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Billy Sharp Abuse

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Reminds me of an incident I experienced just last month (though nothing like as bad, I guess).

It was the day before my new job was due to start. My dad had been diagnosed with terminal cancer a couple of weeks earlier, so I was in a bad way with this news. That evening my 3 week old baby suddenly choked, and stopped breathing. He turned purple. I quickly picked him up and patted him, and thank god, his breathing returned. I though I'd lost him. So I called the hospital, and we needed taxi money to take him over there...

I walked up to the cash machine hurriedly and got some money out. While walking back to my house there were these youths, about twenty years old(?). As I walked past them, they all screamed at me at the top of their voice. Scared me shitless.

Two things crossed my mind: 1) attack them even though I was outnumbered (I'd pretty much lost my composure), and 2) stop, tell them what had happened, and say thanks for making my life that bit worse.

Neither would have bothered them though. Some people just couldn't give a shit. They get kicks out of making the world miserable.

Hope everything gets better for you! Great news about your son being okay.
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Total scum. And sadly, with Twitter, there's a platform for morons like this to air their insults and narrow-minded, ignorant rubbish. I hope this guy gets arrested, banned from football and locked up - disgusting abuse. I wouldn't say things like that to my worst enemy. It's sickening stuff.

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I am not a violent person at all. Never even got in a fight at school.

But we lost our 11 week old daughter last month.

I will gladly be locked in a room with that kid for ten minutes.

And seriously, I usually don't think this way. I was overawed by Sharp playing two days after that horrible event last year, after being through similar and not being able to function two days later I hold him in even higher esteem.

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Harder than that because of internet privacy laws, if ip adresses were easily seeable by the police all illegal downloads etc would be noticed

Harder than that because of internet privacy laws, if ip adresses were easily seeable by the police all illegal downloads etc would be noticed

wrong, he is misusing communications and the Pol,ice can find him VERY easy, just like all of you illegal downloaders ;) to many to chase that is all.

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Harder than that because of internet privacy laws, if ip adresses were easily seeable by the police all illegal downloads etc would be noticed

wrong, he is misusing communications and the Pol,ice can find him VERY easy, just like all of you illegal downloaders ;) to many to chase that is all.

Yup - just read up on the twitter joke trial http://www.guardian.co.uk/law/2012/feb/08/judgment-reserved-twitter-threat-appeal

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I am not a violent person at all. Never even got in a fight at school.

But we lost our 11 week old daughter last month.

I will gladly be locked in a room with that kid for ten minutes.

And seriously, I usually don't think this way. I was overawed by Sharp playing two days after that horrible event last year, after being through similar and not being able to function two days later I hold him in even higher esteem.

Sorry for your loss

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I am not a violent person at all. Never even got in a fight at school.

But we lost our 11 week old daughter last month.

I will gladly be locked in a room with that kid for ten minutes.

And seriously, I usually don't think this way. I was overawed by Sharp playing two days after that horrible event last year, after being through similar and not being able to function two days later I hold him in even higher esteem.

Puts it all into perspective.

You've lived through every parents' nightmare and I feel so sorry for you that you and your missus and family have had this. I can only begin to imagine how bad it is.

As for Billy Sharp, he's just playing a sport - earning a living - and for someone to have the lack of humanity to taunt him in that way, well the ****er who did it must be brain dead.

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I am not a violent person at all. Never even got in a fight at school.

But we lost our 11 week old daughter last month.

I will gladly be locked in a room with that kid for ten minutes.

And seriously, I usually don't think this way. I was overawed by Sharp playing two days after that horrible event last year, after being through similar and not being able to function two days later I hold him in even higher esteem.

Although I know it means little from a stranger on an internet forum, my thoughts are with you, The Man In Black.

I suspect that many on this forum will scoff at what I am about to say, as it all depends on what you believe, but for what it's worth I believe that she will be watching over you and you will one day meet her again.

It makes me sick that the likes of your daughter didn't get a chance in this life, yet the scum that posted those tweets to Billy Sharp is walking the streets.

God bless.

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I am not a violent person at all. Never even got in a fight at school.

But we lost our 11 week old daughter last month.

I will gladly be locked in a room with that kid for ten minutes.

And seriously, I usually don't think this way. I was overawed by Sharp playing two days after that horrible event last year, after being through similar and not being able to function two days later I hold him in even higher esteem.

Im so sorry. Parents should never have to bury their children :(

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Although I know it means little from a stranger on an internet forum, my thoughts are with you, The Man In Black.

I suspect that many on this forum will scoff at what I am about to say, as it all depends on what you believe, but for what it's worth I believe that she will be watching over you and you will one day meet her again.

It makes me sick that the likes of your daughter didn't get a chance in this life, yet the scum that posted those tweets to Billy Sharp is walking the streets.

God bless.

I for one will not scoff but stand beside you sir with these lovely words.

To 'The Man in Black' I offer you my sincere condolences. Keep strong for your wife and family my friend, they will need you as much as you need them.

Being a father as well, you know that if your children are brought up correctly they will never do a thing like this child has to Billy Sharp, in fact the thought wouldn't even cross their minds.

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