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Saints Fan In Hospital

South Bristol Red

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That is a very good point.

It would apply to the majority of 16-22 year olds most of whom are either at school, college, university, in apprenticeships, or lowly paid jobs starting out their trades/careers.

There is an under-21 price for season tickets but not unless I am mistaken for one off games.

And one-off games are where you start picking up new supporters who go along to see a game for a change, often with a mate. They're not going to want to pay £30 and they're certainly not going to consider buying a season ticket. I'm all for the young peoples' discounts but cheaper POTD would help no end.

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I really didn't want to get involved in this....... but here I am! :laugh:

All I would like to say is that Chavvy 'boysterous' behaviour is not just limited to 'Match days', we've all seen it on friday and saturday evenings in the town and city centres.

The problems are not just limited to our shores, the poor Mediterranean has to put up with our 'louts' all year round.

Is it just me being an old man? Why do we allow the behaviour of the younger generation to be classed as 'boisterous' and 'just being teenagers' when years ago (when this was less of a Nanny State) they would have been 'sorted' and kept under control.

There is a fine line between 'boysterous' and 'over-zealous', the latter being when it can turn nasty.......

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It's not acceptable and by trivialising it you are condoning it. It's quite simple, some people like to go and watch a football match, enjoy a few beers and not have to worry about morons starting fights - often with innocent people who aren't looking for it. We should have no tolerance whatsoever for violent scum associating themselves with our club.

have you ever been smacked at football??

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Cannot believe we have so called fans who not only condone this sort of pathetic childish behaviour but even try to hide that fact by saying it must be made up....:disapointed2se: IMO you are as pathetic as the little kids who carried out this act on Saturday

Why is it so hard for you to see that its c4ap like this that ruins our beautiful game?

Ask yourselves

Why do we as City fans have to be escorted to Cardiff every season?

Why do we as football fans in general have to be herded about like cattle?

Why in our play off season were all away games all ticket even when there was plenty of room?

Why are we restricted to certain pubs on a saturday when were in town? if they are open at all!

And how much of our 11m loss was Policing costs?

WHY? - Because of ***** like yourselves who think it's ok...............it was only a little slap...........only a biot of fun .............it;s always been like it...........

Wake up and smell the coffee.............NO ONE WANTS YOU...........not even the clubs you claim to be fighting for!

you are mad

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What the confusion in all this.

A bunch of cowards attacked away fans because they'd had a pint and out numbered their victims. They'd not dream of doing it had the numbers been even or they'd thought for a second they may come off second best.

The odds were stacked massively in their favour and apparently at

football this equals being hard? Reality being the complete opposite of course.

Kicking a man in the face when he's all ready on the deck tells you

everything you need to know. They'll pick on the wrong blokes one day and get what they deserve.

People should be able to go about there business without being

attacked . Bloody depressing to think they're people amongst who feel this sort of behaviour is acceptable.

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Innocents being punched and kicked at the football has always been a problem, this is nothing new. It's not great it happens but the sad fact is it does happen, and will continue to happen til the end of time. This isn't a Bristol City problem, I bet if you spoke to enough football fans you will find everybody has a story to tell. My brother got punched at Cardiff for walking to the station, the people who did it to him were very brave in numbers. The consequence of that is, he, me and my old man never went back to watch a match there and never will.

What can you do about it, nothing, the "ard nuts" will always claim these things never go on at football and "proper blokes" never attack scarfers, but they do, they're first class w.....rs all of them.

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I really didn't want to get involved in this....... but here I am! :laugh:

All I would like to say is that Chavvy 'boysterous' behaviour is not just limited to 'Match days', we've all seen it on friday and saturday evenings in the town and city centres.

The problems are not just limited to our shores, the poor Mediterranean has to put up with our 'louts' all year round.

Is it just me being an old man? Why do we allow the behaviour of the younger generation to be classed as 'boisterous' and 'just being teenagers' when years ago (when this was less of a Nanny State) they would have been 'sorted' and kept under control.

