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ran out of ideas... give me a break.

Apart from 'the wood for the trees' an analogy would be something like this.

Your doing a jigsaw puzzle and can't seem to find the piece your're looking for no matter how long or hard you try. Then someone else takes over and picks up the very piece you couldn't find and carries on with the puzzle.

That's the kind of situation Millen got in to and he just couldn't see anyway forward. In other words he ran out of idea's.

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Apart from 'the wood for the trees' an analogy would be something like this.

Your doing a jigsaw puzzle and can't seem to find the piece your're looking for no matter how long or hard you try. Then someone else takes over and picks up the very piece you couldn't find and carries on with the puzzle.

That's the kind of situation Millen got in to and he just couldn't see anyway forward. In other words he ran out of idea's.

But he did'nt have a clue what he was doing in the first place!

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I don't think Millen ran out of ideas as such, he was just a dull communicator. As nice as Keith is, when you hear him speak his voice lacks passion and emotion, it's difficult to feel positive about your game when the man speaking has a dull monotone and it sounds very robotic.


It was Tinnion's problem too.

For all we know, the both of them intended City to play like Barcelona, but if they can't communicate what they want and instill the required confidence in players then they will revert to what they feel comfortable with. For English defenders this tends to be the big boot downfield and out of danger.

It's also notable how much of a game McInness spends barking instructions and organising players. I'm not one who believes the manager should necessarily be constantly on his feet shouting to be effective, but it seems to me that someone has to, and City don't really have anyone on the pitch who can do it. Leave those players to their own devices and, well, we know what happens.

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Became too entrenched in his approach and attitudes I reckon, and for whatever reason didn't have faith in certain players like Cisse and Bolasie. Because of that things remained unchanged for far too long.

That said, how many of us thought that the current squad of players was capable of playing the possession football we saw at the Den?

I did. Always said we have a talented squad. One of the best in recent seasons. Certainly better than the play off team (individually)...

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I'd expect such a reply from you Riaz but in reality Millen did well last season in very difficult circumstances, but he couldn't maintain the turn around and now he's gone.

He did well initially, by going back to basics. How difficult that situation was, is often over-stated. He still have a very decent squad - they just started poorly....

Millen was clueless tactics wise - he could'nt organise the team defensively so stuck 10 men behind the ball and one up front - thats about as complex as it got.

The problems we had we're never addressed and only ever got worse and thats why he's gone.

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It was so obvious, its worrying that a person that was a coach, could'nt see the basic errors and not correct em.

I dont think millen ran out of ideas - just that he did'nt have any idea from the beginning. He did well initially, by simply putting players in correct position - and I believe did well because he had good players.

But we had problems and those problems only ever got worse...

I was saying this all the way through!

Exactly! I read and heard a lot about us having a whole load of mediocre players who were not capable at this level. This is simply not the case, Skuse Maynard AA Killkenny Pitman Stead Cissee and a few others Are good footballers and we are not that far away from having a very good team we just needed a different kind of leadership.

I always felt Millen had earned his chance as manager and didn't think that the board were way out of line giving it to him as he was obviously the Runner Up to Coppell (Knob), but it ultimately didn't work out and we have a man/team in place that have changed the feeling around the place in an instant....long may it continue COYR

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That's not really fair on him. Like many managers over the years he ran out of idea's and paid the price.

He never had any ideas in the first place, just recycled the worst of GJ's and none of the good ones. He had an unfit squad, who couldnt play due to the lack of guidance and tactics Millen gave. Its entirely fair. He will be unlamented by the vast majority of City fans, both on here and in the masses attending on match day.

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