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This was on the Reading RR site yesterday:

"Darlington have been saved from liquidation at the eleventh hour after a rescue group pledged £50,000 to ensure their survival for the next three games. Administrator Harvey Madden told the playing staff and manager Craig Liddle that the club had folded at 12pm, only for the Darlington Football Club Rescue Group to arrive at the Northern Echo Arena with fresh funds. Madden then staged a meeting with representatives from the Rescue Group and at 3pm it was announced the club's future would be secured until the end of January. Doug Embleton, of DFCRG, told reporters outside the stadium: "The situation is that Harvey Madden has been very, very helpful and we have enabled the club to play the next two home games and the away game.

"It is now about the club and it is about the town so what we will be doing straightaway is rallying the town to get behind the club for the next three games.They need to support this club in their hour of need. We have done all we can do, what's required now is that we all come together."

It's also on the BBC (look at Non-League Football - main title) this morning ...

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hope Darlo dont go down the route Aylesbury United (my local non league club) did, when they got into financial shit: they sold out to a developer, who promised em a new ground (and suprisngly delivered) and then a few years down the line evict em, with the result they are homeless and have had to share grounds with Cheham Utd (14 miles away) Tring (7 miles away and in a different county) and Leighton town ( 9miles, also a different county)

All this after financial problems. This was a club that quite a reputation for giant killing in cup competitions with the resultin financal rewards. Average gate 10 years ago, in the feeder league to the Conference was 1000, now its 200 on a good day. Shame this happens to any club, cos there but for the grace of God go any one of us, except Man Shitty, & Hellski, even Celtic & Rangers aint immune ffs

They gotta get a grip of the chairmen/boards of the clubs. Darlo wont be the last there must be twenty plus clubs in financial shit up to their necks, and a good dozen already been/are in it...

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