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The Ref...


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I know our defending was shocking today and that we deserved the goals we conceded but they should of never had the oppourtunity for the 4th (& there go the 5th). Skuse won the ball with a perfectly good challenge but the ref blew up for it, giving them back possession of the ball. Ball never left the defensive 3rd again before the 4th.

Thought he was shocking throughout & never let the game flow.

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I know our defending was shocking today and that we deserved the goals we conceded but they should of never had the oppourtunity for the 4th (& there go the 5th). Skuse won the ball with a perfectly good challenge but the ref blew up for it, giving them back possession of the ball. Ball never left the defensive 3rd again before the 4th.

Thought he was shocking throughout & never let the game flow.

Definitely not a free kick I agree, but how about their penalty shout just before it? I have seen many similar ones given. Thought the ref wasn't too bad considering the pace of the game.

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He bought every dive from them, especially Pedersen, and Stead had a torrid time getting dragged about by their centre backs whenever he jumped for a challenge, unfortunately that is par for the course for us and ex Prem clubs in this league.

Well it was nice, in my opinion anyway, to see a hard fought, red blooded, end to end game of football, with a ref who wasn't overly fussy and never handed out a single yellow card, when he most certainly could have done a few times.

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Well it was nice, in my opinion anyway, to see a hard fought, red blooded, end to end game of football, with a ref who wasn't overly fussy and never handed out a single yellow card, when he most certainly could have done a few times.

It was good to see him keep his cards in his pocket as it was competitive at times but there wasn't a nasty tackle in the whole game. Fortunately the prat who reffed the Cardiff game wasn't reffing this time or both teams might have had 9 men!

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He didn't award a free kick until the 12th min and after that continued to allow things go on both sides. I happen to like that type of referee, one who is not blowing up for the slightest contact. He didn't get right all the time but what referee does?

Spot on.

The only thing I was annoyed about was the Skuse tackle (Which was brilliant.) But he was lenient and let a few tackles from us go without a booking...

Certainly had worse. The result was nothing to do with officials. Bad day at the office defensively and Rhodes is too good to gift chances to.

Start again next week.

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He didn't award a free kick until the 12th min and after that continued to allow things go on both sides. I happen to like that type of referee, one who is not blowing up for the slightest contact. He didn't get right all the time but what referee does?

Not a 'nit-picker' like some we have seen down the gate, enjoyable game, result did'nt go our way but looking more positive and hopefullywe will be back to winning ways on Tuesday. COYR

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Like most refs we see nowadays, he allowed opponents to grapple, pull-back and generally push our players, but any foot-on-foot contact is deemed a foul.

This doesn't suit our side who - I'm quite proud to say - play a fairly straight bat (Albert is the only player I feel who takes the odd strategic tumble) but suits a side like Blackburn, full of PL wileyness, who were quick to go down on the merest contact.

I don't think yesterdsay's ref was any worse than others and the fact that he allowed the game to flow was a bonus, but I do think the FA needs to think about this strange way the game has developed: Where you seem to be able to do practicacly anything with your hands - other than handle the ball - but tackles made with the feet that would hitherto have been legal are now routinely deemed to be fouls.

Their fullback's only way to win an aerial ball yesterday was to push Taylor from behind. Something he must've done a dozen times within sight of the ref.

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