There is a fine line between 'boysterous' and 'over-zealous', the latter being when it can turn nasty.......

With all due respect How anyone from your generation can have the cheek to lambast the younger generation for violence is beyond me.

Wrong as it may be for me to make a swinging judgement it seems that the only people who condone or partake in football violence are the older generation from the 70's (which I've made the assumption you are) and their unfortunate offspring.

To insinuate that any generation is worse than those around through the seventies is wrong. Nanny state or not, you don't see riots on a weekly basis now.

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With all due respect How anyone from your generation can have the cheek to lambast the younger generation for violence is beyond me.

Wrong as it may be for me to make a swinging judgement it seems that the only people who condone or partake in football violence are the older generation from the 70's (which I've made the assumption you are) and their unfortunate offspring.

To insinuate that any generation is worse than those around through the seventies is wrong. Nanny state or not, you don't see riots on a weekly basis now.

Do you know how old avalon is? If not you cannot judge his age group. I quite agree though the chav factor and drinking culture that has spread to Europe when our young generations are having "fun" is disgraceful. And I am talking about the 18 -30 age group generally since the early 80's onwards. The state of our towns and cities on a Friday Saturday and Sunday night is embarrassing. And the southern Europe then has a influx of these same beered up puking fist swinging neanderthals to deal with. Be it football related violence, beer induced violence it is not acceptable.

The nanny pc state which you seem to back Jordan, is squarely to blame for it. We make drink easily available. We dumb down everything so people do not have to think or take responsibility for anything. We have soft policing and law so we don't hurt the poor darlings, and when things ever get to court up comes the human rights act to help.

This country is going to the dogs, and has been heading that way since the early 70's. I am really starting to hate this country with its chav, celebrity, drinking, we can do what ever we like and respect no one culture.

As soon as I have enough money saved I will be hopefully be leaving this sh1thole of a country for good, because I can not associate the values I was bought up with, with what is going on in this country any more. Citys full of rivers of piss, gang culture, knife culture, gun culture, chav, celebrity, lack of morals, all protected by the nanny state and pc brigade. Let's give them all a ******* big hug and a pat on the back.

Hmmmm I feel better now that is off my chest :)

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Do you know how old avalon is? If not you cannot judge his age group. I quite agree though the chav factor and drinking culture that has spread to Europe when our young generations are having "fun" is disgraceful. And I am talking about the 18 -30 age group generally since the early 80's onwards. The state of our towns and cities on a Friday Saturday and Sunday night is embarrassing. And the southern Europe then has a influx of these same beered up puking fist swinging neanderthals to deal with. Be it football related violence, beer induced violence it is not acceptable.

The nanny pc state which you seem to back Jordan, is squarely to blame for it. We make drink easily available. We dumb down everything so people do not have to think or take responsibility for anything. We have soft policing and law so we don't hurt the poor darlings, and when things ever get to court up comes the human rights act to help.

This country is going to the dogs, and has been heading that way since the early 70's. I am really starting to hate this country with its chav, celebrity, drinking, we can do what ever we like and respect no one culture.

As soon as I have enough money saved I will be hopefully be leaving this sh1thole of a country for good, because I can not associate the values I was bought up with, with what is going on in this country any more. Citys full of rivers of piss, gang culture, knife culture, gun culture, chav, celebrity, lack of morals, all protected by the nanny state and pc brigade. Let's give them all a ******* big hug and a pat on the back.

Hmmmm I feel better now that is off my chest :)

my irk is that the older generation always thinks they were perfect. They look down on kids for doing precisely the things they did.

We have chavs, they had skin heads, mods, bikers and rockers knocking seven bells of shit out of each other. We have binge drinking and so did they!

They had a far worse culture for violence than we do nowadays and still some people think they lived in an age of handshakes and head bowing.... load of old cobblers.

