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Official: Richard Foster Signs (Update - Skip Past The First 180 Posts, It's A Done Deal!)


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Good Morning Chaps,

Having read this thread, I hope that Ricky Foster has a great time of it in Bristol. He was taken to Rangers by Walter Smith, made captain on his return to Aberdeen by Craig Brown and has now been bought by Derek McInnes. I leave it up to your good selves to decide whether you would trust the collective judgement of 3 top Scottish managers or the collective judgement of some very bitter sheep. I also hope he does well because I now consider Bristol City to be my 2nd team.

Hope that some of the cr*p on this thread by the sheep fans hasn't soured your views of Saints fans as I have fully enjoyed my time on this forum and also the great contributions that City fans have posted on our forum.


You have nothing to worry about in that regard, Newyears. If anything the Aberdeen fans have solidified the affection and respect us City fans feel for you Super J's fans because they have reminded us of just how moronic, arrogant and obnoxious visiting fans can be.

Your point regarding the three highly respected, knowledgeable and intelligent Scottish managers who rate Foster enough to sign, play and trust him is probably the most valid one on this thread so far. It must be a particularly bitter pill to swallow for the former European champions that mediocre clubs from England get to cherry pick their players year after year whilst they languish at the bottom of what is, I'm sure you will admit, a very poor league.

A quick question to any watching mods, do we still have the old forum "group" that trolling gas heads were frequently placed in? I forget the name of the group (as opposed to 'members' or 'newbies') but it came with a wonderful avatar picture and always raised a smile with me. Anyway, I think we may have found some new members for that illustrious OTIB group in the shape of these new chaps...

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You have nothing to worry about in that regard, Newyears. If anything the Aberdeen fans have solidified the affection and respect us City fans feel for you Super J's fans because they have reminded us of just how moronic, arrogant and obnoxious visiting fans can be.

Your point regarding the three highly respected, knowledgeable and intelligent Scottish managers who rate Foster enough to sign, play and trust him is probably the most valid one on this thread so far. It must be a particularly bitter pill to swallow for the former European champions that mediocre clubs from England get to cherry pick their players year after year whilst they languish at the bottom of what is, I'm sure you will admit, a very poor league.

A quick question to any watching mods, do we still have the old forum "group" that trolling gas heads were frequently placed in? I forget the name of the group (as opposed to 'members' or 'newbies') but it came with a wonderful avatar picture and always raised a smile with me. Anyway, I think we may have found some new members for that illustrious OTIB group in the shape of these new chaps...

Thanks Jordan.

I do indeed agree that the SPL is currently a poor league - probably the lowest standard I can remember and I've been following Saints for 40 years now. I'm delighted with how we are currently performing, however I'm under no illusion as to the current state of Scottish football. As a Saints fan, you've got to take the good times when they come. :laughcont:

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I've just read a few pages of this thread and If I read any more of the Aberdeen fans crap I would have a noose around my throat! FFS, we only wanted to know about the player, not your club history, nor your problems. Didn't you know we support the super J's down here? Take our £1/4M and do one you depressing buggers!

Welcome to the wonderful city of Bristol and Bristol City FC Ricky, we won't judge you (not immediately anyway).

BCFC, super J's and Borrussia Dortmund. Sorted!!

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If anything the Aberdeen fans have solidified the affection and respect us City fans feel for you Super J's fans because they have reminded us of just how moronic, arrogant and obnoxious visiting fans can be.

That's nonsense. RotK has wiped the floor with everybody he's crossed keyboards with in this thread, he's presented a sensible and balanced view and at times has been down right hilarious with his comments and comebacks. All he's reminded me of is what it is like to have a decent poster on the board.

As a City fan, I can categorically say that visiting fans have done nothing to solidify the affection and respect that I am supposed to have for the 'Super J's'. You speak for yourself Jordan - leave the rest of us out of the soggy biscuit thing you have with Saintees.

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Are utility players of no value at higher levels of football?

Take Man United for example, who have employed the likes of O'Shea, Fletcher, Phil Jones etc in recent years as multi-purpose players.

At Championship level and beyond you need to have finely-honed skill set for a particular position. You'll be found out if not. You might get away with 3-4 games but you'll eventually be sussed. Ask Skuse.

