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Swindon To Give Ex Con Goalkeeper A Trial


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Well he's done his time - but 3 and half years????? I despair at our justice system sometimes.

Barry Bannan crashed his caron a motorway while spannered and didn't even get a jail term- the only difference being that Bannan was lucky enough not to hit anyone. Not entirely sure thats fair either

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he's done his time he never denyed it and he is eternally sorry for it,

he knows he will never make up for what he has done but he has a right to work if thats as a pro footballer so be it,

There are plenty of pro's who have been behind bars and carried on player we had 3 if you remember,

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You'd like to think that he considers the prospect of him living out the rest of his days knowing what he's done is a far more terrifying undertaking than any jail term. Whatever the sentence, which I do think was short, it doesn't bring anybody back. It's a difficult one.

Absolutely agree.

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From what I've read, McCormack has shown plenty of remorse and faced up to what he did... Unlike the likes of Lee Hughes and Marlon King who don't seem to give a damn.

That accident is probably the first thing he thinks about every morning, and the last thing he thinks about every night. He's done his time, let the guy try and get on with his life.

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From what I've read, McCormack has shown plenty of remorse and faced up to what he did... Unlike the likes of Lee Hughes and Marlon King who don't seem to give a damn.

That accident is probably the first thing he thinks about every morning, and the last thing he thinks about every night. He's done his time, let the guy try and get on with his life.

Good post, McCormack was reckless but served his time and was remorseful. Marlon King should have been banned from football for life for what he did.

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Football has no morals, everyone knows that.

I don't believe this guy has "done his time". 1 year 8 months a life. And day release since January? That's ludicrous. He's killed two people. He has every right to work, you can't keep people locked up forever.

I agree with the above, it's essentially "bad luck" that he was in an accident when many others do the same thing and miss somebody. However he put himself in the position where he was much more likely to have that accident because of his behavior. An conscious decision to step inside a potentially lethal device, and drive with less control. I wouldn't differentiate between the two situations. I'd be happy to have much longer sentences for drink and drug driving. Maybe that might stop it. Having a guy who's killed two people, come out of jail and return to his previous life pretty immediately then preach about not drink driving is ridiculous. If you do this, sure you go to prison for a bit, but really, there are no real consequences, you can return to your former life. If you're a sportsman or a filmstar, you can just pick up where you left off. Wow, great message.

I don't understand the sentencing in this country. Why would you get less of a sentence because you "attempted murder" rather than succeeded. It's the same crime with a different outcome. Why do you get time off for good behavior. Surely that's standard. In a classroom you don't get to go half an hour early into an hour long lesson because you've behaved, you get detention if you don't. Barry Bannan's crime should have been attempted death by dangerous driving. That removes the "luck" element from his situation.

Finally if we ever sign a player who's done something similar. I'll stop supporting city while he's at the club, and the people who hired him are. Because the pride you have in the club, is immeasurably tarnished. The connection you have to the players (it's diminished anyway with the money in the game) is completely lost. I couldn't wholeheartedly support the thugs who played for us following their prison stint. I think because they were stupid thuggy boys fighting with stupid thuggy boys, neither side was any better and I could just about justify it in my head to have them still at the club. But i seriously can't justify seeing someone like Marlon King in our shirt. I couldn't celebrate, i'd feel terrible even clapping a goal he was a part of. It's just a personal moral thing. Some people hurl abuse at Woolford for 90 minutes because he's been terrible. But they'll cheer Bradley Orr who's a violent thug. Sometimes I think football is not for me.

Lee Hughes got charged with sexual assault in January (not mentioning the outcome or speculating on it, or stating anything other than the fact he was) and he's killed someone while driving then left the scene.

How much criminally is too much for you to not support a player who wears our shirt? I'm fascinated to hear different views about this question.

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Bottom line is, if any of us working people had jail against our CV, we probably wouldn't get another job. Even now he will walk into a pay packet of £1,000 a week.

One of our top managers has a jail term on his CV it didn't stop him working his way up into his postion,

Its all about giving people a chance, This lad shown remorse from day one he mutally termanated his contract as soon as he was iniatallly arrestted he pleeded guilty and never hid from what he did he has to live with it for the rest of his life,

The fault here lays with our justice system you see people banged up for longer doing far less

Unlike King and Hughes who have both been mentioned he this guy is generally sorry

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He 'wants to give something back to society' apparently.

