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My Apology And Thankyou To Brett Pitman

Brizzle Jordan

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Wood was rubbish. Disappointed with him so far.

Wouldn't say he was rubbish, but he has the control of a brick wall and his passing is wayward to say the least. But he looked better when BP came on.

As far as Piman is concerned, well for me, he's the best striker we have had for years, including you know who, and I have been at a total loss as to why he hasn't been 1st choice for months. And I don't buy all this "he can't play in that role" or "he's not working hard enough in training" or "he's lazy".

Who gives a flying ........... what he's like in training. There are no points to be gained in training. As long as he's fit and sharp and works on his game that's all we need. Because in a competitive game he knows where the goal is and can find it more often than anyone else we've got.

So probably back on the bench at Posh! :disapointed2se:

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I'll admit i've not been very keen on Brett simply because I much prefer the 4-5-1 and do not think he suits that formation at all.

However I will now be comfortable for him to get some game time due to his performance tonight. I was just starting feel very down about our chances of survival but Brett has given me some belief back so I thankyou Brett. I've always knew Brett's goalscoring ability but didn't think he offered much else to the team but he has earned my respect now and I hope he gets a run of games to score us more goals.


You've summed up what I thought / think nicely.

I moaned like a few others when he came on for Bolasie, but I would do anything to take it back. It's not that I don't rate him as a player, it's just I didn't think he would be able to add anything in our current formation.

Well done Pitman, you saved the day and proved me wrong completely. Please forgive me, you were great!

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I'm always amused when people compalin that a player "only" scores goals. I'm old enough to remember people saying as much about Jimmy Greaves! Moyes got rid of Yakubu because he didn't "do enough" and he is now scoring goals in a bad team. Kevin Doyle is much admired for his prodigious work rate but rarely scores; fat lot of good he did Mick McCarthy. Surely better a player who scores goals and does little else than one who does lots and never scores?

Couldn't agree more, Chinapig.

I remember a striker by the name of David Seal, who people dismissed due to the fact that he basically walked around with his hands in his pockets for 89 minutes and 57 seconds of a game.

Of course, in the other 3 seconds he would quite often win us the match.

(And before anyone says it, yes, he did end up playing for Mangotsfield, but if memory serves me correctly injury played a big part).

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Couldn't agree more, Chinapig.

I remember a striker by the name of David Seal, who people dismissed due to the fact that he basically walked around with his hands in his pockets for 89 minutes and 57 seconds of a game.

Of course, in the other 3 seconds he would quite often win us the match.

(And before anyone says it, yes, he did end up playing for Mangotsfield, but if memory serves me correctly injury played a big part).

Mark Robins as well for his short time here.

Pretty useless outside the box, but he knew where the goal was.

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I am hoping this can be potentially be a turning point in our season now. I've always maintained if we are playing just the one man up it shouldn't be Brett, as I believe the formation and style would not help him. However I am prepared to be proved wrong on this!

Either way he must must start Saturday. Even if that means trying him up top alone. Him and wood did look decent together and maybe it's time for us to go 4-4-2 and be a bit more direct.

I haven't been a fan of 4-4-2 for us this season at all, but we looked so dangerous when Brett came on! They look as though they could be the perfect foil for each other and I feel the only way we can realistically play them both is in a 4-4-2.

I hope whatever has or is going on behind the scenes can be put to bed now as surely Del can't leave him out after last night? Pitman needs a run of games whether that's up top alone or with Wood.

Like I have said I don't think we will see Brett anywhere near his best if played up alone, but then like a lot of people are saying on here we will never know until he is given a fair chance.

He is the only one in our team that could have done what he did last night. Not only was his second goal a great finish but for me it's just the areas he finds himself in and clever movement alone made us look more likely to score. It's almost as though he has that 'sixth sense' of where the ball is going to drop, an out and out predator!

I appreciate pboro away will be completely different to the last 30mins of last night, but as of Saturday Pitman must must must be given a run in the team now. With or without Wood.

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?? Were you at the game last night ??

No as I am in London until March but am going to Peterboro on saturday. I should be back down the Gate for the game against Leicester.

The reason i've said Wood was struggling wasnt based on his overall play, I was simply going by goalscoring which is what we was talking about at the time. I've heard from lots of people Chris Wood was very good last night which doesn't suprise me. I was going by goalscoring alone.

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