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"mansfield 4 V 5 City 2002 " 23Rd November


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I was one of the few fortunate City fans there. We were being outplayed and Liam Lawrence and Iysedon Christie were tearing us apart. With three minutes to go we scored, possibly Tinman. I recall a Christian Roberts wonder strike, and Murray crossing to Lita for a close range finish.

By the end the city fans were going bonkers with joy. We all ended up at completely different seats from where we began and strangers were embracing each other.

It was the most amazing game of football I will ever see.

Forgive me if I'm wrong but was there a 4-4 as well? Notts County maybe? If so, I was there too.

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Fantastic memories, that really does go down as a highlight and I've been lucky to see a few amoung the not so good times in my time being a City fan.

Overiding memory is my mate's Old man who was driving had seen enough at 4-2 and missed the dramatic finale, then an irate Mansfield fans outside the ground including one portly chap who wanted a rumble to which I said I would mate but you wont fit through there (referring to a gap between two of the travelling coaches), everyone lost it and he then skulked off.

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I will tell you my day...#

Went with the old man and arrived stupid early, had a walk round ground, i was only about 13/14ish at a guess, then went to pizza hut. whilst in pizza hut we saw loads of police coming down main road, escorting what must of been about 200 city, dont support violence blah blah but was some sight!

In the ground from what i remember most were standing, went mental when they got a pen, city trying to get on pitch etc,

got to 4-2, with as people know minutes left, so we left, along with loads of others


We parked in the mansfield club car park right by ground, kinda like how u do at port vale, any way we sat in silence, pretty gutted at how a potentially class away day had been ruined.

we were stuck in the car park between 2 cars so couldnt go anyway, so my old man got out for a fag. we heard a faint cheer, didnt really acknowledge it, as thought it was home fans or a late consolation.

so the final whislte must of went (or had it!!) as everyone came streaming out, the only noise we could here, was the chanting of csf down the street, quite sureal when u think about it as everyone who had left thought we had lost

we got moving pretty sharpish in the car and as two cars blocking us had come and gone, my mum rings up, asking how good the game was, she got a glum response, phone went quiet, and she said u won 5-4, we laughed and honestly dismissed it, thinking i was a wind u her and my brother were playing (she knew we would have left at 4-2!)

after this phone call, we started to wonder, reminding each other of the faint cheer, 5 live on the radio..........................mansfield 4 Bristol city 5!! we didnt cheer, we honestly were gutted, we knew we had both just missed he greatest game we would have ever witnessed

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I remember a getting abuse as we left the ground too, calling us cheating b***tards despite the fact their fans probably gifted the time for the winner when they refused to give the ball back. Roberts winner sometimes gets overlooked because of the timming but ive not seen much better

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I was one of the few fortunate City fans there. We were being outplayed and Liam Lawrence and Iysedon Christie were tearing us apart. With three minutes to go we scored, possibly Tinman. I recall a Christian Roberts wonder strike, and Murray crossing to Lita for a close range finish.

By the end the city fans were going bonkers with joy. We all ended up at completely different seats from where we began and strangers were embracing each other.

It was the most amazing game of football I will ever see.

Forgive me if I'm wrong but was there a 4-4 as well? Notts County maybe? If so, I was there too.

Unfortunately I was n't at Mansfield but was at the Notts County 4-4 - two unbelievable and almost identical Mickey Bell strikes from distance if I remember correctly?

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I was at the game with brother in law and i still get goose bumps thinking about the goals going in. Loved it and real happy to see the stag fans shut right up after the amount of stick we got from them when they were winning!

LSR if you have player you will find the highlights in classic games.

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"Unbelievable...........Unbelievable........". They were the only words I could utter for 20 minutes when I was sat in the car waiting to get out of the car park! My lad and his mate were in the back of the car and eventually, I looked at them and said "You boys will support City for the rest of your lives......and you'll never see another game like that".

Honestly, we were totally dead and buried in that game, but the spirit when we pulled it back to 3-4, then 4-4 was unbeatable. I remember going bananas when the Mansfield fans in the side enclosure sent the ball down towards the pitch for Mickey Bell to take a late throw in THEN LOBBING IT BACK TOWARDS THE REAR OF THE STAND AGAIN, all laughing and taking the p155 out of us, as they were soooo clever in their time wasting!

Top marks to the ref for adding more time on for that. When Christian Roberts planted that screamer of a winner, that was it for me. Years of frustrations from following City were shot away that day. Even the recent frustrations melt away just by looking at the video from time to time. So glad me and the lads were there that day..............it doesn't get better.

To be honest, I'm glowing just typing this!!!!!

Come on You Reds

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Im guessing i wan quite lucky because me and the old man walked out at 4-2 but i needed a slash and whilst doing my business we heard a cheer so went back in just in time to see Tinman tuck away a penalty. We ended up standing down near the front and well the rest is history. I remember Mansfield fans to the left giving us shit the whole game and Beadle getting in a fight with stewards in the tunnel that was by the away end after the match. Beleive it or not ive actualy been to a 5-5 match before under similar circumstances. Oxford v Portsmouth in about 92 if i recall correctly. Oxford 5-2 down with 5 minutes to play before Magilton, Beachamp and Allen made it 5-5. (i used to live in Oxford)

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Watched Soccer Saturday and saw us get the Tinman goal with 3 minutes to spare. When they went round the results our game was still L-L on the results page. Went through the whole of Scotland and Wales before shot back to Jeff who was just looking at the camera. "Late drama at Mansfield" I thought "aye, aye, we've pinched a draw" for the screen to say we'd won 5-4 and the announcer was going mad. I think I trod on the dog jumping about.

Well, I'm going to go watch it on player now!

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I was one of the unfortunate fans knicked for doing sweet fa that day. The cells were full, with city and mansfield fans. Remember being abused by the police all the way to the station about the result until a copper checking everyone in mentioned wed just got a winner and the place went mad with celebration.

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I still remember madger leaving at 4-2 down :D


Had a party to go to that evening so we left at 4-2 down and after having a laugh at the CSF having a go at their little mob outside (before the game had ended), we headed off home.

Just about to get on the M1 and the radio said we had pulled it back to 4-3, then everything went quiet for ages.

5pm Sports Report started and when Mansfield 4-5 City was read out, we nearly crashed.

Probably one of the strangest games I have ever been to, our defending was shocking, our attacking play was excellent, the ref was dodgy and our support was different class.


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I went - stil think it was the most amazing game ever, and that includes everything from Coventry in the old first division to the Hatlepool and Palace play off games.

What stands out above everything was the sheer quality of the winning goal. When we got it back to 4-4 you'd expect that we'd just sit on the point, pass it back, head for the corner, but Christian Roberts never thought like that did he!!

And it was my birthday too!!

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Me and my mates were in Nottingham that weekend. A few hours before kick off we were still deciding whether to nip across to Mansfield.

We didn't. :bored:

Mind you, the 'driver' amongst my mates had a habit of leaving games early to avoid the traffic, so probably just as well.

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I was luckily enough to be there that day! Infact, I was heading out to the turnstiles as me and a few mates were out in nottingham for the weekend so we thought as were getting hammered, lets leave, but then we scored to make it 4-3! So we decided to stay another 2 minutes, and by that time, the game was 4-4! But when the 5th went in, we were going berserk! never forget that day.

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I remember there was a guy on crutches in our end going nuts for all 5 goals. Amazing game.

Ha! I remember him, didn't he end up over the advertising hoardings when Murray banged in the first equaliser.. all hell broke loose down there from memory.

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