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Will You Buy A Season Ticket Next Season?


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I've been supporting City for 35 years, and have been a season ticket holder for a quite a few off those years, but after the way the club shafted me over the Millwall incident, I cancelled my family season ticket, and will have to think long and hard about next season.

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Crikey Arn!

I haven't really got a choice due to work commitments but if respected diehards like you decide to pack it in we are in massive trouble.

Sexstone / Lansdown, if you read this, be scared, be very scared if this fan and his ilk have had enough, These are proper diehard supporters!!

Thing is Tim it's not just me

All the friends who have season tickets are thinking the same thing

Tough decision but it's become an effort to watch this lot

My brother who u know has not seen a game all season and has totally lost his love for the club

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In no way am I questioning your committment, but given you've supported City for 30 years as you say, surely you've seen worse football e.g. maybe the slide down the divisions, or even the many years in League One?

You are correct

I've sat in a block in the Williams stand and been the only fan in there in the old forth division but just am finding it all a grind to go down the gate nowerdsys

Knowing me will have a change of heart come June but £800 for me and the mrs is also a decent holiday so don't know tbh

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Yeap I will renew as always. But with the football being soo bad , it's more about the whole day - pub , chips and good laugh with friends. These things keep me going - that and I get a day of peace away from the misses :)

Hey that's good advert SL . Yeah the footballs crap but it's better than DIY.

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I will renew, its the club I've supported for so long its part and parcel. However I would have no gripe for those that think this season is one to far. I don't blame the manager totally, he has given us hope when there was precious little and it is down to his efforts that we still have a chance, all be it more remote by the week of staying up.

The problem I have is the lack of basic technique shown by the players. The big change when Del came in was the vast improvement of the short passing game, this has gone out of the window, big style and is down in no small part to confidence, it did improve after the goal yesterday. But for large parts of the game it was embarassing.

My big problem with the current tactics, not withstanding injuries is that the whole team is far to deep, the giving away of free kicks on or around the 18 yerd box is becoming an increasing problem and it is killing us. If you have to take a player out do 30-40 yards from goal. I acept that is was a joke of a decsion yesterday but we must have had 8 men behind the ball at the point...ridculous. The only way we are going to have any chance is to win our home games and we are going to have to gamble and be far more ambicious going forward.

3 at the back 5 in midfield with Cisse not moving from just in front of the back three, two wing backs (Foster & Pearson), Davis roaming and breaking up play, Killkennny given a free role. With Stead and Pitman up front. No Adomah, well yes that a tough one, but as much of a fan as I am, on current form its a no. We nned results and badly, potential has to wait its all about the here and now!

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I will renew, its the club I've supported for so long its part and parcel. However I would have no gripe for those that think this season is one to far. I don't blame the manager totally, he has given us hope when there was precious little and it is down to his efforts that we still have a chance, all be it more remote by the week of staying up.

The problem I have is the lack of basic technique shown by the players. The big change when Del came in was the vast improvement of the short passing game, this has gone out of the window, big style and is down in no small part to confidence, it did improve after the goal yesterday. But for large parts of the game it was embarassing.

My big problem with the current tactics, not withstanding injuries is that the whole team is far to deep, the giving away of free kicks on or around the 18 yerd box is becoming an increasing problem and it is killing us. If you have to take a player out do 30-40 yards from goal. I acept that is was a joke of a decsion yesterday but we must have had 8 men behind the ball at the point...ridculous. The only way we are going to have any chance is to win our home games and we are going to have to gamble and be far more ambicious going forward.

3 at the back 5 in midfield with Cisse not moving from just in front of the back three, two wing backs (Foster & Pearson), Davis roaming and breaking up play, Killkennny given a free role. With Stead and Pitman up front. No Adomah, well yes that a tough one, but as much of a fan as I am, on current form its a no. We nned results and badly, potential has to wait its all about the here and now!

It seems almost like we have been loaning for the sake of, if we keep loaning players they will need more time to adapt to our style of play and formation and team building with the players. I don't think any of our loan signings are bad players but they've pretty much been thrown into a side whereby they have no idea what to expect. No chemistry.

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To all you fans who are not renewing

Trust me after3-4 months of missing games

you will find other things to do and will not miss it

I gave my S/T up (15years) when we came up into the championship

hurt like hell for the first half dozen games but the pain soon goes

Another plus is that you can get a real life

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I didnt renew this season due to Milen.

Next season it depends on a number of factors.

If we stay up and the price don't go up I will get one.

If we go down I won't renew if they keep Del. Sorry I won't reward failure .

Also if we go down and they reduce ST prices and a new Manager yes I will get one.

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I play a lot of porker tourneys on a saturday! But unlike the team i follow, i win more than i lose, enjoy the game, it does not cost as much, and i seem to enjoy myself a lot more. 4 family members including myself stopped buying them 4 or 5 seasons a go. My uncle had been attending since 1962, season ticket holder for many many years, out of the blue just informed me that enough was enough, and just stopped going with home games left still to play. He was a die hard. We have been as far up north as darlington etc many times. Informed me that he will never attend again, many reasons for this, mainly the same old bull year in year out, nothing changing. Not been the same for me since he stopped going, i just potd 4 times a year

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The football at AG has been mostly dreadful for 3 years now and it's increasingly hard to be enthusiastic about the club.

