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Serving Military Bcfc Fans?

Dolman Block B

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I think the club should put the piccie that ARN posted in the BCFC matchday programme. It's about time the club actually started supporting the people that support the club. I wish I owned this football club because I'd give those 3 troopers hospitality for the Premier section seats when they're next on leave and they'd get to meet all the players and our new management team.

Spot on Gobbers. Would be class

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Surely the club could give over A block of the Atyeo to military personnel and their families. There's only about 100 seats there and I dont think anybody uses it on a regular basis (might be wrong). Ok it's not the best seats in the house and is open to the elements but would be a nice gesture by the club. I also think it's important to make it open to families as the kids of our service men and women could still attend while they are away from home.

Just a thought and I would also like to add my thanks and best wishes to all the Armed Forces personnel who are willing to make the sacrifices involved with serving the country.

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Surely the club could give over A block of the Atyeo to military personnel and their families. There's only about 100 seats there and I dont think anybody uses it on a regular basis (might be wrong). Ok it's not the best seats in the house and is open to the elements but would be a nice gesture by the club. I also think it's important to make it open to families as the kids of our service men and women could still attend while they are away from home.

Just a thought and I would also like to add my thanks and best wishes to all the Armed Forces personnel who are willing to make the sacrifices involved with serving the country.

Tremendous ideal. Knowing Dave Lloyd he will do his best

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JI'd just like to nip this in the bud if I may and address it fully when I'm back at work next week. I'd just like to say that BCFC fully support our troops, have given away hundreds of tickets over the last couple of years and have never refused any reasonable request to support or armed forces.

Thanks for clarifying Dave. The forces serving now deserve everything they get, beacuse of the job they have to do these days.

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Right, I'm all for tickets for the troops. But don't take this the wrong way why are they a special case. Why not tickets for nurses, firefighters, doctors, it's there choice to join the troops and a job like any one else. But if club aren't providing tickets then that's a bit naughty.

That may be true, but its exceedingly rare for the others to be in harms way as the Front Line Forces do. Bear in mind forces personnel have done the firemans job in modern times because firemen chose to go on strike. Forces personnel have no choice about serving in places like Afghan, Kosovo, Iraq & N Ireland, and cannot refuse to carry out duties as delegated by the elected government of the day. The others can.

Not a dig at anyone else, just pointing out the difference, and why they should be treated that slight bit differently.

And front line police, Fire Service, Doctors, Nurses & and Paramedics should get priority treatment.

A lot of people served in the forces in the Cold War era (myself included), but very very few of us, saw any major front line action (bar the Army & Marines in N Ireland). None of us want or expect special treatment, but we do for those who have seen more or less constant combat operations since 1991. Some of those currently serving have multiple operational service ribbons, a sight last seen in the early 60's, and in the case of front line infantry, gunners, tankies, sappers, a level of combat stress last seen in WW2 & Korea, all this from a force very much reduced since the cold war, let alone earlier campaigns.

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My son is a ' rock ape' in the RAF regiment, been to Afgan and has also been in Iraq when it was all kicking off. He is currently here, but expecting to go back next year to Stan. More importantly he is at mine down here this weekend and at the Burnley game. (based in Suffolk). Is there quid a kid this week !!!:englandsmile4wf:

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I appreciate that the club have and do support the armed forces. An email back from the club saying they support the armed forces in different ways would have been nice. If I was a celeb asking for support for the forces it would probably be diffrent. I didn't ask for armed forces discount just for my benefit or the benefit of any member of the armed forces, It's bums in seats. It's an empty seat thats bring sold that would have otherwise been empty. It's another voice to cheer our team. It's also a person who may well bring his or her kids along to the next home game.

From a business point of view it's a great idea for the club to support sevicemen with free tickets, reduced admission prices, or whatever. My maternal Grandfather served in the RAF before, during, and after World War 2 and it was he who got me interested in supporting this football club when no one else in my family was remotely interested in this club. By nature, military service personnel are loyal people - just the type of people we need supporting this football club.

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My son is a ' rock ape' in the RAF regiment, been to Afgan and has also been in Iraq when it was all kicking off. He is currently here, but expecting to go back next year to Stan. More importantly he is at mine down here this weekend and at the Burnley game. (based in Suffolk). Is there quid a kid this week !!!:englandsmile4wf:

DT, which Sqn is he on, sounds like he was out there with my brother who is a reservist gunner on an FP wing in 2003. Hope he stays safe, its a brilliant job they are all doing out there.

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JI'd just like to nip this in the bud if I may and address it fully when I'm back at work next week. I'd just like to say that BCFC fully support our troops, have given away hundreds of tickets over the last couple of years and have never refused any reasonable request to support or armed forces.

Dave. Here In Tallinn, Estonia, when the national team played N.Ireland here in the Euro 2012 qualifiers the whole of the armed forces were given free tickets. Estonia won 4-1 and beat N.I 2-1 in the second leg. Thats with a capacity of only 9,600 at the national Stadium. Admittedly they don't have a large armed force, but it was great to see them all there supporting their team and all in uniform. I am hoping they will qualify for the Euros by beating the Republic of Ireland and make history for this country of only 1,300,000 people.

Lets see the same sort of arangement at Ashton Gate, just think what a almost full stadium would do for our lads in their quest to avoid relegation and what a PR move for the club.

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Dave. Here In Tallinn, Estonia, when the national team played N.Ireland here in the Euro 2012 qualifiers the whole of the armed forces were given free tickets. Estonia won 4-1 and beat N.I 2-1 in the second leg. Thats with a capacity of only 9,600 at the national Stadium. Admittedly they don't have a large armed force, but it was great to see them all there supporting their team and all in uniform. I am hoping they will qualify for the Euros by beating the Republic of Ireland and make history for this country of only 1,300,000 people.

Lets see the same sort of arangement at Ashton Gate, just think what a almost full stadium would do for our lads in their quest to avoid relegation and what a PR move for the club.

Excellent post

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Not any longer, but I was for a while. Was 'fortunate' enough to see tours in both Afganistan & Iraq a couple of years ago.

Fun times. It's certainly a different atmosphere amongst your co-workers in the Forces to what it is now I'm back out in civvy street. :)

Discounted tickets I'd love to see the club offering. You may be surprised at just how many places already offer some form of Forces discount. Used to be my first question to the shop attendants before deciding whether to shop there or go somewhere else that did!

Edit: To those of you still out there: Keep your heads down and stay safe! :)

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Just wanted to give the club credit where its due.


Unbelievable. Where am I this weekend? Away on a military course. Go away Friday come back Sunday. Totally gutted. Well it's nice to see the club doing this and I hope this attracts many servicemen and women. Wish I could be there.

Come on city!

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Firstly; massive respect and thanks to all you lads and lasses serving across the world and to those who have served in the past, we really do appreciate everything you do and te choices YOU made.

It's great to see the the city flag held high by true heroes.

MODS: could we make this a sticky so as the lads and lasses have a permanent place to put up their picks please.

Secondly; Bristol City Football Club, you are a ******* DISGRACE.

Hang your heads in shame, you are an utter embarrassment, take a look around at the empty seats and have a bit of heart, what would it take to offer a few tickets, imagine how nice a gesture it would be to invite some of the troops and their families a day out at THEIR club, FFS put something back, give our troops a day to remember, a day to look forward to.

Sort it out CITY.

2nd this - great post.

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