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Season Ticket Prices Announced


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April 21st the cut off day is the day of our last home game against Barnsley, I think we will know by then where we will be next season

The Commercial Manager was just on the radio stating the club have moved away from the old 5 stages of selling, so no early bird, no price hikes, BUT....IF YOU WANT ALL THE RAZZAMATAZZ....you need to renew by the 21st.

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The thing is that OUR club have not done, is allow transfer of the season tickets to another City fan if you can't attend

I think Arsenal do this and may be other clubs do the same


sell the ticket back to the club for a tenner a match if you can't find some one to transfer it to

The maximum income from ticket sales per season is approx SIX million quid

Not a lot in these days is it?

Think carefully before you buy or renew your season ticket

bread on the table is more important than any football match

I thought the City season ticket book is an electronic swipe just like Arsenal? I had a season ticket at Emirates for their first two seasons and yes... anyone can use the 'ticket' book

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If the package is for Championship football, then it is a fair deal, if it is for League One then it Is not. I would like to have seen two bands, one for if we stay up and one for League One.

argh, but thats the entire point.

Anyway... so you are suggesting that if you buy a season ticket now and then, in the unfortunate event we are relegated, you can go back and get a partial refund? That would would require far too much labour time for you and the club in sorting out a refund.. the computer would spout smoke, there would be queues around the corner, tempers would flare and it would cost the club a whole lot more cash to sort it. Unless, of course, they could do an auto electronic refund on your credit or debit card.. but what if you paid cash or by cheque.. the nightmare just goes on. Nope, best to keep it simple and give you some incentives by buying it now. Simples.

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The thing is that OUR club have not done, is allow transfer of the season tickets to another City fan if you can't attend

I think Arsenal do this and may be other clubs do the same


sell the ticket back to the club for a tenner a match if you can't find some one to transfer it to

The maximum income from ticket sales per season is approx SIX million quid

Not a lot in these days is it?

Think carefully before you buy or renew your season ticket

bread on the table is more important than any football match

So you are comparing what a club who make £3m profit per match to one that loses £12m a year?

Of course Arsenal can afford to offer such things. City cannot.

Being a bit thick, what do they mean by £25 food vouchers to spend at the refurbished Ashton Gate?

I'm guessing they will refurb the kiosks at the end of the season. I expect also that it won't be £25 that you can use as you please but more £1 off each spend or something like that.

I have to say after nearly 15 years of season tickets I'm struggling to find the enthusiasm. Not just because of the prices because more I'm just so fed up with what's happened over past 2-3 seasons. I'm a fairly positive chap but I this season especially has worked me down. Can I stomach forking out £420 for a S/T on top of other things going on in my life this year (Marriage/House buying) I really don't think so. Our joint membership (for all games + member facilities) at Somerset is £309. Crickets top flight teams have a wage cap of £1.8m - until football gets its act together financially it'll never be able to match that sort of price.

I sympathise with the club though.. if we were 5 points adrift of 10 points clear it would be far easier to price the ST up. As it is, it's the worst case situation. Can't see many sales till after Mondays game.

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I dont think its a bad package. I mean, who actually expected massive reductions? Crap as we have been to watch the club is still losing £12 million quid a year...

The Finance option being spread over 10 months is useful to me personally rather than the 5 months...makes it much more affordable.

I was actually expecting a reduction in prices considering the spin from the club on season tickets. Some decent incentives have been introduced, but £419 for Dolman D is still a lot of money.

There is one really obvious way to slow down the club's annual losses and a quick peek in the players' car park on match day gives my answer to that.

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I was actually expecting a reduction in prices considering the spin from the club on season tickets. Some decent incentives have been introduced, but £419 for Dolman D is still a lot of money.

There is one really obvious way to slow down the club's annual losses and a quick peek in the players' car park on match day gives my answer to that.

I don't think £18.20 per game is that expensive for the best block of seats in the stadium.

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Very happy with this,

First time I've thought about a ST since my Dad took me down. Me and my 2 lads for less than £400 is cracking value, I work out at what? £15 a game for an adult? Pretty competitive that, plus with the interest free payment options, it seems like a brilliant offer.

Well done BCFC!

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I know its easy for me to say because I am not in the UK and will not, therefore, be buying a season ticket but, If I was, i would say do away with all those add ons and just give me the lowest possible price. its the match i want to watch, its the season ticket that counts, watching the games. In other words I am buying the right to watch a football match so why patronise me by thinking you have to offer me discounts on stuff i may or may not be interested in. Just give me the lowest possible price for the item i am buying for goodness sake.

Kevin Smith says he did not want to lower the price to incentivise a buyer but to give loads of goodies and do it that way... oh please. I know he means well but i think he should give people the option at the very least.. all these tacky goodies or a straight monetary value off your ticket. Customers are intelligent not the opposite and I think these offers are well meaning but actually quite patronising.

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£249 plus the bonuses is fine by me...I usually get a shirt so a tenner off that and a fiver off away travel sorts me right out.

Same here £249 for 23 games for pretty much any standard of football is a bargain in my eyes, my job means that I miss a good percentage of midweek games but it still works out pretty well for me. Some of the incentives are OK, I should be covered for a HT drink for a few games anyway. It seems reading this thread that some people wont be happy unless the club offers free entry if we get relegated.