Why doesn't he go and work for a kids charity, then? Playing football isn't giving anything back to society - it's a return to a glamorous and well-paid lifestyle that he completely abused last time, leading to the deaths of two children.

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he's done his time he never denyed it and he is eternally sorry for it,

he knows he will never make up for what he has done but he has a right to work if thats as a pro footballer so be it,

There are plenty of pro's who have been behind bars and carried on player we had 3 if you remember,

But Brooker, Orr and Partidge didn't get smashed off their faces, get in a car and cause the death of two children. No comparison.

He has done his time, however short, but being sorry won't bring those children back. I genuinely wonder how the parents will feel seeing McCormick making a very good living for himself so soon after their tragic loss.

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He 'wants to give something back to society' apparently.

Why doesn't he go and work for a kids charity, then? Playing football isn't giving anything back to society - it's a return to a glamorous and well-paid lifestyle that he completely abused last time, leading to the deaths of two children.

And donate his wages towards helping them..

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But Brooker, Orr and Partidge didn't get smashed off their faces, get in a car and cause the death of two children. No comparison.

He has done his time, however short, but being sorry won't bring those children back. I genuinely wonder how the parents will feel seeing McCormick making a very good living for himself so soon after their tragic loss.

no they beat the shit out of some one instead

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Tough on crime, tough on the causes of crime.

3 and a half years for killing a couple of kids is disgusting, the family will never get over it fully, he should have done the decent thing and topped himself for ruining their lives.

Anyway it says it all for me that there are clubs out there rubbing their hands together to sign this cretin, I don't know why I'm surprised, there will always be a club to welcome you back no matter what the crime.

Ashley Cole shot someone at work, never mind eh Ashley, your a good footballer, carry on son.

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no they beat the shit out of some one instead

Did they? Not what I was told by the doormen involved...

I would be absolutely ashamed if we were offering him a job. He killed two children. It wasn't an accident. He took the possibility of it being an accident away when he got into that car absolutely shitfaced. Probably not short of a few quid to have paid for a cab.

They should have thrown away the key.

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He should forgo any trappings of money now, for his crime, a premeditated desicion to get in a car drunk, was bad enough, and in my mind worth a jail sentance in itself, but then to kill people. it doesn't make one iota of difference if it is a child, he killed human beings.

When released, he should be working in an area to help those effected by his actions, and paid enough to pay rent feed himself and his own children, if he a has them. Time effort and money earned from his deeds should be pushed into some charity that helps those coping with sudden death of loved ones.

Now I am sure we are all aware he didn't go out and premeditate these killings. he made a bloody stupid decision. It makes no difference how long he is in jail, it won't help bring those that are dead back. He didn't purposely kill them.

For me doing what he can to support the family of those he killed would be far better than leaving him in jail. you can only hate for so loing before it starts eating into your life.

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Did they? Not what I was told by the doormen involved...

I would be absolutely ashamed if we were offering him a job. He killed two children. It wasn't an accident. He took the possibility of it being an accident away when he got into that car absolutely shitfaced. Probably not short of a few quid to have paid for a cab.

They should have thrown away the key.

He was also driving without insuarance.

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Did they? Not what I was told by the doormen involved...

I would be absolutely ashamed if we were offering him a job. He killed two children. It wasn't an accident. He took the possibility of it being an accident away when he got into that car absolutely shitfaced. Probably not short of a few quid to have paid for a cab.

They should have thrown away the key.

I would go as far as saying i would no longer attend City games if we offered him a job.

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Some incredible views on here. Its not his fault he got a light sentence and he just happens to be a good footballer. Suggestions of donating all his wages to charity are plain stupid, how's he supposed to eat? If you'd stop supported your team because they signed someone who made one big mistake and was very remorseful then are you a proper fan? I suggest not.

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How much criminally is too much for you to not support a player who wears our shirt? I'm fascinated to hear different views about this question.

My honest answer is it depends on the crime. Ultimately McCormack did something reckless and stupid that had utterly horrific conequences but it wasn't a malicious act and he seems to have shown remorse. Whether or not the sentence is too short is beyond his and Swindon's control. He is out and I don't have a problem with him resuming a football career. If he was signed by Bristol City then I'd accept that.

With someone like King, Evans or Hughes I think it's a different case due to there being a malcious aspect to their actions. I wouldn't want any of those three at the club personally.

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