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The Nutter On A Bike

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In an attempt to distract myself from Sunday's game, I thought I'd start a thread off for all of us to express our astonishment and respect for what Jer has done this season.

With one game left, this is what he has achieved :

- He has cycled to 56 games

- He has ridden 8519 miles

- He has suffered 11 punctures

- He has spent one night under the stars without sleep en route to Barnsley

My opinion is that Jer is a legend, a hero and an outright nutter.

What do you think?

If this gets lots of replies I'll tell Jer to log on and have a look. If it doesn't I'll never mention it to him!

And of course, you can still sponsor him : Jer's sponsor information

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Fair play to him.

As well as raising money for charity he has also attracted a lot of publicity for the club. It would be nice if they could recognise his achievment in some way (has anything been proposed?).

A complimentary season ticket would be nice.

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8,500 miles and raised over £5,000. Great effort by Jer, but less than £1/mile from us. As for appreciation; it's not too late is it to arrange ffor him to cycle a lap of honour before kick off on Sunday!

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The man is a complete star, and I can do no better than repeat the ode penned by Baldrick in his honour.

Oh Jer, oh Jer, oh Jer.

To you I raise a glass.

You've biked from here to there -

It's a shame about your ar$e

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I must admit, hand on heart, when he first announced he was going to ride to every game I thought there is no way anyone would do that. Fair play to him he has done it and made us proud.

His diary has been a fantastic read, I felt at times I was there with him, and it hurt! He is a absolute nutter, but a brilliant one. Life will be a bit strange for him now if he can stop himself taking to the saddle again.

I hope he is rewarded by huge donations and of course seeing City promoted! :sub:

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It's such an honour to support the same club as a nutter on a bike who cycles to every away match. Hope he gets to Cardiff okay, must be the shortest journey of the season.

Well done :)

I think you'll find it wasn't just every AWAY game but EVERY game of the season.

Including LDV, League Cup and FA Cup games.

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Guest smarty

Well done Jer, good to see you've gone back to work. It's not back at Anix is it?

If you go down the Coopers next season I buy you a beer.


Smarty. :me?:

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