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Uk Forced Out Of Europe


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I'd define Frankfurt School cultural Marxism as a divide and conquer strategy aimed at dismantling Western Culture - mainly Anglo-American culture - from within to pave the way for Marxist revolution. I wouldn't envisage Lord Patten, Craig Oliver or Nick Robinson as cultural Marxists but you never know.

The BBC - as according to its charter - should represent the UK, its nations, regions and communities and not the interests of the EU that many British citizens - including me - deem as an enemy alien and fascist organisation.

Well many do, but not all so the BBC strives to reflect various brands of opinion.

The idea that somehow the BBC seeks to dismantle Western culture so as to pave the way for Marxist revolution is so laughable it really doesn't deserve a reply.

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Well many do, but not all so the BBC strives to reflect various brands of opinion.

The idea that somehow the BBC seeks to dismantle Western culture so as to pave the way for Marxist revolution is so laughable it really doesn't deserve a reply.

I didn't imply that the BBC seek to dismantle Western culture but, rather, that the BBC is allowing itself to be used as a tool for the promotion of European Unionism and Frankfurt School cultural Marxism. The BBC should be more factual on the considerable costs of EU membership and the infringements of our civil liberties that the EU promotes.

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Wondered about the Dacre thing- always thought he was head of the Mail unless it's a different one...

About the Beeb, I don't think it's so bad- bbc site, football highlights and a few other things all decent enough- BBC4, many complaints about that for example?

Also, regards to the EU- to call it fascist is a bit strong, no!?

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Also, regards to the EU- to call it fascist is a bit strong, no!?

The EU project is becoming more and more fascist especially with the replacement of the elected governments of Greece and Italy with EU loyal 'Yes' men. I do actually like most BBC programmes but am rather concerned with the pro EU political programmes and pro EU comments churned out by BBC news broadcasters. I'm looking forward to the EU programme to be broadcast this Saturday on BBC Radio 4 that traces the formation of the EU project from the immediate post war years. From a time when "French are terrified of Germans and Germans are terrified of everyone".

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I know some people don't like this man, I know they sneer and call him a right wing so and so, but he's been right all along. Who's laughing at him now.

Thank you for posting that video link. Nigel Farage is an extremely intelligent man that's an expert on the costly farce that is our membership of the EU project. At last the Tories are taking notice of him and that's probably one of the reasons that the Tory Party is now hardening its stance toward the EU. Praise also due to David Cameron for having the guts to make a stand against the Euro fascists.

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I don't care what wing he's on, he's a hypocritical ******* crook. One word: Expenses.

Nigel Farage doesn't shy away from attacking the European Union fascists at every opportunity whether it be in the vipers' nest of the EU 'parliament' itself, on American TV or on Russia Today. In this respect Nigel Farage deserves every penny of his expenses. Nigel Farage is a legend and it's a pity the BBC can't/ won't show more of him.

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The EU project is becoming more and more fascist especially with the replacement of the elected governments of Greece and Italy with EU loyal 'Yes' men. I do actually like most BBC programmes but am rather concerned with the pro EU political programmes and pro EU comments churned out by BBC news broadcasters. I'm looking forward to the EU programme to be broadcast this Saturday on BBC Radio 4 that traces the formation of the EU project from the immediate post war years. From a time when "French are terrified of Germans and Germans are terrified of everyone".

That programme sounds like it'll be interesting, one to listen to for sure. As for the replacement of Berlusconi and the Greek leader whose name escapes me with 'technocrats'- it sounds draconian to say the least. However, if money is being transferred (lert's assume Germany, ECB and others are standing behind a lot of it) then perhaps to some extent it is only fair that if said money is transferred then there is an obligation to spend it correctly. That is, if the EU want a shot at the Euro surviving, then fiscal union or a permanent wealth transfer would be the best, perhaps the only ways to facilitate this.

Overall though, to me it shows yet again that free markets and democracy are two circles it seems difficult to square right now- even if the economics are right there is the small matter of the electorate and even if the electorate vote for issues, there is the small matter of funding it! Quandry.

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Perhaps if he could attract more than 3.1% of the UK vote he'd get a bit more exposure?

