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Old Firm Derby Observations

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Sorry, had to laugh. The idea of Rangers appointing a Unionist really shouldnt be so amusing.

Your version of events don't match the events as I understand them, but as previously stated, the two sets of fans have such blind hatred of each other that truth as always was the first casualty. Any Rangers (or Celtic) fan can blah blah about the other team in Glasgow as long as it likes... it's always hotly disputed by the other side and usually winds up with me (suspect I'm not alone) being bored witless by it.

Well the historians with PGD"s from Glasgow university are siding with me.Go watch Bullets bombs and Lennon,and see for your self.It might be up on BBC Scotland eye player.And for the record,we are older than Celtic.And got bye with out them.With out any off this garbage in our society.Another thing I dont hate Celtic or Celtic fans.I have them in my familly,and have close friends that are season ticket holders at the piggary.We actually feel sorry for them all.Again the unionists are not on Rangers board,there on the Celtic board.Glasgow Celtic is the team that backs the union.And has been traditionaly followed bye the poor and working classies.Who idenify the Labour party with the workers.And some still actually believe that.And this is why they should be pitied.

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Well the historians with PGD"s from Glasgow university are siding with me.Go watch Bullets bombs and Lennon,and see for your self.It might be up on BBC Scotland eye player.And for the record,we are older than Celtic.And got bye with out them.With out any off this garbage in our society.Another thing I dont hate Celtic or Celtic fans.I have them in my familly,and have close friends that are season ticket holders at the piggary.We actually feel sorry for them all.Again the unionists are not on Rangers board,there on the Celtic board.Glasgow Celtic is the team that backs the union.And has been traditionaly followed bye the poor and working classies.Who idenify the Labour party with the workers.And some still actually believe that.And this is why they should be pitied.

you said it....... and yes I know all about Brother Willem and why Celtic were formed. PS The Labour Party? Tory Lite. Gimme Benn, Nellist, Skinner, Livingston and oh stop swearing Paul. The Labour Party are dead. In a shameful act of betrayal Labour died when Kinnock declared war on anyone vaguely left wing. I note how wealthy Glenys and himself are now

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Experts, ex players, managers etc who have experienced derbies all over the world all say that Celtic v rangers is the biggest and the best. I for one would like to experience an old firm derby first hand. Let's be fair I'm not likely to experience another Bristol derby for a while, well not while the Gas are still struggling against giants like Aldershot.

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Sorry, but on what basis is there an apparent anti-Celtic bias on here? Didn't notice that stopping us from signing the likes of Jacki and Moyes a few years ago...no-one goes on about them being "Celtic s**m"

I've met plenty from both sides and never had a problem with either mob.

As for the banners about the poppies, well, you may find it offensive but they are entitled to their opinion. I don't necessarily agree with the sentiment but I can see where it comes from.

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Oh - and some of the Turkish games get a bit tasty as well, ditto certain German games (think Bayern vs Dortmund, but I may be mistaken?) (mind you that's not a local derby)

Anyway, I don't support religious bigotry of any kind so I'll avoid the Old Firm game, thanks. But I do sort of miss the Bristol derbies, they were really intense, shame some of the folks on here will never really have experienced one...

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Rangers were not that team to.Actually read our history,plenty off Catholics played for us.Up un till Celtic came along,and started signing Catholics.Case in point in 1888 they signed Hibs players,the other sectarian club in Scotland that was Catholic.So when the Catholic communty picked Celtic as there team.Who were playing Irish players.The Protestant communty wanted a club that would repressent them.And they picked Rangers,it could have been any other around at the time.The side formed out off friendship,and not religion on Glasgow green.And incidently the club that still refuses to appoint unionist war criminals on to its board like Celtic do.

Plenty of Catholics? you are joking, Mo Johnson was only the second Catholic signing since the war and the first one they signed by mistake and released at the end of the season, up until Johnson was signed no more than a dozen Catholics had played for Rangers in over 100 years, you have even had a chairman as recently as the 1970s state "we will never sign a Catholic" you are in denial my friend, by the way, you weren't one of the 1000s of Rangers fans burning your scarves/season tickets when Mo Johnson signed for you were you?

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Plenty of Catholics? you are joking, Mo Johnson was only the second Catholic signing since the war and the first one they signed by mistake and released at the end of the season, up until Johnson was signed no more than a dozen Catholics had played for Rangers in over 100 years, you have even had a chairman as recently as the 1970s state "we will never sign a Catholic" you are in denial my friend, by the way, you weren't one of the 1000s of Rangers fans burning your scarves/season tickets when Mo Johnson signed for you were you?

CELTIC are no better ,there greatest manager in history was given a job in the pools office when they moved him to the side just because he was a proddy

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From Wiki

During the late 19th century, many immigrants came to Glasgow from Ireland – this was a time of considerable anti-Catholic and anti-Irish sentiment in Scotland. By the early 20th century, Catholic players were asked to leave the club.[93] Between World War I and the 1980s, Rangers did not knowingly sign any Catholic players.[94] Many have written about the club's refusal to sign Catholic players, or employ Catholics in other roles, and the discrimination against employees who married Catholics.[95][96][97][98][99][100] Particularly from the 1970s, Rangers came under increasing media pressure over their policy,[101] but several of the club's directors publicly defended its position.[102] Others at the club openly opposed the sectarian minority at the club including Wille Waddel, General Manager, who stated "we will divorce ourselves from sectarian or religious bias in every aspect" adding, "no religious barrier will be put by this club regarding the signing of players".[103]

In 1989, when Rangers signed Maurice "Mo" Johnston, "their first major Roman Catholic signing",[104] David Miller, the general secretary of the Rangers' Supporters' Association condemned the signing, saying "It is a sad day for Rangers... I don't want to see a Roman Catholic at Ibrox."[104] Johnston was the highest-profile Catholic to sign for the club since the World War I era; other Catholics signed prior to Johnston but since the end of World War I include Laurie Blyth (1951–1952), Don Kitchenbrand (1955–1956), Hugh O'Neill (1976) and John Spencer (1985–1992).

