game at City i will personally pay for you and your family. I give you my word.

Absolutely! my grandad fought in the cold wars of WW2. I respect all of you :englandsmile4wf: and can't wait to see you all down the gate very soon, stay safe. :city:

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I think the club should put the piccie that ARN posted in the BCFC matchday programme. It's about time the club actually started supporting the people that support the club. I wish I owned this football club because I'd give those 3 troopers hospitality for the Premier section seats when they're next on leave and they'd get to meet all the players and our new management team.

Agree with that Mr Goblin :englandsmile4wf:

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