Nigel Farage is one of the few British politicians that fights for the interests of British people in Europe, and he tells the truth about the fascist intent of the EU. He's been treated as a crank before now, but almost everything he's said about the EU project has come true. Nigel Farage really does remind me of Sir Winston Churchill in his wilderness years.

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Nigel Farage doesn't shy away from attacking the European Union fascists at every opportunity whether it be in the vipers' nest of the EU 'parliament' itself, on American TV or on Russia Today. In this respect Nigel Farage deserves every penny of his expenses. Nigel Farage is a legend and it's a pity the BBC can't/ won't show more of him.

Lots of good clips on youtube of Nigel Farage in the European Parliament. Apparently he tweeted today that while the Euro was busy disintegrating around them the European Parliament was engaged in detailed discussions on the sugar content of orange juice. This also makes good reading, from Frederick Forsyth :


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Lots of good clips on youtube of Nigel Farage in the European Parliament. Apparently he tweeted today that while the Euro was busy disintegrating around them the European Parliament was engaged in detailed discussions on the sugar content of orange juice. This also makes good reading, from Frederick Forsyth :


marshy, thank you very much for the link to that letter because it's a truely superb open letter to AnGela Merkel especially the following excerpt.......

"I also had occasion in those years to visit the many thousands of my countrymen who held the line of the Elbe against 50,000 Soviet main battle tanks and thus kept Germany free to recover, modernise and prosper at no defence cost to herself. And from inside the Cold War I saw our decades of effort to defeat the Soviet empire and set your East Germany free."

......the way the German led EU project has turned against Britain by wanting to attack our financial services industry with yet more tax and the way they've attacked Greece again by installing an EU puppet government there is truely shocking.

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I'm suprised at the lack of outcry over the annexation of Greece and Italy. The Irony is that the dream of a federalised EUrope may see the breakup of Italy, Belgium and the UK.

I can assure you that alarm bells are ringing and at a very high level in this country. A lot of people are finally waking up to the threat that the EU poses to European democracy. One of the final acts of Greek Prime Minister Papandreou - before he was ousted by the EU - was to ask for a referendum to be granted for the Greek people to democratically decide on Greece's continuing membership of the Eurozone !!!!!

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Lots of good clips on youtube of Nigel Farage in the European Parliament. Apparently he tweeted today that while the Euro was busy disintegrating around them the European Parliament was engaged in detailed discussions on the sugar content of orange juice. This also makes good reading, from Frederick Forsyth :


More thanks from me Marshy for posting that letter.

I have always admired Forsyth since reading his brilliant book "The Day Of The Jackal".

A highly intelligent and experienced man. That piece sums up what we are up against in the EU and you know what really gets my goat ? Subsidies paid by us Brits through the CAP for grossly inefficient farmers (mainly in France).

Oh and I could have mentioned how the ridiculous CFP (Common Fisheries Policy) has wrecked our UK fishing industry.

One thing is for sure. The EU and the eurozone currency union (as presently constructed) will look very different five years from now.

That is, if either (or both) the EU and EZ are still in existence by then.

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More thanks from me Marshy for posting that letter.

I have always admired Forsyth since reading his brilliant book "The Day Of The Jackal".

A highly intelligent and experienced man. That piece sums up what we are up against in the EU and you know what really gets my goat ? Subsidies paid by us Brits through the CAP for grossly inefficient farmers (mainly in France).

Oh and I could have mentioned how the ridiculous CFP (Common Fisheries Policy) has wrecked our UK fishing industry.

One thing is for sure. The EU and the eurozone currency union (as presently constructed) will look very different five years from now.

That is, if either (or both) the EU and EZ are still in existence by then.

Frederick Forsyth's IQ is off the scale. Ex RAF, a quite brilliant author and a shrewd political commentator on the corruption that is the Franco-German led EU project. The perfect Englishman.

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So it turns out not only are we not isolated in Europe and still part of the talks on the latest treaty, we aren't the only country that doesn't look like they'll sign.

If only Liebour had shown the same sort of bollocks when engaging with Europe.