Don't think the Manure egs are noteworthy and think all three have favoured positions where they play 90% of their games.

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That's nonsense. RotK has wiped the floor with everybody he's crossed keyboards with in this thread, he's presented a sensible and balanced view and at times has been down right hilarious with his comments and comebacks. All he's reminded me of is what it is like to have a decent poster on the board.

As a City fan, I can categorically say that visiting fans have done nothing to solidify the affection and respect that I am supposed to have for the 'Super J's'. You speak for yourself Jordan - leave the rest of us out of the soggy biscuit thing you have with Saintees.

Of course, I forgot that calling people retards was the hight of wit. Each to their own of course.

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Captaincy factor encourages me most.

Seems a thoroughly sensible signing due to his versatility, from what ive read will add steel to a team lacking bite.

Nominal fee, decent background, if he can make a position his own is to be seen but fail to see a downside to this.

Never seen him play but seems an incredibly rational signing.

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As per usual I'll take the professional managers views over any fans as fans think with their hearts and not with their heads. If three top notch Scottish managers see a lot in Foster then I'll assume this can only be a good signing, of course I'll wait and see how he does here before branding the move a success or not but he's obviously wanted by McInnes and McInnes has already started making an impact on this club so I'm ready to see what Foster can offer.

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Captaincy factor encourages me most.

Seems a thoroughly sensible signing due to his versatility, from what ive read will add steel to a team lacking bite.

Nominal fee, decent background, if he can make a position his own is to be seen but fail to see a downside to this.

Never seen him play but seems an incredibly rational signing.

Can't argue with this other than refer to the negative feedback we've seen on here from Dons fans. They've seen far more of him than us. The one thing that concerned me more than any other was the suggestion that he has a 'Billy big Bollocks' complex. If so that can cause serious unrest especially as there are two or three powerful personalities within the squad already.

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The one thing that concerned me more than any other was the suggestion that he has a 'Billy big Bollocks' complex. If so that can cause serious unrest especially as there are two or three powerful personalities within the squad already.

Think that's a fair point although I would suggest our chosen starting XI isn't blessed with strong leaders.

Fontaine doesn't strike me as such, James clearly has his opinions while Elliott I'm not sure on - just because he has an engine and gets stuck in doesn't immediately instil genuine leadership qualities in him.

Of course, as said, I haven't seen this guy so maybe he is just a loudmouth and nothing more. And then, on top of that, as you elude to respect has to be earned or his influence will purely be a disruptive one.

This signing is an intriguing insight to what McInnes see's the squad as lacking. And whilst clearly it is incredibly early doors in his reshaping he has brought in two players who, for me, tick more boxes in regard to attitude than they do ability.

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Been searching Internet last couple of days bored at work found bits and bobs about some potential targets, Murray Davidson and sandaza from st.johnstone, Andrew driver loaned in, Ryan Stevenson from hearts, andy o'brien from Leeds, and that's it really seems he's looking and more attacking players now! Anyone no any truth in these?

But I did find a piece claiming city scouts were seen in 3 European countries in the last 3weeks! Let's just hope it ain't another styvar or saborio :laugh:

Don't knock Alvaro Saborio......no coincidence that he has scored everywhere he has been (apart from here). Was ruined here by a manager who didn't know how to you use him

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few comments from a few scotch mates of mine. One a hearts fan the other Rangers.

''I would say Foster isn't totally terrible, but I'd be lying.

For a player whose main attribute is supposedly pace he sure gets beaten to a hell of a lot of balls, awful for getting caught out of position as well. Most handsome man to ever come from Aberdeen, but that's not saying much.

Also, you need to call him RICHARD. He gets a bit pissy about people calling him Ricky.''

''He's your typical modern fullback RICHARD Foster. Good going forward but poor defensively.''

They both rate Stevenson though so hopefully we'll get him to!

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Don's fans, thanks for your comments. I do like it when a joining players previous fans slag him off and then he does well for us, been a few examples of this over the years, lets hope this one is the same.

Welcome to Bristol (when you sign) Ricky, you'll love it here, mainly because it's not Scotland.

Oops. :doh:

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