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So with all the doom and gloom around performance and the stadium i thought a topic to lighten the mood would be a good idea.

Basically with summer only a few months away this would be a good time for people to discuss their holiday plans for this year. Just say where your going and when etc etc and maybe people who have been there in the past can help with ideas of where to go and what to do.

I'm off to the Dominican Republic for my honeymoon on the 12th of September for 2 weeks all inclusive. Going to Peurto plata on the north coast, if anyone has been there before some information about what to see and do when i'm there would be very much appreciated.

Also feel free to share your best and worst moments of past holiday's.


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anyone have any embarrassing moments?

i remember a few years ago in Turkey almost broke a couple of toes. Going back to the hotel room after a few late night drinks, saw a beach ball near the pool crying out to be kicked so naturally i obliged it was at the point of contact i then realised it was a flat and was placed on top a terracotta plant pot/ash tray. The pot actually went further than the ball did and smashed into pieces all over the path. I made a quick although a hobbled way back to the room. Woke up with a nice severely bruised foot.

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I'm off to the Dominican Republic for my honeymoon on the 12th of September for 2 weeks all inclusive. Going to Peurto plata on the north coast, if anyone has been there before some information about what to see and do when i'm there would be very much appreciated.

Me and my missus went there for our honeymoon, 1 week all inclusive.

It was ok at first then my wife picked up a rather violent dose of the sh*ts from the Mexican restaurant in the Hotel Complex. To make matters worse I was plyed with drinks by a local barman called Rapheal who told me all about how his family were so poor that they couldn't afford the $50 USD for his brothers operation to fix his spine. To this day I believe he was substituting the Tequila in my Tequila Sunrise for a potent local white rum called Dominican Gasoline (you will probably be warned about it). Shortly after I handed over $50 dollars I jumped on the beer scooter and somehow lost the next 4 hours finally coming to my senses barfing into the swimming pool. I was pretty ill for the next few days, my wife wasn't

impressed and we both ended the honeymoon about 2 stone lighter than when we arrived.

Apart from that it was great, you can't buy memories like that.

The only advice I can give you is not to eat the fajitas and stay away from barmen called Rapheal

Have a great time mate.

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I've just got back yesterday from my only holiday planned this year so far. Been skiing in St Johann in Austria for the week. Snow was really good first part of the week then was up in the low teens last few days to make it a bit slushy.

Came home with a nice memento of 3 staples in my head after falling and my ski hitting me on the back of my head. Austrian a&e very efficient. 1 hour to be looked at, stapled, x-rayed and told everything ok with the x-rays.

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but surely the Wife stays at home to look after the dog and the money you save on Kennel fees pays for the Tottie

I like your thinking Tone, but Mrs Robbo gets the hump if I don't take her on holiday. It also means I have to do my own cooking and washing and ironing.

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Back to my first memories of my first holiday and Weymouth for me, bit of a come down from Bondi beach and cruising the Canaries on the QE2; but needs must.

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A cruise to the Canaries for me in May on the Independence of the seas. I can't wait.

A City afloat that ship, you`ll have a few days to try the bars and million and one pools on board

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4 day City break in Barcelona in May with friends. Week in lovely Kefaphonia in June and a two week adrianic cruise in October. Thats all the holiday that Mrs Robbo gets off.

This is the dawning of 'the Age of Austerity'! Hope you enjoy the breaks.

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