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Swindon To Give Ex Con Goalkeeper A Trial


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He should donate 50% of his wage to the family, tho that wont be enough. Nothing will ever be enough to compensate for what he has done.

How on Earth would giving the family money possibly help them? I imagine the family might be hurt and offended that someone thinks giving them money can in any way make up for what happened to their children.

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Some incredible views on here. Its not his fault he got a light sentence and he just happens to be a good footballer. Suggestions of donating all his wages to charity are plain stupid, how's he supposed to eat? If you'd stop supported your team because they signed someone who made one big mistake and was very remorseful then are you a proper fan? I suggest not.

What crap, I couldn't care less how this piece of filth is supposed to eat. How do you think the family of those two boys are feeling today? And people on here are feeling sorry for this low life.

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I'm not feeling sorry for him, far from it. Some are being practical and some, including you, are being emotional. You think that one reckless, stupid mistake means that he shouldn't be able to eat again? Wow, glad you aren't running the country Super. I also hope you don't ever make such a mistake, else i fear your views would change somewhat.

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Its not his fault he got a light sentence


The British Justice System often appears to partially ignore the full impact of particular crimes. Undoubtably the parents of the two lads who died will be serving out their own life sentence whilst the perpetrator can carry on with his life. The fact is that McCormack didn't choose his sentence, he was given it and he has served it. He appears incredibly remorseful for what he has done, he obviously knows he f**ked up BIG time.

He himself may think, like many others including myself, that the sentence was too light...however, he can't be blamed for the tariffs set by our Justice system. Personally I think his own conscience will torture him for the rest of his life and if it doesn't, it should, but in the meantime he is a footballer and someone is offering him a job.

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What crap, I couldn't care less how this piece of filth is supposed to eat. How do you think the family of those two boys are feeling today? And people on here are feeling sorry for this low life.

I don't think one single person is feeling sorry for him.

Fact is, he did a terribly stupid thing with catastrophic consequences. Judges are bound by sentencing guidelines and his sentence of 7 years was within those guidelines. You simply cannot compare his sentence with those of murderers and gun toting maniacs, but however much you might not like it, on the night in question Luke McCormack did not set out to hurt anyone.

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tricky one... I say he deserves a chance at rebuilding his life, what happened to him could happen to anyone, it sucks becuase peeps died, but meh

Anyone who drives a car could be involved in a fatal accident. However most (sensible) people who drive , would not get in a car with no insuarance and / or whilst drunk.

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How can McCormick be blamed for the sentence he got? How cam Swindon be blamed for the sentence he got? The fact is, he was a pretty well rated keeper before he went to jail and he's now being given the chance to possibly become Swindon's reserve keeper so it's not like he's just starting where he finished. If people aren't happy with our 'lenient' (and I agree it was too short a sentence) legal system, feel free to go and live in one of the dozens of countries around the world where there is no due process, no fair trial and the key is often thrown away. If he was a bricky or even if he was some kind of well paid businessman (possibly earning as much a league 1 reserve keeper) no one would be nearly as het up about this

Ps I'll almost certainly get slated for this, but in cases such as these I don't see why the fact they were kids makes it worse. As stated earlier, by getting in that car he played lottery with other peoples lives and in this case I don't aloe the life of a kid any more than that of a middle aged man, an elderly grandma or a woman in her 20s. Those who intentionally kill children our cowards, McCormick could have killed anyone that day

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Anyone who drives a car could be involved in a fatal accident. However most (sensible) people who drive , would not get in a car with no insuarance and / or whilst drunk.

Ashamedly I have driven pissed, fortunate for me (and other road users I got home with no incident) My excuse was i was too pissed to make the judgement i was too pissed to drive.

Cant say that sensible people don't drink and drive, politicians, Police, Doctors, Lawyers, Vets, people who you would consider sensible are no more or less likl;y to drink and drive than anyone else.

I wish a mate of mine took my keys off me instead of saying '**** it, stick to the back roads, we'll be ok' instead of taking a lift from me.

I have to say, pllllease dont anyone drink and drive, and if you are a good mate to your mates or partner, no matter how much they beg you to drive or let someone less pissed drive, take their dam keys, they might hate you right then, but will really appreciate what you did in the morning.

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he's served his time he has a right in the country to get on with his life like thousends of ex cons do through out the year,

The only reason this is being discussed is because he is a footballer if he wasn't and was resuming a job as a manager at tesco's it wouldn't of ever got reported,

There is alot of people on here asking what the family of the poor children are thinking well until they issue a statment no one will know,

for all we know they could of forgiven the lad some people do forgive a terable accedent and thats what it was it was his own fault granted but he didn't go out to kill these poor lads even if he was smashed,

He's taken his punishment like a man he didn't run and hide like cashley or hughes he's not even been offered a contract by Swindon he's on trial just let the man get on with his life

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Some strange arguments here, but it's a forum, so everyone's opinion is a valid one (there are a lot of very angry people who post on this site, so thought I would get that in.)

Ultimately, the law, ass or otherwise, led to him only serving what seems like an extremely short term in prison, however, and this is the rub, putting aside the fact that so many people see footballers firtsly from a jealousy standpoint, he has completed the sentence that was laid down to him, he has met the conditions of the parole board, and he is now "free" to return to the society that jailed him both as a punishment and for rehabilitation.