I've not pissed in a river. I've not been in a gang, I've not got a knife or a gun and I don't like celbrities. I don't wear stone Island and I don't think I lack morals. I like a drink on a weekend and why shouldn't i? I take it you have been drunk before?

Nobody is "protected". if you do something wrong invariably you are punished. I have been in the past and have learned many a lesson. You're letting a minority of louts, (who have been part of every generation since the dawn of time.) cloud your judgements of a generation. It's just ignorant really.

I'm never gonna stand there and be tarred with a brush that doesn't apply to me. It is equally daft for me to claim that everyone who watched football in 70's was a thuggish Luddite.... though I'd probably be closer to the truth... :innocent06:

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my irk is that the older generation always thinks they were perfect. They look down on kids for doing precisely the things they did.

We have chavs, they had skin heads, mods, bikers and rockers knocking seven bells of shit out of each other. We have binge drinking and so did they!

They had a far worse culture for violence than we do nowadays and still some people think they lived in an age of handshakes and head bowing.... load of old cobblers.

I've not pissed in a river. I've not been in a gang, I've not got a knife or a gun and I don't like celbrities. I don't wear stone Island and I don't think I lack morals. I like a drink on a weekend and why shouldn't i? I take it you have been drunk before?

Nobody is "protected". if you do something wrong invariably you are punished. I have been in the past and have learned many a lesson. You're letting a minority of louts, (who have been part of every generation since the dawn of time.) cloud your judgements of a generation. It's just ignorant really.

I'm never gonna stand there and be tarred with a brush that doesn't apply to me. It is equally daft for me to claim that everyone who watched football in 70's was a thuggish Luddite.... though I'd probably be closer to the truth... :innocent06:

Fact of the matter is you can get away with this behaviour now with very little come back. The kids of the 70's and 80's are now parents, passing on their moral code. From their protests power to the police and law has slowly dropped. So only the worst crimes get anything other than a slap on the wrist. So even if you are a good parent and your child goes wild, the police can do little about it.

The 70's child and the do gooders have left our country in the cess pit it is now.

As we all know, it only takes a minority to bring down a society for others, then when they get the namby pamby do gooders onside you are spiraling downwards with no signs of change.

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my irk is that the older generation always thinks they were perfect. They look down on kids for doing precisely the things they did.

We have chavs, they had skin heads, mods, bikers and rockers knocking seven bells of shit out of each other. We have binge drinking and so did they!

They had a far worse culture for violence than we do nowadays and still some people think they lived in an age of handshakes and head bowing.... load of old cobblers.

I've not pissed in a river. I've not been in a gang, I've not got a knife or a gun and I don't like celbrities. I don't wear stone Island and I don't think I lack morals. I like a drink on a weekend and why shouldn't i? I take it you have been drunk before?

Nobody is "protected". if you do something wrong invariably you are punished. I have been in the past and have learned many a lesson. You're letting a minority of louts, (who have been part of every generation since the dawn of time.) cloud your judgements of a generation. It's just ignorant really.

I'm never gonna stand there and be tarred with a brush that doesn't apply to me. It is equally daft for me to claim that everyone who watched football in 70's was a thuggish Luddite.... though I'd probably be closer to the truth... :innocent06:

:clapping: A blinder of a post. The older you get the more selective your memory, every generation has had there fair share of knobs. In some respects the 16 -24 year olds now should have more to gripe about because Labour and now Tory governements have done F all for them to get them into work. I was fortunate enough to have lots of apprenticeship opportunities when I was leaving school in 1989. The poor sods now have very little hope of getting an apprenticeship or work experience somewhere.

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have you ever been smacked at football??

No, I've just had to put up with being inconvenienced and treated like criminal scum by the police on a dozen or so occasions thanks to the pond life giving all football fans a bad reputation.

Why do you ask anyway?

