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Crazy Crazy Results

Red Robin

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Carey's performance at St Mary's is an example of what can motivate a player when they lose their first team place. Shame City don't have enough squad depth for McInnes to employ the same motivation on other regular first teamers

Spot on,I hope he gets his just deserts after that Performance.

Let's hope some of the other senior players can start raising their games as well.

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Yes, kicking t'ball in t'net is only part of the job.

Raping the club of £6M is something altogether different ........

........ but, hey! That's for another thread.

The club has enough arseholes to cope with this raping... i'm sure :whistle2:

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LC definatly has something still to offer,the saints fans we're saying he was outstanding that night.

He can produce more like that I'm sure.

His experiance and quality is second to no one at the club. In defence.

Louis Carey is Bristol City to the core.

When he was offered a one year extension to his contract the bollox that was written on here about how we were waisting our money and he should be let go was vommit making.

I recently had the great honour to sit with Brian Drysdale at Gerry's testimonial gig and we talked about the team in the late 60's through to the early 80's at length and one of the things discussed was that team was not only a great side but they were all our boys right to the core. We knew how our team would shape up who would be in it when fit and they all had an affinity with US the supporters. (AND BY THE WAY LOUIS CAREY WAS THE ONLY PLAYER I SAW FROM THE PRESENT TEAM AT THE EVENT...THAT SAYS A LOT TO ME!)

To build a side for a club like ours takes time and players that are tight unit that want not to just play for the club but who have ties not only to Bristol City FC but to the fans and the area.

The likes of Gow, Ritchie Tainton Sweeney Cheesley Cashley Drysdale et al, all have an affinity with the region and many still live within the area despite coming from Scotland and other far flung regions.

Lewis Carey's importance to the club is he puts on the shirt and wears it not only for himself but also for us, much like Scott Murray did. Players and people like that are important not only for their ability but also to keep that affinity with the supporters, which is why Scott works for us, and a role will I suspect one day be found for Lewis...

Well done Lewis have you let Fatty Lambert out of your pocket yet!

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Louis Carey is Bristol City to the core.

When he was offered a one year extension to his contract the bollox that was written on here about how we were waisting our money and he should be let go was vommit making.

I recently had the great honour to sit with Brian Drysdale at Gerry's testimonial gig and we talked about the team in the late 60's through to the early 80's at length and one of the things discussed was that team was not only a great side but they were all our boys right to the core. We knew how our team would shape up who would be in it when fit and they all had an affinity with US the supporters. (AND BY THE WAY LOUIS CAREY WAS THE ONLY PLAYER I SAW FROM THE PRESENT TEAM AT THE EVENT...THAT SAYS A LOT TO ME!)

To build a side for a club like ours takes time and players that are tight unit that want not to just play for the club but who have ties not only to Bristol City FC but to the fans and the area.

The likes of Gow, Ritchie Tainton Sweeney Cheesley Cashley Drysdale et al, all have an affinity with the region and many still live within the area despite coming from Scotland and other far flung regions.

Lewis Carey's importance to the club is he puts on the shirt and wears it not only for himself but also for us, much like Scott Murray did. Players and people like that are important not only for their ability but also to keep that affinity with the supporters, which is why Scott works for us, and a role will I suspect one day be found for Lewis...

Well done Lewis have you let Fatty Lambert out of your pocket yet!

I would say along with COLE SKUSE in the present squad these are the only two that would run through brick walls for city.actually I will add Marvin to that.

Spot on Redoxo.

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