If one person can be allowed to return to carrying out his job after release, then so should all. The wages he may receive, the fame he may get, surely have no relevance whatsoever.

What perhaps should be considered is how much good this young man can do spreading he word about the consequences of your actions. A room full of teenagers about to learn to drive will listen more intently to him as local idol than as an unemployed ex lag.

Football Clubs, and footballers in general tend to do considerably more work in the community than 99% of us, perhaps a football club is the best place for all ex cons.

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I guess he's done his time, he held his hands up, and didn't get some hot shot lawyer to get him off on a technicality.

He's just lucky that he's able to get another job with his conviction, I doubt many of us would be able to.

If I got a crimial record working for the AA I would be put on a stage three and sacked no questions asked. He is very very lucky to be able to earn a nice wedge every week for being a murderer.

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Tough on crime, tough on the causes of crime.

3 and a half years for killing a couple of kids is disgusting, the family will never get over it fully, he should have done the decent thing and topped himself for ruining their lives.

Anyway it says it all for me that there are clubs out there rubbing their hands together to sign this cretin, I don't know why I'm surprised, there will always be a club to welcome you back no matter what the crime.

Ashley Cole shot someone at work, never mind eh Ashley, your a good footballer, carry on son.

Remember this?


(I'm not trying to make anything out of him being a City fan before someone suggests it)

I would say the man in the link above committed a far worse act. He had the intent to hurt someone. McCormick was stupid, careless, but also unlucky. Plenty of have driven drunk, and some of those are probably hypocritical enough to label McCormick as scum. The man smashing another man in the head with a pool ball in a sock (because of football allegances) likely only served 21 months.

Our justice system is very unbalanced...

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Remember this?


(I'm not trying to make anything out of him being a City fan before someone suggests it)

I would say the man in the link above committed a far worse act. He had the intent to hurt someone. McCormick was stupid, careless, but also unlucky. Plenty of have driven drunk, and some of those are probably hypocritical enough to label McCormick as scum. The man smashing another man in the head with a pool ball in a sock (because of football allegances) likely only served 21 months.

Our justice system is very unbalanced...

II do remember that and thats the sort of person I would class as Scum

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If I got a crimial record working for the AA I would be put on a stage three and sacked no questions asked. He is very very lucky to be able to earn a nice wedge every week for being a murderer.

In relation to the first part of your post - and i don't mean this as a massive insult - there are tens of thousands of people who can do your job. And rightly so given that you'd have a driving ban. And he was sacked (essentially).

In relation to the second part of your post. Grow up. He's not a murderer.

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No it couldn't. It couldn't happen to me.

I'm guessing you don't drive. Sorry I should have said it could happen to anyone who drives. You don't have to be drunk to be a dumbasss driver. If you are a cyclist then we are of the same kin.

I have seen reckless cyclist who are dangerous, their stupidity can cause accidents. I know because I am one I used to cycle to work and would shit it down bridge vally road, over taking, undertaking all the traffic and the same along the cumberland, i was crazy, cant believe i never got hit.

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If I got a crimial record working for the AA I would be put on a stage three and sacked no questions asked. He is very very lucky to be able to earn a nice wedge every week for being a murderer.

Err...He did get sacked, no questions asked...

But are you saying you would expect Green Flag not to employ you 3 years later despite being bloody good at your job?

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Remember this?


(I'm not trying to make anything out of him being a City fan before someone suggests it)

I would say the man in the link above committed a far worse act. He had the intent to hurt someone. McCormick was stupid, careless, but also unlucky. Plenty of have driven drunk, and some of those are

probably hypocritical enough to label McCormick as scum. The man smashing another man in the head with a pool ball in a sock (because of football allegances) likely only served 21 months.

Our justice system is very unbalanced...

I think your right. If someone hits another person around the head with a pool ball in a sock and the victim dies they should be charged with murder. How can someone do that, on purpose, and not realise that their actions could result in a fatal injury?

I also notice that this subject is being discussed by the children on your board who are coming out with stuff like 'he should be battered to death'. Good luck with your argument on there.

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Remember this?


(I'm not trying to make anything out of him being a City fan before someone suggests it)

I would say the man in the link above committed a far worse act. He had the intent to hurt someone. McCormick was stupid, careless, but also unlucky. Plenty of have driven drunk, and some of those are probably hypocritical enough to label McCormick as scum. The man smashing another man in the head with a pool ball in a sock (because of football allegances) likely only served 21 months.

Our justice system is very unbalanced...

...went to a few away games with this chap a few years back (about 10 to 12 years ago), and he was a trouble maker. Should have got a lot longer then he did.....hedidnt serve all his sentence either

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Don't Underestimate the affect of his time in Jail. 3 and half years is a long time believ me I have visited prisons in the past.

Of course to the families it will not seem long enough but he will alwys have it on his conscience and he could come out a stronger better man for the experience

of it. Of course there has to be jusice, but I'm sure we have all done things we are not proud of so i won't be casting the first stone.

The key thing is remorse repentance owning up to what he has done -it appears he has done that -so now he must try to rebuild his life and we must let him.

Big Hev's Dad.

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In relation to the first part of your post - and i don't mean this as a massive insult - there are tens of thousands of people who can do your job. And rightly so given that you'd have a driving ban. And he was sacked (essentially).

In relation to the second part of your post. Grow up. He's not a murderer.

How is he not he killed two kids.

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