If Bristol City cannot be reasonably successful in the Championship then we're better off in League 1. The lack of entertainment, wins and goals over several seasons has simply worn down the passion of many supporters. There is little anticipation of enjoying the experience of attending AG any more and the disenchantment amongst fans is alarming - as widespread as I can remember for a very long time.

Unless you go to see the opposition - I don't - the fact is it will be more enjoyable as a fan to see a winning (more often than not) City team at League 1 level.

We waited many years for Championship football but the reality is it's become even more mundane and depressing than League 1. If you can barely manage to score a goal for weeks on end what is the point of being a league higher?

I'm beginning to think we actually need to go down or we'll just be delaying the inevitable agony while the support continues to drift away through constant struggle and little hope of better.

We can't go on like this in this division, it's killing the club more surely than relegation. At least in League 1 there would be hope of entertaining and winning football and that plays a huge part in enjoying supporting the club. A pessimist will say we will be down there for another 10 years - I disagree, I think it more likely we will rebuild and come back stronger within a couple of years.

Will I get a season ticket? No doubt about it, I support Bristol City whatever the division.

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City will be in the championship next season. Why would any fan want league one football, it is dire. Of course it is disappointing that city are having such a poor season but the matches are still better than league one stuff. You wouldn't see Adomah, Davis, lua lua, Phillips etc in league one. Nobody holds a gun to your head and forces you to get a season ticket so if it now makes you miserable or you've found another more pleasure able pursuit piss off and enjoy it but don't continually post on here how you are over city and having an amazing life but still feel the need to constantly visit the forum to bang on about it.


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Why would any fan want league one football, it is dire. Of course it is disappointing that city are having such a poor season but the matches are still better than league one stuff. You wouldn't see Adomah, Davis, lua lua, Phillips etc in league one.


I don't want to see the opposition playing good football. I want to see City winning and scoring a few goals.

The football standard may be 'dire' in League 1, but it's not exactly been scintillating from City in the Championship for the last 3 years.

I don't want to see League 1 football permanently, I want to see a competitive City team in the Championship (our natural place in the league structure imo) but we may need to go down first to achieve this.

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its a decent point, if we continue to struggle in the championship we will draw crowds of what 12,500? IF we were to go down, (which personally I don't want as we should be in this division) and were winning games regularly it would more than likely draw back crowds and we could be back to attendances of 16,000 or so on a regular basis, of course we will get some people not come because its league 1, but winning regularly and (would hopefully) being near if not top of the table would draw back alot of fans and could bring about the atmosphere at ashton gate that many people are talking about trying to re create

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I don't want to see the opposition playing good football. I want to see City winning and scoring a few goals.

The football standard may be 'dire' in League 1, but it's not exactly been scintillating from City in the Championship for the last 3 years.

I don't want to see League 1 football permanently, I want to see a competitive City team in the Championship (our natural place in the league structure imo) but we may need to go down first to achieve this.

This is the eternal problems of your West Broms, Wolves, etc. We're pretty much the same just a division apart

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If I can afford it I will renew, no matter what. I love the club and the thought of not going doesn't enter my head. All these people critising the club for trying to sell tickets is astounding. What do you expect them to do? No one is tricking you into going and as far as I'm aware it doesn't state that 3 points is guaranteed each match. Players come and go and everything comes in cycles. In my time of watching I've seen some real dross that makes this team look like 70's Brazil! With the recent anniversary of 1982 I'm frankly amazed that people can leave the club while we are an established Championship club currently struggling.

I'm no super fan (my away attendance has been poor over the last couple of seasons due to various reasons) and of course it's Up to the individual, you can't judge each persons circumstances, but I've always said the stay away fan who looks to find excuses not to go is what holds us back. The downs make the ups that much sweeter.

Enjoy the armchair folks, see you at Wembley in a few years time

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I didn't actually answer the question in my post. For me it will be a matter of 2 things, 1 can I afford it, answer probably yes, can just pay with student loan and trim back on my living for a few months... or more. The other is that I go to watch matches with my dad as its something so I see him fairly regularly while at Uni, so if he wants to renew I defeinitly will be, if he doesn't want to, I will have to put some thought in but more than likely would renew as I enjoy watching City. I play rugby for my Uni and am a big rugby fan, but turned down watching Engalnd Vs Wales with the team in favour of going to ashton gate to watch city.

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I will always renew unless my finances dictate otherwise. Not so much for the football anymore...which obviously has been utter dross for a while now.

More for the social side of things- football is an excuse to meet up with mates for a few beers.

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If I can afford it I will renew, no matter what. I love the club and the thought of not going doesn't enter my head. All these people critising the club for trying to sell tickets is astounding. What do you expect them to do? No one is tricking you into going and as far as I'm aware it doesn't state that 3 points is guaranteed each match. Players come and go and everything comes in cycles. In my time of watching I've seen some real dross that makes this team look like 70's Brazil! With the recent anniversary of 1982 I'm frankly amazed that people can leave the club while we are an established Championship club currently struggling.

I'm no super fan (my away attendance has been poor over the last couple of seasons due to various reasons) and of course it's Up to the individual, you can't judge each persons circumstances, but I've always said the stay away fan who looks to find excuses not to go is what holds us back. The downs make the ups that much sweeter.

Enjoy the armchair folks, see you at Wembley in a few years time

The 'stay away fans' don't hold the club back. They don't sign the journeymen players,negotiate contracts, set the formation/tactics/style of play/ make substitutions, hire and fire the staff, promise manna tomorrow, set the extortionate, catering/mercy/potd ticket prices............

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