I also find it extremely disturbing when we have Liebour MP's scoffing at how bad the finances are in the UK when they spent the f.....g lot and some. Also how Ed Balls can show his face in public again after he wrote the infamous Brown speach of no more boom and bust.

The ConDem government have stabilised the shit storm they have inherited, popular it never would have been, but for anyone from Labour to have the balls to show themselves in public again after the state they left this country in is unforgiveable. I aint a Tory, never have been and never will be, but I'd take Lord Snooty as PM anyday of the week over the liars in the red corner. They f...d this country over by giving away everything they had their hands on. Never forget, never let those b.....ds get into power again.

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I aint a Tory, never have been and never will be, but I'd take Lord Snooty as PM anyday of the week over the liars in the red corner. They f...d this country over by giving away everything they had their hands on. Never forget, never let those b.....ds get into power again.

Excellent news today about Chancellor Osbourne refusing to contribute £billions of our taxes to the hopelessly flawed Eurozone currency project. I'm hoping that us refusing to contribute to the Euro bailout fund is another step toward the exit door of the corrupt European Union project. Now is the time to leave the EU and to find more reliable trading partners in the great big world outside the EU. :dancing6:

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I'm not defending it but it's an IMF decision. The US, Russia and even Australia contribute to the bail-out via the IMF.

I guess the logic is, if Italian, Spanish, Portuguese, Irish and Greek banks fail they may bring down a lot of financial institutions outside those countries with them.

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I'm not defending it but it's an IMF decision. The US, Russia and even Australia contribute to the bail-out via the IMF.

I guess the logic is, if Italian, Spanish, Portuguese, Irish and Greek banks fail they may bring down a lot of financial institutions outside those countries with them.

In my paper today it says that the European Central Bank is lending billions of euros to Italy so that they can make their due contribution to the IMF who will then lend them back the money !!

This is beginning to look like one of those Ponzi schemes that Bernie Madoff ran before it all caught up with him and he got banged up for life.

Worried does not even begin to describe how I am feeling about the future of the EZ.

Here in the UK we could all say, thank God we are out of this mess but we are not. 50% of our exports go to the EZ. If it implodes, prepare for a lengthy depression, the likes of which have not been seen since the 1930's.

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In my paper today it says that the European Central Bank is lending billions of euros to Italy so that they can make their due contribution to the IMF who will then lend them back the money !!

This is beginning to look like one of those Ponzi schemes that Bernie Madoff ran before it all caught up with him and he got banged up for life.

Worried does not even begin to describe how I am feeling about the future of the EZ.

Here in the UK we could all say, thank God we are out of this mess but we are not. 50% of our exports go to the EZ. If it implodes, prepare for a lengthy depression, the likes of which have not been seen since the 1930's.

I still don't expect the Euro to survive for very long even though the European Central Banksters announced today their biggest ever liquidity operation, with almost half a trillion Euros being pumped into Eurozone banks. The global markets realize that the Euro is the currency of the hopelessly corrupt and criminal led European Union project and that's why the Euro is in deep trouble.

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I still don't expect the Euro to survive for very long even though the European Central Banksters announced today their biggest ever liquidity operation, with almost half a trillion Euros being pumped into Eurozone banks. The global markets realize that the Euro is the currency of the hopelessly corrupt and criminal led European Union project and that's why the Euro is in deep trouble.

Further duplicity from the ECB. Our European leaders are desparate to hang on to the Euro whatever the cost. No doubt the bankers will once again be in the firing line but if you were offered money at 1% from the ECB that you could instantly lend out at 5% what would you do ? No wonder they are falling over themselves to get a piece of the action.

The ECB gets its money from what used to be called the sovereign nations of Europe, it then lends it out to the banks at ludicrously low rates of interest and the banks then lend it back to the indebted nations at much higher rates. Where does the money come from in the first place? Where else-the European taxpayer. The markets are temporarily euphoric to have all this extra money sloshing around for a while but at best they just give themselves a short-term breathing space. In the final analysis, as someone once famously said, 'you can't buck the markets' and they will struggle to find a way to solve the problem of North/South competitiveness within the Eurozone in its present form.

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