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Old Firm Derby Observations

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Jock Stein, Kenny Dalglish, Danny McGrain. All Celtic legends. All protestants. Care to name a few Catholics held in such high esteem by Rangers fans?

I for one am sick of people on here stirring up division amongst fellow City fans by posting largely ignorant and borderline sectarian bile. If you want to post about Rangers and your hatred of Celtic 'scum' then post on one of the Rangers forums.

Nice username by the way. Were FTP4, UFF4 & UVF4 already taken?

Why would I want ftp4 uff4 uvf4 ect there's only the UDR4 ,the only people that are ignorant our the ones who dont understand about the filthy bile that come from the celtic fans not all but a good majority, why would a british clubs fans openly celibrate are brave service men getting killed fighting for there freedom if they dont want tobe british they can all go back there famine is over ,by the way if yer sick of certain post on here DON'T READ THEM

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Lies we signed Alfie Conn,and he played for us for years.About 20 years before Mo Johnston came to the club.Another guy that stayed round the the road from me like Charlie Nicholas.Also Celtic fans should praise the anti Catholic singing policy.As it was the only reason that they ever got good under Stein.He targeted the decent Protestant players,as he knew it would weaken Rangers.And rightly so its nothing like that anymore.And it certainly is not about religion.I have Protestant cousins that support Celtic,and come from Kilwinning off all places.Anybody that knows about Masonary will know the town.

Cant find a single solitary reference to Alfie Conn being a Catholic. He IS on a list of Protestant Players who have played for Celtic though. Happy to be proved differently of course.

As previously stated, I really dont give 2 swings (like most) but curiosity got the better of me on this one.

UDR4 "the only people that are ignorant our the ones who dont understand about the filthy bile that come from the celtic fans not all but a good majority"

Nothing like a touch of ignorance :blink:


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Cant find a single solitary reference to Alfie Conn being a Catholic. He IS on a list of Protestant Players who have played for Celtic though. Happy to be proved differently of course.

As previously stated, I really dont give 2 swings (like most) but curiosity got the better of me on this one.

UDR4 "the only people that are ignorant our the ones who dont understand about the filthy bile that come from the celtic fans not all but a good majority"

Nothing like a touch of ignorance :blink:


Try a bit harder then,as everybody knows he was a Catholic.The whole off Glasgow knows what school he went to.And another thing how can you hide that?Do you honestly believe that in a City as large as Glasgow.They are not going to bump into a ghost from the past at some point?Naw nothing like a bit off local knowledge.

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Why would I want ftp4 uff4 uvf4?

If you don't understand the reference then you're ignorant of loyalist/republican politics of the Old Firm. I do tend to ignore these threads, but on this occasion I felt I had to post something to counter the garbage posted by others.


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Try a bit harder then,as everybody knows he was a Catholic.The whole off Glasgow knows what school he went to.And another thing how can you hide that?Do you honestly believe that in a City as large as Glasgow.They are not going to bump into a ghost from the past at some point?Naw nothing like a bit off local knowledge.

so show me the evidence...... it cant be that tough can it? I dont need to try - I want YOU to back your assertion that Conn is a Catholic. His father played for Jam tarts I see - the Protestant Club in Edinburgh

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If you don't understand the reference then you're ignorant of loyalist/republican politics of the Old Firm. I do tend to ignore these threads, but on this occasion I felt I had to post something to counter the garbage posted by others.


So your garbage is fine,I can see your the one who needs educating on this subject,it's obvious you know very little


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Why would anyone bother wasting time trying to discuss things with 'The Jock', for goodness sake?

This is the same guy who a few pages back tried to defend Rangers' financial problems by saying 'But Celtic have debt too!!!' :violin:

Big Jocks a good man BIG JOCK KNEW

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Why would anyone bother wasting time trying to discuss things with 'The Jock', for goodness sake?

This is the same guy who a few pages back tried to defend Rangers' financial problems by saying 'But Celtic have debt too!!!' :violin:

I'm still grinning at the following... "Well the historians with PGD"s from Glasgow university are siding with me"

He's obviously brighter than I thought. Or perhaps not.

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Oh I see you are making a comment alluding to the alleged fact young boys suffered sexual assualt while members of Celtic Boys Club and that Jock Stein knew of it and actively made attempts to cover it up, how witty of you. You'll be bringing out the famine song and other delightful treats next, wonderful.

Famine as already been mentioned,but haven't mentioned the waving of pizza menus by thousands of them scummy ***** celebrating the murder of our servicemen waiting for a pizza just weeks after the event ,

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I have no idea why you are trying to engage in fruitless tit-for-tat abuse like this. Take it back to Follow Follow and other such sites where stirring up hatred and ill-feeling is often a prime motive. You are exactly the sort of dirge that gives supporters of Rangers Football Club (In Administration) a bad name. In-fact your own club would love nothing more then to disassociate themselves from you and others like you.

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I have no idea why you are trying to engage in fruitless tit-for-tat abuse like this. Take it back to Follow Follow and other such sites where stirring up hatred and ill-feeling is often a prime motive. You are exactly the sort of dirge that gives supporters of Rangers Football Club (In Administration) a bad name. In-fact your own club would love nothing more then to disassociate themselves from you and others like you.

Which is exactly why this thread should be closed. Its so far away from the point the OP was trying to make,

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Sorry, I've had enough of this - if The Jock and UVF4 or whatever his name is have an axe to grind about the frankly nauseating and outdated level of sectarian hatred associated with the Glasgow derby, then that's fine but keep it on a forum where it's relevant. This started out as a discussion about the atmos at a Glasgow derby but has descended into a rant-a-thon in which frankly unpleasant vitriolic drivel is being spouted by all sides.

Guys - this is BRISTOL - no-one really gives a shit what religion you are (most of us don't actually have one), we're a bit more enlightened down here. If you want to live with hatred that stems back to the days of witch hunts and religious persecution, fine but don't drag us into your cesspit.

MODS - kill this, please.

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