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CELTIC are no better ,there greatest manager in history was given a job in the pools office when they moved him to the side just because he was a proddy

Jock Stein, Kenny Dalglish, Danny McGrain. All Celtic legends. All protestants. Care to name a few Catholics held in such high esteem by Rangers fans?

I for one am sick of people on here stirring up division amongst fellow City fans by posting largely ignorant and borderline sectarian bile. If you want to post about Rangers and your hatred of Celtic 'scum' then post on one of the Rangers forums.

Nice username by the way. Were FTP4, UFF4 & UVF4 already taken?

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Kenny Dalglish had to leave his curtains pulled when picked up by Celtic players for training as he had Union flags and Rangers' scarves on the walls of his room.

Not sure why, it's not like they wouldn't have known his alliegence or religion. Still a Celtic legend regardless of his religion or national alliegence. Any luck finding any of those catholic Rangers heroes?

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I think Dalglish just felt a tad embarrassed being a fan of his team's greatest rivals. I was in the Everton end at a Liverpool derby and the fans were singing anti Protestant songs, it was done in a jokey way although I did see a Liverpool fan attacked during the game.

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Kenny Dalglish had to leave his curtains pulled when picked up by Celtic players for training as he had Union flags and Rangers' scarves on the walls of his room.

Untrue. Dalglish took them down posters of Rangers players when the Celtic scouts came tapping the door (Source? Kenny Dalglish himself). There were no Union flags

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To slightly straighten my view of all things Rangers, I would like to congratulate their fans on trying to help pay their debts by paying Dunfermline the £20 odd grand owed. The Pars have had to exist on a very narrow band of money for some years, and will lose their SPL spot (again) at the end of the season, so the money will prove a vital lifeline

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I for one am sick of people on here stirring up division amongst fellow City fans by posting largely ignorant and borderline sectarian bile. If you want to post about Rangers and your hatred of Celtic 'scum' then post on one of the Rangers forums.

Amen to that

(in an entirely ecumenical sense, inclusive and in no-way biased against either the Jaffas or the Left-footers, BTW :D)

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Plenty of Catholics? you are joking, Mo Johnson was only the second Catholic signing since the war and the first one they signed by mistake and released at the end of the season, up until Johnson was signed no more than a dozen Catholics had played for Rangers in over 100 years, you have even had a chairman as recently as the 1970s state "we will never sign a Catholic" you are in denial my friend, by the way, you weren't one of the 1000s of Rangers fans burning your scarves/season tickets when Mo Johnson signed for you were you?

Lies we signed Alfie Conn,and he played for us for years.About 20 years before Mo Johnston came to the club.Another guy that stayed round the the road from me like Charlie Nicholas.Also Celtic fans should praise the anti Catholic singing policy.As it was the only reason that they ever got good under Stein.He targeted the decent Protestant players,as he knew it would weaken Rangers.And rightly so its nothing like that anymore.And it certainly is not about religion.I have Protestant cousins that support Celtic,and come from Kilwinning off all places.Anybody that knows about Masonary will know the town.

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Interested in your views on the fans that mailed explosive devices to Lennon and other people at Glasgow Celtic. Can I safely assume you use the same terminology to them?

Or the use of orange in their kit, that isn't innocent, thats a throwback to the protestant orange order which has had its parades largely banned in Northern Ireland as they always try to march through mainly catholic areas.

Gazza playing the flute whilst swaggering around also comes to mind.

There are good and bad on both sides

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From Wiki

During the late 19th century, many immigrants came to Glasgow from Ireland – this was a time of considerable anti-Catholic and anti-Irish sentiment in Scotland. By the early 20th century, Catholic players were asked to leave the club.[93] Between World War I and the 1980s, Rangers did not knowingly sign any Catholic players.[94] Many have written about the club's refusal to sign Catholic players, or employ Catholics in other roles, and the discrimination against employees who married Catholics.[95][96][97][98][99][100] Particularly from the 1970s, Rangers came under increasing media pressure over their policy,[101] but several of the club's directors publicly defended its position.[102] Others at the club openly opposed the sectarian minority at the club including Wille Waddel, General Manager, who stated "we will divorce ourselves from sectarian or religious bias in every aspect" adding, "no religious barrier will be put by this club regarding the signing of players".[103]

In 1989, when Rangers signed Maurice "Mo" Johnston, "their first major Roman Catholic signing",[104] David Miller, the general secretary of the Rangers' Supporters' Association condemned the signing, saying "It is a sad day for Rangers... I don't want to see a Roman Catholic at Ibrox."[104] Johnston was the highest-profile Catholic to sign for the club since the World War I era; other Catholics signed prior to Johnston but since the end of World War I include Laurie Blyth (1951–1952), Don Kitchenbrand (1955–1956), Hugh O'Neill (1976) and John Spencer (1985–1992).

Conn was Catholic so Wicki needs to up date.And Rangers knew he was a Catholic to.He played for both clubs.

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It's an interesting question, but does anyone a) know and b) give a sh17 what religion the City and Gas players even are? If any at all even bother with such an archaic notion as religion?

You should be more interested in what Rangers players,you can pick up in the summer.Heard Aluko has a Spaniish team interested in him.

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