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Fact of the matter is you can get away with this behaviour now with very little come back. The kids of the 70's and 80's are now parents, passing on their moral code. From their protests power to the police and law has slowly dropped. So only the worst crimes get anything other than a slap on the wrist. So even if you are a good parent and your child goes wild, the police can do little about it.

The 70's child and the do gooders have left our country in the cess pit it is now.

As we all know, it only takes a minority to bring down a society for others, then when they get the namby pamby do gooders onside you are spiraling downwards with no signs of change.

Can somebody confirm for me that this is Jeremy Clarksons Daily Mail column i've just read, please?

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Jeez. As this has turned into a generational debate, I'll join. I'll put my cards on the table. I'm a 49 year old who deals with 16/17 year olds in a reputedly highly chav town for a living.

In my opinion todays youth are no worse than what has been before, and where things have gone wrong, you can squarely look at the parents if you want someone to blame. The Daily Liar newspapers have demonised the young over the years, but many (the vast majority) are actually well meaning people (and I say that whilst dealing with young people on the alleged sink estates of Swindon).

I do fear for the future though. About 50% of the people who walk into the local Jobcentre (a huge Jobcentre - certainly bigger than any in Bristol) are under 25 years of age. The local paper last week had two job adverts (yes 2). Local vacancies require experience... and without experience you dont get a job. As I said previously, I fear for the future - particularly as all the forecasts show very little/no growth in the future.

Yes there are drug dependent Young People. There has been for years. There are those who misuse alcohol. There has been for years. If there is a difference it's that the current crop of young people appear to know their rights. Big deal! By and large they also understand their responsibilities. They have though been badly let down by successive Governments who looked after (or not) the here and now with no regard with what was to follow.

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1322913439' post=1475169']

Do you know how old avalon is? If not you cannot judge his age group. I quite agree though the chav factor and drinking culture that has spread to Europe when our young generations are having "fun" is disgraceful. And I am talking about the 18 -30 age group generally since the early 80's onwards. The state of our towns and cities on a Friday Saturday and Sunday night is embarrassing. And the southern Europe then has a influx of these same beered up puking fist swinging neanderthals to deal with. Be it football related violence, beer induced violence it is not acceptable.

The nanny pc state which you seem to back Jordan, is squarely to blame for it. We make drink easily available. We dumb down everything so people do not have to think or take responsibility for anything. We have soft policing and law so we don't hurt the poor darlings, and when things ever get to court up comes the human rights act to help.

This country is going to the dogs, and has been heading that way since the early 70's. I am really starting to hate this country with its chav, celebrity, drinking, we can do what ever we like and respect no one culture.

As soon as I have enough money saved I will be hopefully be leaving this sh1thole of a country for good, because I can not associate the values I was bought up with, with what is going on in this country any more. Citys full of rivers of piss, gang culture, knife culture, gun culture, chav, celebrity, lack of morals, all protected by the nanny state and pc brigade. Let's give them all a ******* big hug and a pat on the back.

Hmmmm I feel better now that is off my chest :)

TRL - have you found any country where you'd like to settle? Just interested.

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What city is full of rivers of piss? Or was that more of a metaphor?

:laugh: I was generally talking about any city centre street on a Friday night, where the slightly to heavily drunk induced male (or heaven forbid female) urinate in the street. It's disgusting having your city stinking of piss or puke or both.

Maybe It's just me that thinks like that and I'm making a mountain out of a molehill.

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I was in Venice three weeks ago, does stink tbh. But it was sewage AND water. That being said Venice is also in Italy.

I have heard lots of people say that. I guess I've been lucky been there 3 times and never smelt a thing. Or maybe had a cold :) gotta say their football stadium is in a cracking location.

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Canada, I hope. I was going to oz until my skills fell off their list, after I had passed my medicals and was apparently "in"

My brother emigrated to Canada in the 80's - his two children (born there and now grown up) want to move over here.

Incredibly boring place to live apparently and the PC capital of the world.

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