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They're only good incentives if they are things you already use.

If you already get 1 of your 5 a day at one of the food kiosk then a 25 note save is a good thing for you .

It got nothing to do with being negative! I personally don't use any of the 'incentives' so for me they're worthless, meaning im paying more for my ST in league 1.

That's the bottom line.

The only thing your concerned with is yourself.

The club, however, has to think about the majority and what they might want.

For the record, none of the incentives are appealing to me either - but they will for alot of people.

Well done the club.

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It seems a shame that I'm going to be paying a bit more than last season for potentially league 1 football, but the extras are a nice touch. If we stay up it seems reasonable but not so much if we go down. Having said that I'll be renewing anyway.

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The only thing your concerned with is yourself.

The club, however, has to think about the majority and what they might want.

For the record, none of the incentives are appealing to me either - but they will for alot of people.

Well done the club.

spot on, i think the club have done the best they can, lowering ticket prices was never going to happen. I am quite happy with this.

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The only thing your concerned with is yourself.

The club, however, has to think about the majority and what they might want.

For the record, none of the incentives are appealing to me either - but they will for alot of people.

Well done the club.

I think given the option the majority would opt for a lower price actually... in fact I am certain of it.

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Same here £249 for 23 games for pretty much any standard of football is a bargain in my eyes, my job means that I miss a good percentage of midweek games but it still works out pretty well for me. Some of the incentives are OK, I should be covered for a HT drink for a few games anyway. It seems reading this thread that some people wont be happy unless the club offers free entry if we get relegated.

Exactly - no matter what the club did people would moan.

Im chuffed at that price and the £5 off away travel as I go quite alot so I wont be complaining!

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I don't think £18.20 per game is that expensive for the best block of seats in the stadium.

£18.20 is decent value for those seats; what I was getting at is that I was expecting a reduction in prices for the season as it seemed that that this was what the club was alluding to when talking about their 'exciting' new season ticket deals. I will say that I think £15.00 is more acceptable for those seats and around the £22-23 mark for POTD.

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If they did this people would only moan there is no incentives...

I did point out some people will like the freebies but for me we already get entry into the dolman hall and get discount on cats travel, we can get a tour on the open day, so a free ticket and a programme and £25 in food kiosk vouchers isn't that much incentive. If they had lowered the price by £25 then up it after the deadline date to the current prices I think that would have attracted people to get them early.

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Well i'm a little disappointed with the price, IIRC, i paid £320 on early-bird for an Atyeo Season ticket last season, and if i want a season ticket again (which i do) i'm being asked to pay £29 more after a poor season and potentially playing a lower level of football next season.

I'll still get one because i know i'd just end up POTD if i didn't and it'd cost me way more

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The club can't win here can they? Everyone wants to see investment in a better team and coaching set up but few like to pay more money to see that happen. The club have tried to strike a balance between encopuraging supporters to stay loyal and ensuring they have the funds required to give people what they want to see on the pitch.

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A straight £30 reduction in the Dolman would be of far more use the free seat for a friend at 1 match is handy but really the club will still take money for shirts and food away travel ect, for league 1 football its vastly over priced if against all the odds they stay in the Championship then its obviously better value................................. The club has huge losses but a lot has been self inflicted with poor management and duff signings on good money not hindsight but lack of scounting in the first place,many people just haven't got this type of money to shell out plus all the other extras to do with match day and like so many others have said what you get in return is poor ........ City shouldn't be in this position there have been constant rumblings about the same problems for 3 seasons at least the link between club and fans has got really wide, many feel that unless they are part of the suit , corporate side City don't care or listen any more ,season ticket sales have been good for the past few years with all the talk of jam tomorrow but now the hype and talk has to be backed up League 1 football is failiure no matter how many add ons get tacked on to a season ticket..............

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A straight £30 reduction in the Dolman would be of far more use the free seat for a friend at 1 match is handy but really the club will still take money for shirts and food away travel ect, for league 1 football its vastly over priced if against all the odds they stay in the Championship then its obviously better value................................. The club has huge losses but a lot has been self inflicted with poor management and duff signings on good money not hindsight but lack of scounting in the first place,many people just haven't got this type of money to shell out plus all the other extras to do with match day and like so many others have said what you get in return is poor ........ City shouldn't be in this position there have been constant rumblings about the same problems for 3 seasons at least the link between club and fans has got really wide, many feel that unless they are part of the suit , corporate side City don't care or listen any more ,season ticket sales have been good for the past few years with all the talk of jam tomorrow but now the hype and talk has to be backed up League 1 football is failiure no matter how many add ons get tacked on to a season ticket..............

Very well said, that man.

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If I renew in the Atyeo then I will be paying more than I was last year, a season ticket is a big investment for me if you include the travelling involved. What has the club done on or off the pitch that makes me want to pay more than I did last time (and potentially in a lower league!). The add ons have no value for me as I wouldnt use any of them.

There is only so much 'I'll go regardless cos I support City' before you have to question whether you are getting value for money, I dont believe we have had value for money for 3 seasons.

I also dont get the quote from Guy Price that this will 'remind me of why I fell in love with City', how is any of what they are offering going to remind me of that??

The food discount, bring a friend for free and free progamme are worth about £50, take that off the price and I might have renewed £300 instead of £350 and would have been less than last year.

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